Tuesday, June 26, 2012

City Survival Skill Workshop In Heritage Hotel, Ipoh

 Ladies... There will be a talk on City Survival this weekend here in Ipoh by Captain K. Balasupramaniam who will be sharing his valuable experience on how to survive the seriousness crisis in today's society.

As we all know by now, robberies and abduction cases are aplenty these days and they are happening in broad daylight in malls and right in front of our houses.  Much has been heard about rampant robberies happening in our own residential area, snatch thieves who "love" to push their victims down before snatching off their belongings and hurting them intentionally.

My own auntie is one of the victims recently and not only her, a few of my friends have experienced this trauma too….

What are we facing each day when we go out?  

As my friend told me the other day, it is not surprising that each of us are turning more and more paranoid these days.  We need to be more alert and observant of our surroundings.  The fear is making us paranoid… right outside our own homes....

Thanks to my friends Lee and Yip who are involved in some NGO and organizing this City Survival Workshop in Ipoh.... this is not to be missed.... we might learn a lot from this talk and pass it on to our love ones as well....

This City Survival Skill workshop will be held as follows : 

Date : 30th June 2012 (Sat)

Time : 1.30pm - 6.00pm

Venue : Heritage Hotel Ipoh

Jalan Raja DiHilr, Ipoh

Light refreshment will be served.

Please call 05-5469715 to register. Limited seats left


  1. City survival, first thing must have is FOOD to survive!

  2. If its in KL i would definitely love to attend it if i got time

    Merryn : aiseh.. think eat only! Robbers comme throw buns at him!

  3. If its in KL i would definitely love to attend it if i got time

    Merryn : aiseh.. think eat only! Robbers comme throw buns at him!

  4. merryn: crisis..not food survival.. gosh, i tot i m only one in eating!!

    jessy: yes, we ladies should attend...

    arwen: I am not sure.. but i can find out for u..

  5. Sounds like something hubby and I should attend. Yesterday, I wrote about Home Invasion here in Hawaii.

  6. I attended the same talk by Captain K. Balasupramaniam last year at my college , trust me ... that's the most interesting talk in my life . That time was FEMALE ONLY talk , no male is allow to go in .

  7. Probably every female should go to this! Keep your doors locked at all times.

  8. Good, good... At least, some people are being pro-active and are taking steps to tackle some of the social problems being faced by many today. The problem now is getting people to attend. People in general tend to be very complacent...and they expect things to happen! Tsk! Tsk!

  9. gigi: crimes are rampant these days and they target on ladies..

    silvertan: yes, that was what i heard too.. ladies should go!

    ginny: nowadays nowhere is safe..

    stp: this is an expensive talk actually and now it is going to be free so this one should not be missed..

  10. Too bad it's in Ipoh. Are you attending? Do share with us what you have learnt ok?

  11. Do share with us some tips if you are attending the talk. Nowadays we really need the survival kit!

  12. Yes it's unsafe nowadays. Really need to be alert to prevent become the next victim.

  13. there are more crime daily and yet "someone" say low crime rate....haiz

  14. there are more crime daily and yet "someone" say low crime rate....haiz

  15. there are more crime daily and yet "someone" say low crime rate....haiz

  16. carolyn: yes, i will be attending.. i missed out a few times already..

    kitty: alright, i try to record if i may..

    vicky: esp for us ladies.. we are defendless..

    kathy: cannot believe them...

  17. Hope you attend too and share the tips with us. Thnx.

  18. I was just invited to the same talk! I'll definitely try to make it!

  19. irene: i try to remember...hahaha..

    mg: hope to see u there!!

  20. That's such a great workshop to attend. Are they teaching people how to exercise kungfu art for self defence? :D By the way, looks like Malaysia is so unsafe these days. What happens to the police? I think the only time I see LOTS of them is at the Bersih rallies but otherwise I don't really see them around.....weird huh. Please take care.


Thank you, readers!

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