Saturday, October 31, 2015

Ratskeller, Teddy Bear Bubbles And Desserts at Romer, Frankfurt

WITH THE MEATY LUNCH IN OUR TUMMIES, we were all ready to continue our walk in Romer.... East and west, there are sightseeing to do... Since we are staying three nights in Frankfurt, we take it slow and steady....

The place where the tram stopped for us to get down...
In front of the Ratskeller building meaning bar or restaurants in German-speaking countries...
Positioned in front of some bars and restaurants where we had our lunch....
Nice weather to take pictures so expect more of me!! Hahhaaaa....
Most of the souvenir shops have teddies outside their shop...
The teddy blows bubbles....
See... Seeeee.... Bubbles!!
We felt like kids again... Hahahaa....
I think I know why this picture has this happy expression......
I saw ice cream!  Despite the cooling weather, I cannot resist at all.....
Aaron with his giant cone!
Lots to explore up here.... And it wouldn't be possible without her......
..... And Aaron........
Yes, we feel good to be here!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Wheeling On Tram To Romer, Frankfurt

YAY!! WOKE UP FEELING ALL EXCITED AND ENERGIZED TO START OFF OUR SIGHTSEEEING!  Aaron as usual does his "homework" each night, where to go, what tram to take so on and so forth... He is our tour guide abd my personal wheel-pusher... 😃
At the tram station just few minutes away from our hotel.... Tram comes every few minutes..
We bought a group ticket, just €10 and we can go anywhere in a day.... 
Inside the tram... Disable friendly and most of the stops enables wheelchair bounds exits...
Aaron holds the map with him all the time to check the exits....
We went out of town and back again by tram... Made our money worth.. Hahaaaa....
Then we got down at Romer, a tourist spot....
Wedding bells was ... It was a joyous occasion....
And we saw them releasing the balloons....
And one flew in my direction to my surprise... One lady picked it up for me and insisted that I take it...
Tied it to my wheelchair as a rememberence....

A happening place here..... Saw groups of asian tourists too...
Live Music looming around the restaurants...
Checking out the places to take our lunch... We were very hungry by then...
And soon... The dishes were served....

Some German sausages with sour cabbage....
And their famous Pork Knuckle!!
Our second German meal..... Yummss!!
Love the sour cabbage...
Something like our malaysian salted vegetables!
Two plates for the three of us.... Yummylicious!!
Food cost around €25 plus... 
Not too bad, right!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Affordable Stay At Pension Alpha Hotel In Frankfurt

WE STAYED IN A MODEST HOTEL CALLED PENSION ALPHA... It is just five minutes walk from the train station, very convenient for us to move about especially we have to take the tram to visit the city.   At first we didn't notice much of the name but after we checked in, we know why it is called Pension Alpha! 

Let me talk about the hotel, I highly recommend this cos it fits my disability in the room.  Most important is the toilet... There is a slab in the bathroom which I could sit on when I shower and the toilet is near to the sink, It is big enough to put a plastic chair near the sink to do my cleaning... Phew... I was so relieved for I was longing for a good shower!!  
As for the room, there are three beds near to each other... I like... We can have a good bonding before we call it a night....
We stayed three nights here... £50 for each of us which is quite reasonable....
Only setback is I have to hop down six steps to the lift each time we go out...
No complaints about that as long as I can hold on to someone's shoulder.... 😀
Since we stay near to the train station, we had our dinner there on the first night...
So many outlets and much to choose from...
But of course, we chose this... Our first Pork Knuckle in Germany... 
And my friend could not resist the belly as well.... 
With another plate of large potato fries and hot drinks, we were completely satisfied....
After dinner, we had a short stroll around the vicinity....
It was already dark around 6pm... Day is short....
How Hauptbahnhof looks by night.....
After a short stroll, we called it a night....
Wanted to be fully energised and recharged the next day to go downtown.....

As for the hotel, we guessed that it is manned by a few pensioners cos those on duty are all elderly men... Only one of them speak simple first they seem unsmiling but after greeting them whenever we go in and out, they are much friendlier and generous with their smiles.... Well... Cute!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Amsterdam Central To Hauptbahnhof Station In Frankfurt

THE THREE OF US HAD A FITFUL SLEEP THAT NIGHT IN AMSTERDAM, even on the two seater sofa, I just conked out straight the minute the lights went out... The next morning we got up and had our light breakfast, hard boiled eggs with bread and ginger jam.  At exactly 9am, the cab arrived at our doorstep...very punctual man!  And off we went to catch the train to our next destination... FRANKFURT, GERMANY!
At the entrance of the train station at Amsterdam Central....
We alighted from the cab and in our midst of excitement, we nearly forgot to pay the cab driver till he reminded us... What an embarrassment.... Hahahaaa... 
Oh well... Maybe I was to blame... They had to make sure I am seated properly etc..etc...
Inside the usual, I had the special seat....
More space to put my special leg....
More space to move about.....
And to relax.....

The train traveled at around 300km/hr but we did not feel its speed....
We still managed to take some pictures along the way....
Green pastures....
Soon we reached Frankfurt... safe and sound... Carried off from the train by the potter.... 
The journey took four hours and we spent half of the journey sleeping so that we looked fresh when we arrived... Hahahaa.... And off we went to our hotel which is just within walking distance... Or should I say...pushing distance.... 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Our Homestay In Amsterdam

THE HOST CAME TO PICK US UP FROM SCHIPHOL AIRPORT FOR 25 EURO EXTRA BESIDES the one night stay in Amsterdam North and drove a fifteen minutes drive to his homestay apartment... 
It was quite out of town and we didn't mind a bit cos we would be departing the very next morning....
Very nice and quiet area where we put up the night.....
This was where we stayed.... Residential area...
This is the living hall... Oh, there are bedrooms but unfortunately they are on the first level..
I have a problem here... I couldn't hop up all the way because the stairs were narrow and spiraled...
Ended up using my backside to go up and down, safer that way but ended up "mopping" his stairs instead...
Inconvenience #1.... For the disabled 
Inconvenience #2.... There is no toilet upstairs, just a bathroom and the toilet is downstairs....
So either I sleep upstairs and restrain from going to the toilet or sleep downstairs on the sofa.... Sigh....
Aaron and my friend walked 15 minutes to the mall cos the one not abled was very tired....
My friend at work in the kitchen....
Lunch was instant noodles with spinach and egg soup!!
Oh, meatballs were not left out..... Yummsss....
And some hours later..... Dinner!!
Marinated spareribs and meatballs....
Plus roasted chicken wings... Ten pieces in total but only two left when I suddenly remember to take this picture... That shows how hungry we were then!
Took an evening walk after dinner at the park to relax our tummies... 
A lonely bird was there.....
By six pm, it was already turning dark... 
We made our way back to the house after a short walk...
And we had a good night sleep .... Downstairs at the living hall.... 
Both of them sacrificed the beds to sleep with me on sofas and on the floor....
So loved... Thank you.... Love you both!!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...