Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Nyonya Food In Penang

ONE DAY TRIP to the Pearl of the Orient.... 

The drive only took less than two hours from Ipoh to Penang, so it is not surprising that we took a day off to visit this island for food!

Yes, it was food all the way, from breakfast till late afternoon, we took three meals and for dinner, we could only packet the food home... we just couldn't stomach any more, not like our younger days anymore... LOL....

After our breakfast which consisted of Koay Teow Thng at 113, Lebuh Melayu, we took a walk along the  esplanade.  To our delight, the cruise ship was docked along the esplanade... I miss the cruise I had with the Royal Caribbean in 2019, I would love to go on a cruise again... and of course, with the right group of people.  That would be so much fun.... 
When will I see you again.... 
Love this picture cos of the birdie flying across at the right moment... 
In front of the Penang Town Hall....

After our walk, lunch was at Baba Phang.... 
Curry stingray.... 
I like this dish... 
Kerabu styled with kacang botol.... 
Sweet, sourish and spicy....
Inchikabin... Fried Chicken.... 
Ju Hu Char... Fried Jicama...

Nasi Ulam....
Rice with mixed raw vegetables and spices... 
Otak Otak... 
Lunch for the four of us...
Total came to around RM150...
This is the third time eating at Baba Phang...
I guess it is time to try other Nyonya restaurants the next time round... 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tourist Spot Discovered In Ipoh Tasek Cermin

ACTING TOURISTS... in my own hometown.....

On this sunny Sunday morning, I had an interesting outing with my friends.  We went out for a Dim Sum breakfast at a newly opened restaurant, it was offering a 30% discount on all items and the last day for this promotion was on Monday, just a day after.  Feeling not-to-waste the promotion discount, we went to try.  I did not take any of the items, my friend, Nancy did... I am sure she will post it up one day.. or perhaps she already has.... LOL.... 

After our tummies were satisfied, someone suggested going to Tasek Cermin (Mirror Lake).  The four of us had not been there before, and being an Ipohian, we must go!  After all, it was not too far away, just another ten to fifteen minutes drive from the restaurant.  

Entrance fees is RM3 per pax, reasonable, at least the money can go to the maintenance and restoration of this beautiful tourist spot in Ipoh.  In fact, this place is worth going, very scenic.... from the entrance, we have to walk through a cave to reach this beautiful and spectacular sight....
Walking through the cave... just a short distance..
In fact can see from one end to another....
Just like a mirror...

That is why it is called Mirror Lake...
Or Tasek Cermin in Malay language...
It would be more beautiful if I know how to edit... LOL....
And then the beautiful and natural limestone hills....
Our cameras started clicking left and right....
The potential photographers in the making!

Friday, August 12, 2022

Mooncakes From Raffles Hotel, Singapore


A gift from my girl's boyfriend when I was in Johor last month.  He gave me a box of Mini mooncakes from Raffles.... and they need to be kept in the fridge.  Yes, mini size portions are good for me, I can consume one at one go.... 

What a nice gesture...
Raffles Singapore Mooncakes...
First time trying these champagne truffle snow skin mooncakes...
Here goes....
Yes, I could taste the white chocolate shells filled
with champagne infused cream....
And I ate the whole one piece at one go!
Thank you, dear!!


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Ipoh Food Attraction In Buntong

ONE OF THE NOT-TO-BE-MISSED EATING SPOTS is in Buntong and for those who loves steamed chicken and beansprouts, this is IT!

For myself being a local, I have not been here for a long time, few years perhaps.... and only recently last week or so, I came by two times with two different group of friends.  The second time, I asked them what type of chicken they used, and it was Woo Soe Kai aka Bearded Chicken... that is what I love to have.  The poached chicken tasted much better than the normal ones.

This shop/house is along the main road in Buntong, further down the slope after the market.  Opens at 5pm in the evening and it is good to go early especially during weekends.  We were there around 5.20pm and by the time we left, the place was almost full.  

Hard at work....
Their hands are fast... LOL... 
We ordered half chicken RM37
This is Large size.... RM14
Ipoh beansprouts... short and fat....

