Saturday, October 29, 2022

Spectacular Entertainment On The Cruise


When we boarded the ship, we can download their cruise apps in our phone so that we know what the programs and activities lie for each day, from early morning till early dawn.  They have fun for the kids, young adults and seniors like me.  I love going for Guessing Games about songs in the 70s, 80s.. and of course dancing too!  But this time round, I did not do any disco dancing.... LOL....

The entertainment performance normally starts at 7.30pm onwards... so far, we went for two live performances.  One is ice skating which my small grandson even love to watch!  He was mesmerized by talented ice skaters and the music.... and sat through the half hour without making a single noise.  He must be very bewildered..... 

The ice skaters doing their stint....
We went for the Vegas live too...
He did not make noise...
But I did... the music was just too loud for me!
We love walking around....
And relaxing at the sidewalk having our tea and desserts....
And doing our own crazy stints... 
That is me!



  1. Music too loud? Must be old age. Happened to me when I went to the clubs and discos - my ear drums would vibrate with the extremely loud music and they would hurt!!! No karaoke? I cannot sing anymore - I am losing my voice (completely) as I grow older! Sobsss!!!!!

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun! I cannot stand it when music is too loud.

  3. You are so cute Claire, doing your familiar pose. The cruise just gets more and more fun!!

  4. Haha. Love your last photo. Your old pose.

  5. Ya loud music hurts my ears. Must wear ear plugs.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...