Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A Visit To Ipoh Cultural Corridor

BEING AN IPOHIAN since the day I was born, I have to declare that I do not know much about tourism spots and attractions.   Getting more and more backward even though I have lot of time in my hands now, I think I was better and more updated during my working days......

So I have to rely on my neighbour, a well known Facebook Icon of Ipoh, he knows where to go and what to eat.  He has more than one thousand followers who knows where and what he eats for his three meals daily.  LOL... 

Following him for breakfast, lunch and dinner at times, I get to know that the vendors know what he wants even before he orders and nowadays, he has cut down on carbs, they make an exceptional dish specially for him.  In return he takes pictures of the food and post them on FB.  LOL... 

On this day, I followed him to visit the Ipoh Cultural Corridor, a new attraction in town.  The place called Meiziya International is founded by Andy Goh, an Ipohian who believes in traditional herbal remedies.  

From the outside, it was just another old building but once I went in, the place looks like a ancient palace with big pillars, giant staircase and a golden eagle statue staring at the centre of the staircase wall.  No visitors were there at that time except for the three of us.  We were given a small cup of herbal tea to drink and we were told that consultation with the TCM practitioner is free of charge (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

I went for it... and the first thing the TCM doc felt my pulse, he asked me... "You have a lot to think about?"  He said I have lots of worries.... I am an anxious person.... and sad to say, he is right!

Anyway, he advised me not to think unnecessarily things... let go.... (well, isn't that common among ladies?)  We tend to over-think!

Yes, I need to pent my thoughts more through blogging now... and let go of some nonsense from my head... LOL...
Outside the Ipoh Cultural Corridor....
Ok, let's go in....
Upon entering....
Quiet atmosphere....
Selling herbs on both sides....
The big eyes eagle....
I would be scared to come during the night...
From the first floor.....
Interesting pictures of yesteryears.... Ipoh....
The then and now....
The Capital cinema which my father used to take us to watch 
sword fighting movies during my younger days...
The Majestic cinema torn down to make way for condos....
Ruby cinema and now abandoned....
This picture is near my childhood house....Ipoh town market....
I went one round and that was it....
The place is very nicely kept.... 
Maybe not many tourists come by here....
Small garden behind the place....
And after taking a few pictures, we left....
Well, an eye opener... who wants to come visit?

Monday, August 28, 2023

Breaking Fast At Wong's Kopithiam, Ipoh

 BACK IN IPOH, I look for food again during the days when I am too lazy to go to the market.  I usually go for breakfast cum lunch and then then cook something simple in the evening.

Ipoh is the same as Penang, cafes here there and everywhere.... all I have to do is to type in Ipoh cafe in town and a list of cafes will be shown.  From there, I will choose what I want to eat.... no more calling up my friends and ask... don't be so troublesome, just click and go!  LOL...

On this particular morning, my friend and I chose this place called Wong's Kopithiam, not a coffee shop but with enclosed air con.  Upon entering, I saw only one table was occupied and I wondered whether I had chose the wrong place to go or not.  Never mind, never try, never know... right!

There I was seated happily..... 
Old styled deco... 
This boss must be living during my era time... 
Six condiments Teochew porridge... 
My kind of food.... senior's food....
Consisting of fried anchoives, fried peanuts,
shredded omelette, salted egg, preserved mustard 
and fried luncheon meat...
Not very appealing, right?  
 But then... I like it just like that.... 
We also ordered this plate of wanton noodles with roasted pork to share....
Yes, I like this too!
In fact, the taste reminded me of my childhood days....
Overall, I like both our orders....
Couldn't remember how much they cost...
Must be around RM30 for both orders.... 
That is the problem....
I never like to remember how much $$$ spent nowadays!
Just spend within our limits.... right!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Bit Too Much For Us At Jason Nyonya, Penang

SENDING A REMINDER TO MYSELF.... Either I shouldn't order too much or invite more people to go....

Both of us were greedy, when we read what was in the menu, we wanted to try this and that... eventually ordering three dishes for the two of us and one plate of Nasi Ulam (blue rice with greens)

Upon entering the Nyonya restaurant called Jason, there were no tables left for the two of us.  We had to wait around 10 minutes and while waiting, the menu was given to us to pre-order.  In the midst of ordering, the senior boss, Jimmy came and talked to us.  I wanted to order the black vinegar pork trotter too, greedy me... but the boss told me that I had ordered more than enough for the two of us.  LOL... He suggested that we should come back the next round to try instead... 

Well, he knows better definitely....

The first dish came out boiling in a small claypot....
Mint leaves clouded over the Assam Grouper fish....
Not a good picture taken...
My photography has taken a backseat... 
Ju Hu Char is a must-dish to order in a Nyonya restaurant....
Cincaluk Omelette ... 
LOL... Our plate of Nasi Ulam..... 
Looks un-appealing, right?
I guess many will not like it done this way....
Taste vice... yeah, so-so only....
Next round, just order the blue pea flower rice...
Big portions of food for the two of us....
Actually we can forgo the omelette dish....
Somehow we managed to tuck them all into our stomach.... 
And the total bill came to RM92....
The entrance.... 
The furry occupant was waiting for the door to be opened...
He wanted to go back in.... 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

I Tried Mommy Irene's

STUMBLED UPON MOMMY IRENE'S FOOD at the Asian food court at Sunshine Square.

