Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dry Curry Chicken Noodles And "Sidekicks" At Yee Fatt, Ipoh

YES, I KNOW I AM GETTING ROUNDER these days and it was all due to IPOH food here and there.  Not sure why only the face is affected, seems the fats are congested at the face instead of anywhere else along the body.  Whenever I see a weighing machine, the first thing I do is put my two skinny legs on top of it.  I am very puzzled... my weight is still the same but the face is sure getting rounder like a Moon.  Anyone can decipher that???

My daily ration is only two time, I mean two main meals, one in the morning or brunch and one meal in the evening.  My food consumption for the day, that's it.... but I guess my meals are a bit too heavy and oily in a sense and that does not deter me from enjoying them... and that morning was no different.  My siblings and I went for Dry Curry Chicken Noodles at Yee Fatt at 39, Jalan Kampar, IPOH....
Alright, this time we ordered two plates of noodles to be shared among the three females.... 
The dry curry chicken was just overflowing... noodles were not in sight... 
I requested for less oil but I guess curry is not curry if it is not shimmering... 
And as if that is not enough, we ordered their special Lor Mai Kai aka Glutinous rice with chicken..
Yes, chicken again!
Their sticky rice is soft and of course... now as I see this photo, it is "oily" too... 
Oh dear..... 
Our eyes were greedy, we saw these pastries at the counter.... 
Yam Puffs and they look kind of "tempting"... 
Hence, three pieces were on our table within seconds.... 
So tell me... is my rounded face justified?


  1. I love those yam puffs! That day I had kampua mee with curry beef - was all right, probably would need to get used to the taste, did not sweep me off my feet.

    1. I cannot eat one whole though.. must share cos of the main meal placed in front of me.. hahaa

  2. Oh my! I love your curry noodle. I would never bored of curry chicken.

    I like yam puff too.

    If I eat like you do, I will be heavier and fatter than you. I gain weights faster than losinv them so I got to control my food intake. I have long time never weigh myself on scale. It is kept in the store. Lol.

    1. I am now on the fast side of gaining.. maybe not enough exercise!

  3. I love all the food you ladies ordered. Your fats cells are all focused on your face, ah? I don't mind like that. Mine is all over the place!

  4. Ha ha...have food will enjoy. You and I can exchange some of our fat. You give me some face fat and I will give you my bottom's fat! Then have balance! Lol!

    1. Yeah, true true.. like that sure balance!! hahahaa

  5. I can't control my food intake, so i have to exercise more...

    Lor mai kai, i like, but i can't take much as my digestive system not so good...

    1. Yeah, sticky rice is not for everyone... so dont eat so much

  6. all my favs! the curry noodle look yummeh! I like it 'pekat' and yes...a lil shimmering!

  7. Having round face and thin legs is good because round face means you have good fortune, thin legs means you look good. I like all the food above, especially the lo mai kai.

    1. Sure boh??? Even when I am slimmer, my face is still rounded...

  8. So this is how you stay so thin!! Strange about your face, but it just makes more prettiness to see. I eat only two meals a day too. But sometimes I get too hungry between and have to find a small snack.

    1. Me too.. I will make a hot drink in between meals...

  9. All the food you ate looks yummy. I love them all and we don't get to see them so easily in KL. If your weight has been the same, it means you have been very happy and that makes our faces round like a moon. Just keep eating la, and be happy.

  10. Oh yum yum nom nom nom! Yee Fatt's curry noodles is always 👍🏻

  11. Curry chicken anytime for me, yums, for me I grow fat on my tummy and hip, opposite to you, my face is not really fat


Thank you, readers!

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