Monday, March 14, 2016

Food Around And Round Faces In Ipoh

MOST MORNINGS WE GO THROUGH THIS CONVERSATION either through whatsapp or calling direct... "Hey, what are you doing?" And she answered, "You think I No need to work ah?" and of course, my usual answer would be... "What's so nice about working? Come on out!"  And our laughter continues... 

These are our usual chats in the morning when we do not have any layout plans... And each time we end up having breakfast/lunch and sometimes dinner together.... Well, I call this Retirement plans! Looking forward to each morning to venture out for our meals... I wonder what life would be without my friends around me... Eating alone outside, I am not used to it... cooking alone?  At times it is alright but if everyday I cook and eat alone, it is no fun either... At the moment, live and be thankful for friends around me...
One morning we ended up in Sun Yuen Loong at Bendahara Road...
I had their Prawn Noodles aka Hokkien noodles... 
My friend told me this is quite popular there... 
Not too bad, a lot of ingredients as toppings...
We also ordered a small portion of Teluk Intan Chee Cheong Fun....
This is Ipoh style.... 
And two pieces of yam cake.... very yammy taste....
During our afternoon tea, my friend brought along some of her homemade fritters...
Wanton wraps with a piece of sweet potato, yam and "Neen Koe" 
Oh ... the ones in small wrappers are filled with "meat floss"
We ordered something light to go with our afternoon tete-a-tete...
Our desserts plus peanuts porridge.... 
That is about all for our high tea... 
One of my friends who loves Food as much as I do...
So thankful to have them around now that we are no more working...
Our Round One and Two...
Rounded Not only on food but on our faces as well...


  1. Har mee looks good! Long time, no eat! Gotta go and have a bowl soon - we have a good one here.

  2. Aisay...i tot got sell those your post baru tau home made. Lol.

    1. hahahaa.. all thanks to you who supplied some ingredients.. hahaha

  3. Aisay...i tot got sell those your post baru tau home made. Lol.

  4. Everything looked good.

    It is a blessing to have good friends around us.

  5. Yummzz, that bowl of prawn mee look so so good.. I had that for lunch last week, RM7 a bowl, if big is RM8 *swt*

    1. wow.. at least 2 or 3 ringgit more than Ipoh...

  6. I like the yam cake there with generous amount of yam chunks.

  7. How I wish I am in your retirement club hah..hah...

  8. having a friend who shares the same passion about food is certainly a bliss!! love the food there, ALL of them especially the afternoon tea.. :)

    1. Yes, a friend or two or three ... really thankful for them...

  9. What will we do without friends. Your friends are indeed gems. Like the home made fritters. Still not used to Ipoh style ccf, especially those swimming in mushroom sauce, hehehe.

    1. Yes like the homemade fritters.. three in one. hahahaa

  10. The afternoon tea, i can while watching tv or while surfing the net, brunch it and finish it in no time, haha...

  11. Hahaha so memang is no need to work ma! XD ... Good lah, going out to cari makan is also a nice activity, better than growing mushrooms at home...

  12. Never see you bring me out makan when I am back ..*sob*

  13. Muahahaha.... You are so funny! Rounded face? I think you guys never put on weight at all.
    Just enjoy the good blessings of life while we still can.


Thank you, readers!

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