Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Poses And A Hug At Tahiti Village

The evening before the summer Luaus hula hula started, I took plenty of pictures......But since I am using the ipad now, I couldn't post them up all at one go... No laptop beside me now, it can be very tedious writing posts in my blog for now... Oh, blog hopping included... So sorry I am unable to do that too for now... Appreciate your faithfulness in coming by regularly... Hugs!!

Here are some pictures taken....
                                                                  Taken at the lobby...
                                                  At the living room...
                          I am no VIP... Just queuing up as one......
                             At the gardens....
                            Beneath the palm trees......
 And finally... I got a surprise warm hug from the Big Man before the party started.... I was caught off-guarded for a moment... Maybe I was busy posing here and there that he had to put a 'stop' to it... And I finally did after that.....Hahaaaaaa...  


  1. Wow, you look lovely. This holiday is good for you. Ha ha you look so sweet, you deserve a big hug from the big man!

  2. Did you dance? Hope you video-recorded yourself doing the hula and will share in your soon as you get back to your laptop! Ku-u-i-po...I love you... Aloha Oe!

  3. You look beautiful, Reana. Bet you have a shock of your life when that big sized man give you a hug, look like a small kid in the last pix

  4. Am curious about your expression when he gave you a hug, hehe...

  5. Lol. You are lovely in the dress.

  6. You look great in that dress, look young! =)

  7. You look really lively and happy in your photos. Hahaha, at your thought that the hug is meant to stop you from further posing. Of course not!

  8. Wah, got some pictures you look so young and pretty leh.. Go for holiday, happy happy, will become pretty, nice wei...


Thank you, readers!

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