Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Eaters In Zento Festival Walk

Kids are back!! Andy reached home at 9am yesterday, no jam from the north because he started the journey early in the morning. I was surprised that he was able to get up early and drove home...(he is always a late riser!)

Before we went to church in the evening, we set off to Zento in Festival Walk... my girl told me that it was her 6th time to this place whereas her brother had not even stepped in there before till last evening....
at last he is finally here in Zento after hearing so much from his sister....
His cute expressions....
Couldn't remember why he laughed out loud..
Maybe I mentioned that he could order anything he likes?  LOL...
We ladies can only grin back in return....

Part of the food we ordered...
Yes, order..... Eat with satisfaction...
And when the bill came, I was not at least surprised...
That it came to RM123.....  
For just three of us, we are really Big eaters!!
On Second thoughts, My Kids are the ones, not me... .


  1. never long as they are happy, we as mum are happy too!

  2. A Blessed Christmas & an awesome 2013 to you and your family. Thought you said they would not be back and you'll have a Blue Christmas? Aaron's having one on his own down there in Singapore while everyone's having fun and eating all the yummy food? Kesian.... LOL!!!

  3. big eater and the broke mom!! haha, nominated best picture for Oscar 2013.. :p

  4. wenn: ditto to that!!

    stp: for all you know, he is also enjoying himself tremendously down south.. hahaha...

    sk: mana trophy i? hehehe..

  5. So glad he is home!! You and your girl, both of you SO could be models. The food all looks great, especially the dessert. MERRY CHRISTMAS, my far away friend!!! Wish we could meet and hug!!!

  6. Ginny, you really know how to brighten up my day.. and for this case, the festive season!! Yes, sending you Virtual Hugs!!!

  7. As long as the kids are happy and food are satisfying, it is worth every cent. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2013 to you & family. God Bless.

  8. Be is simple or luxury treat..the best time is always with family right, Claire

  9. whatta a lovely set of dish
    merry christmas to you claire

  10. Zento is a Japanese restaurant? Woohoo!! I like Japanese food~ and so do my kids!

    p/s: Claire, your daughter has grown up prettier each day :) I bet you are busy filtering your future son-in-law and shoo all the unqualified "flies" away.

  11. Ah~~ Forgotten about my wishes to you, have a blessed and merry Christmas.

  12. Chiak si hock puak si pok- Hokkien. Eat by all means haha

  13. irene: same to you!!

    yeeling: yes.. that is all joy!

    princeprincess: i m learning to enjoy.. haha...

    mecoy: Merry Christmas!

    yvonne: oh.. so far, I dont need any wor.. none to swap .. hahha...
    Merry Christmas!!

    bananaz: complicated! hahhaa..


Thank you, readers!

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