Monday, February 24, 2020

My Food Adventure In Penang


Yeah, from my blog, that is... It has been a number of days since my last post.  Where was I?  What have I been doing all these while.... why am I so lazy when it comes to blogging now?  For all I know, I have been going here and there despite the virus-mania thingy.  Someone spread me some virus, I have been coughing out lots of endless phlegm, whitish in color, not greenish... urghhhh.. and I have been to the doctor who prescribed me a bout of antibiotics to clear my throat.. three types of cough mixture I had been consuming and what else.... hmmm.... oh, no fever... Thank God for that...

No, I did not go around spreading my germs, in fact I have been cooking a lot at home, porridge and stuff.. that was why no foodie posts.  And NOW... I AM BACK!  Back to my old self and going up north, eating whatever my heart desires, it is like paying back time!  My weighing scale just informed me that I have gained 2kg already!  Serious!  Anyway.... no regrets la.... It is good to be back in my eating form after astaining for so long!

Food that I took in Penang for the past few days....

From Habee's Kitchen, Nagore Road.... 
Something appetizing....
Fish slices in tomato broth...
I like the bitter gourd soup too....
Around RM14 per bowl... 
With "fu pei" RM8
I like economy noodles too....
This is taken in Tye Sin Street....
The taste of the noodles reminded me of my childhood days...
This meal set gives me full satisfaction!
Springroll and Lobak to go with the noodles....
Famous wanton noodles at Chulia Street.... 
Fragrance from the Lard!
Hawker vendor selling Yong Tau Foo.... 
 I yearned for it the next day but unfortunately it was not opened....
Followed by 5 pieces of Apom by an elderly lady just opposite the Wanton noodles.... 
One piece 50 sen....
Ended the meal with a bowl of cooling Ching Poh Leong at Kimberley Street.....
Next night we had Mala Hotpot at Xiang Guo Burma Road.... 
Oh, by the way, this does not belong to us..
The waiter took it away after realizing his mistake...
This is ours... not a nice sight, right?
Taste wise... ok ok but a bit pricey.. RM38 with one bowl of rice and drinks...
And this was taken at Moh Teng Pheow Nyonya Koay at Jalan Masjid....
I was super full that time... so I just ordered a plate of Ju Hu Char RM13

And a few Koays to go with my hot lemon honey.... 
How not to gain weight?
I have to justify the food with long walks in the evenings...
 Botanical Gardens, Bukit Dumbar and Ayer Itam Dam...


  1. I am so glad to see a post from you, Claire! And even happier that you are all better now!

  2. Aha!!! Still around, eh? Oh dear! Hope you are 100% ok, now!

    Haven't been to Penang for so long. I love these unpretentious, unassuming roadside hawker stalls. Cheap and nice!

  3. This time you really sapu the food ramai-ramai! Gosh, I feel so jealous. LOL!

  4. Good that you just stayed at home when you are not well until you have recovered to prevent spreading it to other people and to ensure you have ample time and rests. Tasty food! Sure gain weight if eat like that.

  5. I disappeared longer than you from the blogsphere. I was MIA for over 2 months and 21 days.
    You always ate more food than me in Penang and yet could walk the Botanical Gardens, Bukit Dumbar and Ayer Itam Dam!! I salute you.

  6. I like fish soup noodle. Long time didnt have it. If to choose, I opt for the tomato broth. So nice to go to North for food hunting.

  7. All the food looks good, now i am hungry. Been years since i last visited penang.

  8. I think its time for another foodie hunt in Penang.


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