Thursday, August 29, 2019

Painting The Town Red In Park City, Utah

PAINTING THE TOWN... just by wearing RED!  Made use of the free shuttle to go surveying Park City town.  See if there's anything to shop, I told the ladies.... LOL... Don't know it is good news or not, we did NOT buy anything at all after walking more than an hour.  The prices are too steep for us!  Definitely not our standard... LOL...

After an hour or so, we took the bus back to our hotel and had our homecooked lunch there.  In the evening, we went for the Glow Night.... yes, this time, not singing but dancing!!  We took a couple of videos... but no, I can't put those up.... I was like practically dancing like ... er... *I think I would embarrass my kids if they see their mom dancing like in the 70sssss!*
We were here...
Walking along the main street....
From one end to the other....
Did not buy anything... just window shopping...
Year of the Pig... 
And bears....
Too expensive to haul all of them home...
At the junction.....
Climbed up to the first floor... 
Taken from the bridge....
Yes, the sun was blazing...
Marking my presence as usual....
Desserts never fail to lure me in...
Ended up buying some chocolates and truffles...
And that was it.... painting the town red....
And we still had energy to do the Saturday Night Fever in the evening!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Shopping And Singing At Marriott's Park City!


After the morning hike, Commander returned to the room to rest and relax... and what did we ladies do?  SHOPPING, OF COURSE!! No need to rely or depend on our driver... all we need to do is to walk just 5 minutes to the bus stop.  It came punctually on the dot, any time starting with 01 and 31 minutes... so it could be 10.01 or 10.31.... so convenient and easy for us ladies.  Nothing beats shopping!

And so ... we arrived.... a vast area for us to walk to and fro....

We took our own sweet time to walk around... so quiet, no hassle... 

And few hours later.... my loot!!
It was a Wednesday evening...and they have some activities on this second floor....

Yes, Karaokeeeee......
I joined in the fun, of course....
Not shy... cos they don't know me and I don't know them...
Actually there was a big crowd...up and down...
They were very encouraging....
Despite the shivers, I sang out loud... hahahaa... 
The video that put me on top of the world!

Monday, August 26, 2019

A Guided Hike With The Handsome Guide


We ladies need to "oblige" the commander when he requested to go hiking again the next day.  This time round, he wanted to have a longer and a more challenging hike... so we requested for a guide to lead all the way up and down..... We feel safer this way! 
Once again... up the trail... 

Hot at certain areas and cooling in the denser forest.... 
Our stout and handsome tour guide leading us the way...
High up on the skiing mountains...
Quite a long way up we went....
Admiring the scenery.... 
Resting half way.... 
Found something interesting on the way... 
And then all the way down.... 
The hike took us one hour half to and fro....
More than 10000 steps achieved...
Thumbs up to the ladies and of course, to our handsome guide!!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Shopping And Hiking Up At Park City

SHOPPING... We took the early shuttle from Marriott to the outlet stores some 20 minutes drive away.  The bus came punctually to pick us up and we told the driver where we wanted to go since it was our first time, we really did not know what and where to stop.  Yes, it was real nice of the driver, he told us where to get off and where to pick us up again when we have finished our shopping!

Shopping here at the outlets is so relaxing!  No crowds, a very quiet scenic for a change, totally different from other outlets I have been before.  We took a few hours picking and choosing our stuff at Abercrombie!  Best place to go... everything seemed to be so cheap!  For just $5, we could get a lace dress, blouse, sweat pants and t-shirts!!  Some even cost only $3.50 and we ended up buying more and more!!  LOL...
Part of our "loot!"
We thought we could relax after our shopping...
But no, we did not have time to... 
Our commander insisted that we should go hiking with him!
Yes, we obliged... almost reluctantly... LOL...
He led the way.... 
I was waaaayyyy.. behind.... 
Nevertheless, we managed to catch up when he slowed down...
Hilly hills...
Up to the skiing mountains... 
I am imagining how it looks like during winter....
More fun than summer....
And up away we climbed.. huffing and puffing.... 
Somehow we managed to finish an hour hike....
Still energetic for the camera!!
Yay!!! Finished line at last!!
All this happening at Park City!!
After this, I could have a Huge Dinner!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

City Tour At Salt Lake City, Utah

SIGHTSEEING IN THE CITY ... First destination is the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Walking from our parking area, it took 10 minutes to reach the church, I noticed that there is a big difference here in the city, I mean the people.  I was amazed.... well, I feel a sense of "cleanliness" here.... *excuse the pun*

We spent a couple of hours here at the grounds before proceeding for our late lunch nearby.  After that, we walked around a bit at the shopping grounds before proceeding to another part of the city....
Walking around the city... 

At the grounds of the church.... 
Within the vicinity of the church... 
Marking my presence as usual... 
On the grounds here and there... 
At the shopping grounds... 
Hot and sunny.... 
Ladies' Best Stop for the day!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...