Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Reanaclaire Bakes - Butter Rich Cake


Actually the baking mode was not on until one of my friends came visiting and she showed me how to bake some crisps with red bean paste.  When she was done with them, my baking interest rose up to my head... since the ingredients were just within reach, why not do something with them?  😄

Quickly I googled for a Butter Rich Cake!  It is one of my favourites and I didn't know that my sister loves it too.. just plain Butterich, no lemons, no orange juice or whatever added, she said.. She called it a Pound Butter Cake.... Alright, so I did it according to the recipe on my iPad right beside me...
I only remember taking the pictures after everything was done up!
After 45 minutes of baking, the Butter Cake is done!
Don't play play.... Reanaclaire can Bake!
Well, this was done on last week... and it was finished within 24 hours!

Then yesterday *Sunday*, my sister requested me to bake it again...
It was Father's Day!
This time I did it differently.... I baked them in a muffin tray.....
Muffins took a shorter time..only 25 minutes and they were done!

Looks good, eh.... despite the toothpaste holes... hehehee..
The remainder of the batter was baked in a smaller tray.....
The missing cakes???
There is an explanation for this obviously...
When they were ready, each of us "tummy-ed" them within seconds....
Photographing were totally forgotten till I wanted to tummy a second one..
And I said..."Whoa.... !  Take a picture of me first!"
Despite some boo-ss at the background, I still wanna say.. Reanaclaire Can Bake!

As for the recipe, I got it from this website .... 

  • 2 tsp. baking powder  *I used 1 tsp*
  • 1/4 tsp. salt  *pinch of salt*
  • 3/4 C. milk
  • 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract   *1 tsp*
  • 1 1/4 C. sugar  *1 cup sugar*
  • 3/4 C. margarine or butter (1 ½ sticks), softened   *3/4 cup butter*
  • 3 large eggs


  1. Looks so yummy, I want to have one muffin, hehe!! =]

  2. Wahhhhh!!! Pass!!! Next time come to Sibu can come to my house and bake, can? Or better still, bake at home and bring over for me to enjoy. Hehehehehe!!!!

  3. I say, Reana Claire bakes! Looks good lah your butter cake. Got no cracks some more. Thumbs up!

  4. Thumbs up, Claire. Really a nice cake. Hope I can get to taste, hihihi....

  5. When you going JB again, wink wink, hope got chance to eat it, hint hint, hahaha..

  6. It must be so good everything was finished within seconds! Butter must be good, if butter good, then the whole thing sure good..

  7. I miss homemade butter cake! long time never bake one liao...
    this is the first time I m seeing u blog about ur own homemade cake ;-)

  8. *Clap, clap* Well you proved that you can cook and bake! Congrats to you! Truly, your butter cake looks really nice and the colour is nice golden and even. And the muffins look so yummy, wish I could taste them.

  9. Very good! You can bake more goodies now.

  10. Thank you for your encouragement comments... Maybe I should start a baking blog when I settle down.... Hahaaaa...

  11. Yess!!! waiting for your baking blog. I propose the name of your blog >>> Chef Claire's Cakes!

  12. Nice! Better than me now. You can bake, I can't. Or rather, I have not got that baking juice in me. Lol.

  13. The cakes looks really good! I'm hungry just looking at them. Well done!


Thank you, readers!

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