10 fish balls and three bowls of noodles to share...
Total cost around RM75 with drinks for the six of us....
We shared our noodles because we wanted to have
our second dinner!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Guests To Weng Kee Restaurant, Ipoh

EATING OUT WITH GUESTS.... my friends from Penang dropped by for a visit in Ipoh for two nights.  Penang and Ipoh food are quite competitive, cafes are almost similar among the two states, what is different are the restaurant dishes.  

For dinner, I took them to Weng Kee Restaurant in Ipoh Garden South.  There were eight of us so it was easier to order.... Among the dishes were... 

Butter Fish... their signature dish...
Broccoli with scallops...
Kapitan Curry Chicken
4 types of vegetable aka Sei Tai Teen Wong...
Steamed Yam
And Bean sprouts with salted fish...
Dishes came to around RM230
And the winner dish for the night is this Buttered Fish...
Crispy, fresh and tasty!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Looking Good With Shapewear

Remember those days when we were young and blessed with a slender shaped body? We have no problem with choosing what to wear because almost anything looks good on us. Back then, we don’t have to worry about our diet, or about putting on the extra inch at our waist. We ate and play and our body retained its lovely shape. Sigh, those were the days…..

For most of us, it all usually started after giving birth to our first child. We didn’t think much about it, probably because we were confident that our body will get back its shape in a few months’ time. Our attention was focused on our new born baby and we were busy learning to be a good mother to our first born. We were told to eat good balanced meal to provide enough of healthy milk for our baby.

Lo, and behold! Imagine when we were preparing to go back to work and on the first morning, we found that the clothes just don’t look good on us anymore. Where in the world did all those bulges came from? And that is the beginning of a new chapter when I relied on shapewear to hide the ugly bulges.  Not only for working people, now as I am retired, I need to look good too... LOL... And now I do not have to worry because I have this wholesale shapewear I can log in anytime to make me feel good!
I never thought I would need to wear these high waist panties. But in doing so, I found the benefits of wearing these panties. I found out that these high waist panties help to compliment my body curves and cover up all the bulges. I am not talking about any high waist tummy control panties but good quality and proven type of panties. 

Apart from complementing our body curves and covering the stomach bulge, there are some butt lifting shapewear products which can actually make uplift our butt for firmness and at the same time, they can  support our back and uphold our body with better balance. These high waist panties are built to cover the whole stomach area as they are designed to tighten our tummy and midsection. The design provides us with a nice slimming effect on the stomach by covering up the unsightly bulges.

If you are looking for plus size shapewear bodysuit, you can check out the various designs and styles available at the online store. For those wearing body hugging or slim fitting clothing, always look for those seamless panties that won’t show any lines through your clothes. Choose materials that are breathable for more comfort that are suitable to wear for all types of season.

Ladies, with the perfect shapewear, we can eat to our heart's content and look good all the time!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Food For One Of My Days

WHAT MAKES ME GAIN WEIGHT DAILY... and the answer is Outside Food.

Gaining a few hundred grams gradually is a reality these days... since I came back from US in February, I have gained around 4kg and still actively getting heavier by the days.   No need to be alarmed, I guess this is due to old age and slower metabolism.  Outside food is one of the reasons too... tasty food due to excessive oil.... 

Anyway, weight aside, I am still having a good appetite, needing to munch something every two hours!  LOL... Yes, I must go for more brisk walking to kill the calories... 

I only eat three meals a day... that is not much, right? LOL.... 

I can eat this every day....
Fried Fish with a bowl of porridge....
The shop Kar Heng opens at 11am daily... 
For a set of porridge with fish, it cost RM8
And we agreed it is a good deal.... 
Fish are not cheap nowadays...
We ordered two sets of fried fish and one steamed fish.... 
Very satisfying lunch....
For dinner we went to Buntong to have these....
Total cost slightly below RM30 for the above...
Wanton noodles with wanton... (dumplings)
This shop has been operating for more than 30 years.... 
Their homemade noodles and dumplings are really good!
After dinner, we stopped by a food court to have Ice Kacang....
My evening is completed...
My weight is justified.... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...