Friday, September 11, 2015

Wee Wee Food Court Along Nusa Bestari

LAST NIGHT WE HAD A LATE DINNER AT WEE WEE FOOD COURT ALONG NUSA BESTARI... It was my second time there and there are quite a number of stalls that I could not make up my mind straightaway.... I waited for my kids to order theirs while I sat down and looked around at those nearest to my seat.  Hmmm... still undecided, I got up and walked to the stalls which were hidden from my sight....

Finally I settled for this.... surprised myself for a moment!
JB Claypot Chicken Rice @ RM7
Not bad.. lots of meat and other ingredients...
Claypot Yee Mee for my girl...RM6.50
Noodles in Hot Plate .... 
Fried oysters as sidekick dishes....
Chinese Dumplings.....10 pieces for RM12

I like the ones with leeks not so much on the meat....
After our dinner, my son told me that our dinner here cost around RM40....
My reply......
The way we eat, we cannot expect anything to be cheap....


  1. RM 40 for 3 persons are not expensive at all lah. I mean, not anymore...

  2. nowadays it's may not be cheap eating out, especially if there are a few of you.. single individual dish from RM6 onwards, drinks from RM2 onwards, like that RM40 for the 3 (or 4??) of you consider not expensive lo.. and have you realise nowadays your RM50 notes comes out of your wallet a lot faster than it was before??

  3. I like claypot rice...pork with salted fish, very nice! Cannot get it here. Sobssss!!!! Have not eaten or chian for so long now. Wahhhh...10 for RM12.00, the dumplings very expensive. Oh!!!! Got prawn inside, no wonder!!! Not my favourite, the dumplings...but the rest - yum yummmmmm!!!!

  4. A very scrumptous dinner. All looks so tempting and my preference is the claypot rice. Price is quite reasonable.

  5. I want to eat claypot chicken rice now!!

  6. I am up for anything claypot and hot plate! ;)

  7. RM 40 for all the food above, I find the price is very reasonable. Food looks yummy to me.

  8. hahaha what did i had last night ah....lupa jor.

    Hmm...maybe today cook claypot chicken rice la. The one you have is so tempting lhe

  9. The dumplings look funny hah..hah... The claypot chicken would be my pick too!


Thank you, readers!

What We Ate In Tokyo

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