Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Convocation At UTP


And I barely had time to blog, it has been a few days since.  Lots of happening, all at once.. don't know which to manage and eventually, my "battery" went down all flat.   Most important event of the year is my girl's graduation... finally!  Now I can heave a big sigh of relief... she has finished her path of academic, no more for her, she said.. enough of opening books and stressing over assignments till middle of night or early dawn.  Pressure and "stressure" is over...

Been in and out of UTP for the past ten years, first five for the eldest brother, and the last five years for my youngest girl.  I have paid UTP many visits for the past decade. 
Her favourite cartoon character... 
All the way from Ipoh... 
And into her arms... 
Sayonara UTP... 
Welcome to another phase of life... my girl!
Well done, I am so proud of you!!


  1. Huh? I thought she graduated and work in Penang since... when I was still blogging daily? It was internship is it?

    I been to UTP once also, when I was trying to "chase" a girl who graduated there also. She brought me to Tronoh to buy kicap on the way too hehehe...

    Oh ya, congrats to your girl! :D

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and the proud mum,Claire!

    Rgds, Khaw

  3. Congrats, Fernie. So what are her plans? Go on to do her Masters and PhD? Find a job?
    Get married?

  4. Congratulations to the Mummy & Daughter! Hip Hip Hooray!


Thank you, readers!

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