Sunday, September 4, 2016

Impressive Dressing

I have a very important dinner to attend this coming November.   The wedding of the year belongs to my childhood friend whose son is tying the knot with his seven years of courtship girlfriend.  I know the groom ever since he was a baby and now he is 26 years of age.  Wow.. Time really flies... And now I am 26 years older, attending my friend's son wedding!

Yes,  I want to dress to my best for this special ocassion.  As the saying goes, we dress to impress... Lol...okay, jokes aside, all eyes will be on the wedded couple and their immediate families, right?  So the future mother-in-law to-be was getting kind of stressed and excited at the same time because she has not choose any evening dress for the wedding as yet.  But I told her not to worry so much, there is still ample  time to get a gown or a dinner dress for the special event.  Besides I too have the need to get a nice dress for myself.  At the moment, I am still in Aberdeen and I have gone to a number of shopping malls here and tried many dresses.  But unfortunately, either they are too big for me or the prices are too steep.  I do not want to spend lavishly on a dress which I do not have the chance to wear too often.

Then something came to my mind, why not try shopping online?  All I do is to browse through their websites and perhaps I can get something nice and cheap as well.  And indeed I did manage to get this fashion website called I think for the time being, I needn't worry about making trips to the shopping complex because I have found some elegant dresses on display at the website and most of the dresses are suitable for parties and grand dinners.  Not only that, I thought I want to get a pair or two of wedding shoes as well. I think my friend will like this my suggestions .... 


  1. Wow, seven years of courtship! Is that in the UK or Malaysia?

    I find that size varies from one brand to another. These days, garments are not always made from quality materials yet some have silly prices.

    I didn't like the materials on most of the garments where I lived in Turkey. I had quite a fair bit of garments being made by two tailors in Turkey however the materials were sourced from another city.

  2. Very nice and elegant evening dresses, I like the one on the right shown here


Thank you, readers!

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