Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tiffin Here, Tiffin There

 TIFFIN CARRIER... is now put into full use.  For many years, both my tiffins were lying in the kitchen cupboard, but now, I cannot leave home without them!   That is one of the changes in life since 2020 till don't-know-when.  The other day I thought of buying one more set, the La Gourmet, selling those colourful tiffin... thank goodness I did not.. me and my spending, that never change!

MCO will be starting in Perak from tomorrow but for many days already, I have not dine out already.  I still go out in the mornings, to get breakfast and go to the small market in my area if I run out of food stuff.  From tomorrow onwards, we are not allowed to dine out, only take-aways within the 10km radius from our homes.  I guess I have to log in youtube to check out more cooking/baking as what I did last year in March 2020.  LOL... 

Below are my breakfast/lunch meals.... I only cook dinner.... too stressful to cook three meals a day!  LOL.. 

Roasted pork with koay teow in clear soup...
Of course, this has no kick... 
But eaten with curry pork skin is a different matter.... 
Even though the soup is in a different tiffin, by the time I poured in, 
the food does not look as good as served in the shop.... 
Even the mint leaves have "disappeared"...
Dug out a few pieces of roasted pork for photo taking... LOL... 
Curry is anytime more "kick"than the clear soup!
Bought for lunch but couldn't finish them all....
So dinner same food... no choice...
Nowadays cannot afford to be picky on food.... 
This is for today's lunch, I went at 10.30am...
The food displayed at the shop were still fresh and neat... 
For the above food, it cost RM16...
For that price, I have fish, chicken and 
5 types of vegetables with free soup and rice...
Too bad the shop is quite far from my place...



  1. From Suituapui: Oooo...the fish curry looks good! What dumplings are those, so transparent! Must be good!!! I keep my tiffin carrier in my car boot but so far I have not used it yet - we have been stocking up a lot of food in the house and doing the cooking ourselves, no need to tapao. Wait till the food runs out...or till we get lazy.

  2. Yupe! Nothing beats being served in its original form. :D

  3. Yes. Very good effort to use tiffin to tapau. I have 2 tiffin carriers. One is 4 tiers and another is 3. I should put them to use but I seldom tapau dishes nowadays. Mostly cook at home or the most, order delivery.

  4. Good to use tiffins. All your food looks very good. I guess people now have not been through war times so little little things like having to buy takeaway food, want to complain about food not as nice as dine in.

  5. The curry looks delicious to me. so sorry about your lockdown, do they know how long it will last? Are people there getting the vaccine?

  6. Yes, it is time to use our tiffin carriers again. At least we can still go out to places within 10km to buy take away food. So we still get quite a number of choices, only thing is take away food not so presentable for photography.

  7. Is that rendang below the curry fish? Yums! Curry pork skin for me please.


Thank you, readers!

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