Friday, December 30, 2016

Two Meet-Ups, Three Meals On A Beautiful Day


Sacrificed my sleep, waking up earlier than usual and out from my house at 8am to First Garden to have a nice breakfast and most importantly, to meet up with my ex-colleagues, catching up with the latest "gossips" from one another.  LOL... Those days I used to rush back to the office after breakfast but it is so different now.  Eat with peace and leisure, enjoying every moment lingering at the coffeeshop with my gang and this only happens once awhile.... 
This piping hot of meehoon with fish cost RM8 now!
From those days when I was still working, it cost around RM5.50.....
What a difference... but then... once awhile, just eat and enjoy!
As Hokkien saying, "ku ku jip pai"  

After the meet-up with the gang, I went home and lazed around the laptop till my second meet-up with a blogger whom I got to know not too long ago... Her name is Irene Chan and she is a sweet young lady who is still working, unlike yours truly.  Actually she came to my blog and commented and I went over and somehow, I know she is Ipoh nang too... and that transpires our meet-up and we chose this place for our rendezvous.... 
Irene suggested this place O'Days and I am so glad she did...
It is my second time here in this place.... 
And there are much more varieties compared to the last time I came... 
I arrived first and she came soon after.. 
I could recognize her immediately when she entered and vice versa....
Well, easy only after all, which lady sits alone and which lady comes in alone, right?  LOL... 
Before we began our "questioning", we ordered some desserts over our chat... 
Since both of us had a good heavy breakfast, we just wanted something light... 
And we settled for these... quality kuehs... 
They cost RM1.50 each.. no joke!
Three of these... RM4.50...
Mini Otak Otak... RM2.50
And two glasses of tangerine... not sure how much...
Cos the tab was on Irene.... 
And for those who doesn't know Irene, here she is!
If curious, this is Her Blog.
Thank you Irene for taking off your precious time to meet Reanaclaire... 
And for the Sweet Temptation's Treat.... 
Yes, do keep in touch for more meet-ups, K!!
I thought I would be skipping dinner after those sweet desserts... 
But no, the temptation for fried rice was too great!
Ended up "walloping" a plate of my fried rice before I finally call it a Day....
*patting my tummy*
A very productive and foodful day indeed!


  1. Hahahah! Claire, you beat me to it. I have a few more minutes before I need to get ready for another meet-up with another friend. So I thought I'd check to see if you have a new post. It sure was a great time meeting you and getting to know you in person. Somehow it was like meeting an old friend, coz I already know quite a bit about you from your blogs.

    1. Yes, indeed it is true! I would love to meet you again some day... wait till after CNY when we are both free and easy! hahaha...

  2. Fresh fish, so cheap!!! At least they do not give you the frozen fish fillet, dory...smelly and like jelly!

    1. Oh, if frozen fish, then we won't be frequent visitors to that shop...

  3. Otah, i loves!!! I loves!!!

    Happy New Year to you and your loves one!!!

  4. The first time I went to the shop, I think there was no otak-otak. I like otak-otak too! Your fried rice looks good! A wonderful meet up for two sweet ladies!

    1. Now more varieties, Nancy... but price still a bit steep..

  5. It is always such fun and excitement to meet a blogging friend for the first time! You are sure two beautiful ladies!

    1. Thank you Ginny! Long time no meeting up with new friends!

  6. That time I went Cameron Highlands, I also ordered their otah, taste very nice, I like. I love food too!

    Happy and healthy 2017 to you and your family Claire


Thank you, readers!

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