Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hot Scones And Tea At Old Smokehouse, Cameron Highlands

ACTUALLY WE DID NOT BOOK ANY HOTEL IN ADVANCE, it was a last minute trip up to Cameron Highlands.  On the way we called up several hotels to check out their rates, yes, we compared their walk-in rates with an online website.  To our surprise, the online website is cheaper than the phone calls to the hotels.  I quickly made the reservation online and on the way up, we passed by this hotel.....

No, we did not stay here.... just went in to look-see... 
Part of the exterior looks like this....
And at the lobby....
Looks very "english" in a way too...
After that, we proceeded to the one that we booked...
Copthorn and formerly known as Equatorial Hotel three years ago...
Okay, I fast forward to the next day where we had tea and hot scones before we left for Ipoh..
We dropped by at Ye Old Smokehouse again... to meet up with our friend...
We choose a nice ambiance to have our tea at the garden... 

Hot scones which cost RM10 per piece....
Though our tea was on the house, I was like.... "Oooo...."
Jakun me!

My friend told me to take a closer picture of this famous scone....
It was still warm to our hands and soft....
For RM10, I savoured every bite...

Their own special cream and special strawberry jam....
Seems the chef did the jam himself and they are sold at RM19 for a small jar... 
My afternoon tea at the Smokehouse...
Must keep this as a momento...
Thanks to our friend and her hospitality while we were there....


  1. You must be laughing at me, if i tell you, at first i thought is bo luo yao, then realised it's scone, haha...

  2. That scone must be very good at RM10.00 each. You know, I have never eaten scones....

    1. Oh really.. I have tasted some before.. they were cold and hard.. this is the best I have ever eaten...

  3. I love the garden. Having scone and hot tea in a garden is very English. ^^ but RM10 for one scone, must be very good till last bite!

  4. Scones don't look the usual regular shape - wanted to eat that in Kuching that day but they were out of fruit jam, they make there own. Sighhhhhhhhh!!!!! Only RM12.00 for a set of two.

    1. This one is RM10 each.. so gracious of the hostess to put it on the house...

  5. RM10 for one scone includes the tea, cream and jam so I think the price is ok as tea alone would be around RM7 in a cafe or even more if you are drinking TWG tea.

    1. No, it doesnt include.. just one scone is RM10.. I think whole set cost around RM30 over...

    2. But you wrote though the tea is on th house? Or is it supposed to be thought tea is on thr house?

    3. What I meant was that the whole set (including the scone and tea) was on the house.. :) Sorry for misleading..

  6. Everything looks so good at this tea! Especially the delicious looking hot scone. The table and chairs are very beautiful too. If this were here, I would go every day! I agree, the big hotel does look English.

    1. Yes, this Smokehouse is supposed to give us an English type of feeling.. hahahaa...


Thank you, readers!

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