Monday, February 25, 2019

The Reason I Follow The Young To Taiwan

NOT SO MUCH ON SIGHTS... but more to the love of food adventures!
Yes, I love to hang out with the youngsters, they have endless appetite, they have no worries on overeating, they don't have realms on being overweight and they like to try anything nice on sight.  One more reason.... I love to eat but I cannot take large portions, that is not a problem, the young people can finish the unfinished.  LOL... 

And during our first day itself, we visited a night market and all we did was stuffing ourselves.  "Let's Try The Food" is our theme for this trip!  LOL... And we certainly did.... the best thing is that none of us gained any weight.... All the Walking against the cold weather played an important part so do not worry about over-indulging.  We certainly need the body fats to keep us warm!
The crowd at the night market.... 
Queuing up for the food is very normal....
The best of the best is that I just have to wait and take pictures... 
Another good reason to go with the youngsters!!
As night falls.... the crowd increases... 
Walk the talk... 
The joy of trying a bit here and there.... 
Their favourite desserts... 
Expressions of food!
Never ending food trail... taking back to the hotel... 
Just in case waking up hungry in the night!


  1. A never ending eating adventure in Taiwan! I didn't know that Taiwan's food is so good that people even need to queue for food at the night market. Really worth the trip.

  2. Wah so lucky to have youngsters to finish the unfinished food for you so that you can try a lot of different food.

  3. What a crowd! But the variety of tasty food really look worth waiting for! Especially when you can take some back with you.

  4. Food glorious food. Eat is the best hee hee

  5. Aha!!! I see the daughter-in-law! LOL!!! Not into Taiwanese street food, mostly deep-fried stuff. Young people love that, my girl is one of them.

  6. So the young people will be there to help you finish up what you can't. LOL :D Why not I am sure they don't mind at all. :p

  7. Eat, walk, eat, walk, sure can lose weight!

  8. Young people are more adventurous..the middle age ones tend to slow down a lot because some already suffering from joint pains and control on certain food intakes for health reasons. Taiwan is a nice place to visit..I have set it to be my next visit destination.


Thank you, readers!

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