Thursday, March 7, 2019

Market And Street Food In Penang Island


I mean, back to Ipoh first... and then after resting and rejuvenating for a week or so, I went up north with my friend.  After shedding off some body fats in Ipoh, we adjourned to Penang, it is like my second or third home, going in and out of the island few times in a year.  What attracted me to go so often?  Needs no answer to that... LOL...  A retiree with strong cravings of food, I go whenever there is an opportunity, many thanks to my friends who share the same interest with me!  LOL..
From Ipoh to Penang, it is not a problem on the roads... 
Toll to toll takes less than 2 hours... 
Just have to sing one whole CD of songs, we can see the Penang second link.... 
Not many people takes this bridge... maybe it is out of the way for many... 
Or perhaps it cost slightly more to take this second bridge which is much longer than the first.. 
Easier for us to move about from the second bridge.. 
Our first destination... 
Jelutong market where food is served almost throughout the day.. 
Nasi Kerabu served in the market.. 
Only locals go there... good, simple and yet tasty food!
Their Nyonya kueh is something to shout about too!
Local coffee served in the market...
Cheap and yet fragrant... Best!
For this simple meal, it cost less than RM10..
Night time, we went to Perak Road where the authentic fried noodles are.... 
They put lots of ingredients... chunks of meat which I really avoid actually.. LOL.. 
I prefer this style... the wet version without egg... 
Complete the day's meal with Magnum customized ice cream in Paragon... RM9.90
One can choose three types of toppings... 
Yes, I made the wrong choice... 
Next time no gojiberries please... too dry and hard for my poor teeth!


  1. Looks like Ipoh is a good town to retire in. 2 hours to Penang and also 2 hours to KL. 2nd bridge is the new bridge or old bridge? I thought the old bridge is nearer to KomTar. Food looks good as usual.

  2. Wow, now I see why you love it there. And the second bridge is very pretty! No traffic!

  3. I have not been to Penang since my girl completed her studies some 6 years or so ago. Maybe I should make a trip there sometime soon.

  4. You are really adventurous. But I like it. Busy with agenda at hand. Hehehe.

    Cute coffee art.

    Penang. Would love to revisit it someday. Bet many changes since the last time I visited it.

  5. Wo....the coffee looks good though. :)

  6. Next trip I want to try the nasi kerabu and the coffee. Looks delicious.


Thank you, readers!

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