Sunday, July 9, 2017

Line Dancing At AEON BIG, Farlim

'DON'T PLAY ME!" ...was my response to my friend when she suggested that "we" do the Line Dance performance at AEON Mall this Sunday, and that is today.  I thought she was just kidding with me but no, she was serious, she came to my house to teach me the movements for two songs.  LOL.. No, I cannot, I have stopped my line dancing for more than a year now, ever since my fractured leg, I have not continued.....

Anyway... I told her, No Worries, even if I am not joining in the dance, I would surely go there to give my Moral Support... "Poong Cheong".... and it was Fun watching them doing their steps when the music started.  I asked my girl whether she wanted to take up Line Dancing... she said "No la.. line dancing are for aunties."  LOL.... Yes, aunties love dancing, it makes us feel younger, it reminded us of our 70s, 80s "Party Moments."

Coming back to the post, I took some pictures and a video of my friend's "performance".....

Left, right, front back... oh my goodness, they can remember them all!!
Yes, more or less, this is to improve our memory!
Yes, my friend was having fun, that was most important!
My Dancing Queen... 
The Teacher and part of the dancing group.... 


  1. Looks like fun! But I cannot dance. I get very kan cheong and become kelam kabut. hee..hee..

  2. Wah so many people line dancing but only for women is it?

    1. Men are more shy when it comes to line dancing.. :)

  3. U come Johor, i go find you, u teach me line dance ya, hehe....

  4. I could spot one guy...ummm...two, that's all. Why ah? Guys all not so happening one meh?

  5. Looks like fun, and a whole lot of people came to dance! But I think your girl is right, I do not see anyone there who is very young.

    1. Younger generation goes for zumba and others, I guess.. hahaha

  6. I always enjoyed watching those ladies doing line dance in functions. Everyone would be so happy together to follow the music and swing.

    1. Line dancing is ages ago.. and now this auntie baru start... hahahaa..

  7. I always watch the ladies doing line dancing in public, they have good tempo and beat and they dance very well


Thank you, readers!

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