Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Taking Desserts Ipoh Style

AFTER OUR MORNING BRUNCH AT CHANG JIANG, we adjourned to do some shopping at Billion.  My friend wanted to buy batik attires and I could not think of any other place but the shops around there in Silibin which sell nice and cheap clothing.

On the way, we felt kind of thirsty.  It must be the food where we had earlier.... nothing beats our homecooked food where MSG is prohibited.  hahahahaa...  Anyway, it could be due to the hot weather too that caused the thirst and I made a detour to a small corner stall selling soyabean, beancurd dessert aka Tau Foo Far....
A really popular stall no doubt...
It was my first time stopping there to have a drink....

There was already a queue when we reached....
Since we were there already, might as well joined in the crowd....
After waiting for some good minutes, we finally got what we needed.....
Our three bowls of beancurd dessert and a bottle of soya bean....
Experienced drinking them at a five foot way among the pairs of legs there...
My friend was really happy....
She has not eaten this for many years!!
And experiencing the Malaysian style of eating....
Yes, we managed to gulp down the hot beancurd amidst the hot air...
and continued on with our next itinerary... Shopping!


  1. Whenever I eat this dessert, I would feel happy and satisfied. The aromatic black sugar is so yums!

    1. Yea... but I normally take with ginger syrup...

  2. I love toufu fah and soya bean drink. Great thirst quencher.

  3. Oooh! How I wish I can have one now. Ha ha!

  4. silky smooth taufufaa is my fav! I miss Ipoh 'funny mountain' beancurd!

  5. Ah, your tofufa is hot? I prefer to eat cold silky tofufa in hot weather!

    1. This one is hot... so we were like sauna there.. hahahaa

  6. Nice soya bean for a hot weather !! So refreshing !

    1. That was why we ordered one bottle to share....

  7. I also have not eaten taufu fah for many... okay not years, months!

    Your friend, she is a Malaysian who moved to Canada? Or she is not even Malaysian in the first place? If I bring non-Malaysian to eat at five foot alleyway, they will sure shriek and run away with both hands flailing. :/

    1. hahahaa... she is Malaysian but seldom come back to Malaysia... and seldom eat five foot way but she prefers hawker food than restaurants..


Thank you, readers!

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