Thursday, June 7, 2018

Three Similar Dishes At Thai Restaurant, Sacramento


Yes, Thai food in Sacramento and this time we tried out a place where I have not been before.  Oh dear, I forgot the name of the restaurant.  But it was pretty crowded when we reached there.  When I saw most of the customers were mostly Americans, the first thing that came to my mind is.... "Must be non-spicy Thai food"... and true enough, the food here is not spicy at all... :) 
From the corner from where I was seated...
This part of the restaurant is quieter, divided by a wall, the other side is more "happening"... 
First came the papaya salad... 
Followed by seafood platter.... 
Fried Fish with vegetables....
Chicken and prawns with basil and mixed veg...
We laughed when the three dishes came out...
The taste were almost the same with one another...
Even the ingredients are similar...
Well, that is not surprising!
And we have pancakes to go with our dinner..... 
Yes, large portions as usual and we have take home for our next day's meal....
Overall cost is not cheap... $80 for the four of us... 
Oh yes, they are not spicy... at all... 


  1. I guess they used same sauce and herbs, so tasted the same hee..hee..

  2. Shouldn't be similar, not that they are all salads.

  3. Taste similar as in what taste? Fish sauce? Since the dishes are not spicy. Although I can't eat too spicy food but I prefer the food to be a little bit spicy. The seafood and prawns look good though.

  4. Thai Food which is not spicy is not Thai Food. LOL :D

  5. The Chicken and prawns with basil and mixed vegetables look inviting; it will be better if it is flaming hot. :D

  6. Non spicy Thai food? Not really Thai then. Haha.


Thank you, readers!

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