Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ken The Food Hunter Of Penang

Not too long ago, I got to know this young guy from blogging, he is from Penang, a young and enterprising guy. Finally I got to meet up with him after several "failed attempts".. LOL... I am so glad that this trip is not so hectic as the previous ones and after catching him in Facebook yesterday morning, we arranged to meet up finally! He picked me up from the hotel around noon and from there, he took me to several places around town... so nice of him!

I told him that I yearned for a bowl of exotic laksa and he gladly took me to this place the locals eat... Oh, I didn't catch the name of the shop, all I know it is in Pulau Tikus, not the ones the tourists go to, Lorong Selamat, Air Itam, Penang Road...etc etc..
This is the one....
They have fried stuff to go with the laksa....
There!!   The Exotic Laksa!
Now seeing this, I need to "swallow" you-know-what!  hahahaa...
I prefer mine without any shrimp paste....
The first question I asked when I stepped into his car was...
"hey, you are so fair, you just came back from overseas?"
His fair skin and "pimple-less" face puts me to shame! 
Next he took me to buy some local goodies... 
He used to buy from here, pay less and more tasty!
ahaa... Our Goodies Galore!
Next time I know how to come here already...
Shop name is Fook Loke Sau along Nordin Road...
Next we adjourned to this famous cafe called Moustache Houze!
Both of us are "Dessert Lovers"
And he recommended Tiramisu.... hmmmm.....
I think I finished most of it before he had a chance to do so... 
We had a good hour here chatting non-stop.....
So much to learn from him too!
Thank you, Ken for your time, taking me round and round, here and ther ....
Hope we can catch up again one day...


  1. all food look delicious!!! i so miss penang laksa, seems long time no eat already.... :)

    1. Then you must make a trip there one day! Very nice!!!

    2. Next round u go SP, meet Nick, kaka...

    3. lol....Nick is me, SP is sungai petani,kedah...
      i received your comment, but i think you find the wrong person, as i don't know what that voucher is, can you please explain to me about that voucher so that i can add more knowledge please :) thanks

    4. SP? My daughter was there since 2007 till 2012...and I did not get to meet any blogger there, dunno of any. Ah yes! There was a Dr Bernard but he's not actively blogging anymore...and originally from Kulim or BM, if I'm not mistaken, working in SP.

  2. Is always sweet to meet up with blogger, which I always treasure all those time!!! =]

    1. Yes, I like to meet up with bloggers too... hope one day we can !!

  3. Main reason going to Penang is meeting up with your blogger friend and not looking for your camera as claimed. Oh yes, he is a handsome young man. So special got prawn fritters to go with the laksa but I prefer to eat it with chilli sauce.

    1. Bocor rahsia, Irene! hahaha.. just kidding.. no la.. never expected to meet Ken... last minute.. reason of going is to take results...

    2. Results? How did Andy do? Hope he did well? When's the convo? Got belanja besar or not?

  4. It's always nice meeting up with blogger friends ya, hehe...

    1. Yeah, Sharon .. this one is not planned some more...

  5. Your son in SG, wink wink, u didn't come SG, hint hint, we can't get to meet, sob sob...

    Me depression liao, tomorrow I admitted to Institute of Mental Health liao...

    1. Aiyoh... don't la.. I cannot be in two places at one time... wait till i retire.. or wait till i got house to stay in Sg... very expensive hotels la.. .

  6. Why my eyes look cacat 1 (looks like this >>> @.0) LOL, so not used to staring at cameras :(

    1. Mana ada cacat... ok, next time look up or down .. or sideways.. more natural? hahaha..

  7. omg, i haven't met him myself yet. Got to make it a point to meet Ken, and YOU soon! ><

  8. Lucky you. Hv local to bring you around eat the best food.

    1. Three hours is not enough..must be from morning till night then can more! :)

  9. wow, it's so nice of him to take you around for those yummy food.

    1. I agree with you... driving around Penang in narrow lanes and inadequate parking is no joke.. :)

  10. Wah .... u said trace camera but then, met up with handsome young ken ! Orh ..... !

  11. Sounds like a really nice meet up!

  12. wah, i really very "siin mou" you Claire!! you have one "dey tau choong" (local) to bring you around to have a good taste of the authentic Penang food!! surely as tourists we wouldn't have known the way to those places above.. the "har beng" and laksa looks good, really!!

    1. SK, next time you look him up.. he is the youngest food mayor in Penang...

  13. ...after several "failed attempts"? Wahhhhh!!!! So hard to get to meet this VVIP kah? Ok, he's taller...and a lot slimmer than his photos elsewhere. Maybe he kept having his photos taken with pencil-thin young girls wearing 6 inch heels, so he looked fatter and shorter.

    Wahhhhhh!!!! Took you on a food tour kah? So nice of him! I want also leh....

    1. STP, better book him in advance... hahahaa...

  14. the laksa. simple and divine!

    1. Me too... must not fail to take laksa when in Penang...


Thank you, readers!

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