Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lose 1 Size in 60 Minutes

Remember my previous post where I talk about Liposonix® as an alternative treatment to lose those stubborn inches on those...ahem...problematic areas on our bodies? 
Well, knowing that I could never really tone and sculpt my body the natural way, I thought researching more about this option will do me no harm, after all, it's not the procedures actually makes you go under the knife. So, how does Liposonix® actually works? I'm curious. Aren't you? 
Well, read on.
First, the treatment head of the Liposonix® system is placed on the targeted area. Eg: Tummy, buttock, flabby arms, etc. And then high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy focuses on the targeted fat and destroys the fat cells under the layers of the skin.
Now, one would mistake this procedure as being destructive to the body and dangerous, but a continuous lesion is created on the targeted fat and no harm is done to the skin layers. The fat tissues then will be removed through the body’s natural healing and elimination process.
Liposonix® is unlike other fat reduction procedures because there is no need for multiple treatments to see results. On average, a single hour-long treatment results in a waistline reduction of 1 inch (2.5 cm) – about one dress or pant size. Yes, you're reading that right. With Liposonix®, you practically will be able to lose a size within 60 minutes!
Liposonix® is safe, non-surgical and non-invasive. It also creates results via natural healing and elimination process. So for those who commented on my post earlier saying that it's invasive and whatnot, let me assure you that while Liposonix® is a cosmetic procedure, it is not invasive in any ways.
The final effect may vary with each patient. However, results are typically seen in 8 to 12 weeks (which is the time needed for the body to naturally process the treated fat.)
So, ladies and gentlemen, if your diet and gym routine fails to give you the figure that you want, perhaps you can consider Liposonix® as an alternative size reduction treatment.


  1. By 12 weeks, surely the bill is as tall as mount everest. Haha!

  2. My colleague signed up for a slimming programme that started with rm1200 and she ended up with rm8k.

  3. For a moment I thought that is your stomach in the photo being drawn on. :)

  4. Still my answer is a big NO!!!...NO!!!..Go for the natural way and it does work well at least to me. These slimming things will normally burn a big hole in your pocket. So again...NO!!!!

  5. i still prefer the conventional way!! Exercises and diets. They works although they take longer time to take effect.


Thank you, readers!

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