Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Astro On Demand At My Command

Don't worry AA...

I have lots to do even when I am home from work.  There are lots for me to do, of course I am not talking about housework.. hahahaa.. that is the most boring job!  Let me tell you what I do each day, AA....

Reaching home, your family member will greet me with non-stop wagging, she must be thinking, "Ahhh... mama is home! QUICK, quick... FOOOD!" and as you know, she will be barking when I go to the kitchen each day!  Super fast I will be and the food will be served in her bowl in just 2, 3 minutes... and your "hairy sister" will be happy and satisfied after her dinner and a nice walk....

Lets not go into details.. by the time I finish dinner and some minor chores, it will be almost 8pm... in time for my Moonlight Resonance series!  This is the 2nd time I am watching this series and it can still bring me tears and joy watching the one hour show night!
Mother and Son in Moonlight Resonance..

At 9.15pm onwards, another interesting show... The Man With 5 Wives... hahaha... 

 All the time I will be multi tasking... my eyes on the TV, my fingers on the laptop....

See, I am not bored at all.. if my eyes are too tired watching the screen, I go to my ... SUDOKU!  One Sudoku a day will make my day complete... provided I will not turn "SUKU" (crazy) by the I sleep! hahahaha....

So son... not to worry... Mama here is very much "occupied!"


  1. hahaha, i don't have AOD but then i also follow the latest TVB series, can download free from internet lah.. no need to pay the monopoly satellite entertainment company.. :p

  2. sk: but got to watch from the computer.. yeah..can save a lot actually... but me being old fashioned.. must watch from the tv baru shiok.. :)

  3. I wish I have the time to watch all those interesting dramas.

  4. No, thank you. I only pay, guess who will hog the TV and watch such series all night long... Can't even watch what I like. Tsk! Tsk!

  5. Oh, I first thought the picture of this handsome man was your Andy!

  6. So you are subscribed to Astro Superpack? :D

  7. Hehe :D I don't think I will be watching AOD any time soon. Babies are still too young. Perhaps another 15 years. Don't want them to be addicted.

  8. wenn: do what is more important, Wenn.. hahaha...

    stp: a good hubby will do that.. :)

    ginny: wow.. so handsome!!!

    tekkaus: yeah..cos i have all the time to watch now..whole evening.. when i was your age, I did not have time to watch tv too.. well, it is the cycle of life.. hehehe..

  9. Hahahaha!!...don't worry. Mum is a superwoman and very bit of her time is well spend. Bravo!!!!!!!!!

  10. hahah 4 only la.one more not wife, for "fun" and then to kek the 4th one only. haha

  11. lately our TV drama series here was being so boring

  12. irene: hahaha... same for you too..Bravo!!!

    sasha: yeah yeah..only found that out yesterday but then also slept with her liow..right? once... or... ?? hehehe..

  13. I can be weak in front of the tv, which give bad influence to the kids :(

    Ah~~ that uncle with 4 wives and a mistress, kekekek, almost finish already.

  14. yeah.. finishing on the 14th.. heehee..

  15. Oh-uh can see that your eyes are rectangle now!!!!

  16. bananaz: rectangle going on square later!


Thank you, readers!

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