We were told that Mommy Irene supplied to three outlets in Penang, Bayan Baru, Nagore Square and Perak Road.  Her famous and popular items are the Tomyam fried meehoon with a fried chicken drumstick and Nasi Lemak which I have not tried yet.

The name sounded pretty familiar to me, after awhile, I recalled that I have seen it in the Hot Deals from Grab food.  On the third try, I ordered it online and it was really a good deal with discounts and free delivery.
The last two plates left, so I was told...
But we ordered only one plate...
Big portion and the sambal was really good!
Not so spicy with a thang of sweetness... 
Just what I like....
The red beans with lotus seeds was very nice too!
Second visit to another different stall but also selling Mommy Irene's food...
Minced meat porridge a so-so for me...
but the desserts, I like!
The one with peanuts, I think it is a Hockchew's delight?
And of course, my favourite is sweet potatoes in ginger syrup...
I also tried her clear soup noodles...
They are not glass noodles, these are curlier...
Something like the normal meehoon... 
This clear soup is especially nice for those who have no appetite or 
feeling unwell.... or recuperating... 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rolling Into Wheeler's For Lunch

ANOTHER ONE OF THE MANY CAFES IN PENANG, Wheeler's is highly recommended by friends.  Best is to book in advance especially during weekends and that was what we did on a Sunday morning.

We went there early as 11.30am for our brunch... I did not take any breakfast in the morning so I was super hungry by then.  We were ushered to the upper floor and the place was quite full by then.  Quickly we scanned and ordered, (oh, ever since the pandemic, most of the cafes menu now needs to be scanned) and waited for our food.  

Talking about scanning menu using phones, I still prefer to look at the hardcopy... maybe my eyes, they are not as sharp as before, so I need bigger pictures and words to see the food and be attracted.  LOL... 

Back to my post, the food arrived within 10 minutes and we finished our lunch before 1pm.  By then, the place was full and we did not want to layback to chat, we have to check out.  True enough... people were already waiting outside the cafe.... 

The time we arrived... 11.30am...
Our drinks at RM17.90 each...
Soursoup yogurt smoothie and avacado smoothie... 
The Wheeler's special...RM29.90
Consists of smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms on sourdough bread...
My order.... smoked duck benedict.. RM27.90
The pumpkin soup was nice.... not so milky creamy... RM14.90
Overall, the food is not bad....
Will come again but definitely not on a weekend...
Making our mark at Wheeler's before leaving...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Why Consider Engaging An Upholstery Service in Kuala Lumpur

Are you looking to hire an upholstery service in Kuala Lumpur? Upholstery service is where you refurbish your used furniture with a brand new look so that you do not need to buy brand new furniture.

Why Consider Engaging An Upholstery Service in Klang Valley? 

       ● Sentimental Value for Antique Furniture 

You may own some antique furniture given by your late grandparents which you wish to preserve for the next generation. These antique furniture may need restoration. You can engage a furniture restoration service near you to extend the useful life of these antique furniture for your family.     

        ● Minor Repair Required Over time, your sofa fabric may need replacement. 

Hiring an affordable sofa repair service can save you money. Ask them to quote you the best price for the job so you can decide whether you want to buy a brand new furniture or use their service. Keep in mind that sturdy and well-built quality sofas usually can last very long, so you do not need to replace them that often. 

        ● Environmental Friendly 

Some of you may want to try your best to contribute to the environment and do your part to save Mother Earth. Play your part by trying your best to repair and reuse your old furniture because by reusing the old furniture, you can reduce the number of rubbish in the wasteland.  

        ● Customization Service 

One of the benefits of engaging an upholstery service is that you are able to customize your furniture to suit your style and vision. You can custom make a unique furniture piece for your home instead of getting mass produced factory-made furniture. 

A word of advice for those who are planning to approach upholstery service after knowing its benefits. A reupholstery service may not be a good choice for you if you cannot wait for the shop to work on your furniture because the workers will need time to complete the work. 

On top of that, if the cost to repair is higher than the cost to buy a whole new piece of furniture, then you should definitely choose the second option, unless you are really determined in fixing the current furniture. 

Engage Top Sofa Repair for your sofa refurbishment. Top Sofa Repair has been providing affordable upholstery service for many years in KL and Petaling Jaya. This means that they have formed an experienced team that provides quality upholstery work for their customers. Their company has pick up and delivery service for the convenience of their customers. 

Are you still looking for a sofa reupholstery service in Cheras, Kepong or Bangsar? Search no further and get in touch with their customer service team by call or email for a FREE quote now. You can send them a photo of your furniture that needs their service for an estimated quotation.


Monday, August 21, 2023

Dinner At Fisherman Wharf, Penang

ANOTHER FOOD HUB TO VISIT ... for tourists and locals alike...

Yes, Penang has lots of hawker food to offer, it has been ongoing for many decades, even at road sides, unlike Ipoh, most of the hawker stalls are either in food courts or many have "wrapped up" for the day.  The new generation has turned to cafes with a more comfortable and cooling ambience.  

Coming back to my post, the place I took my dinner recently was at the Fisherman's Wharf, near the Karpal Singh esplanade.  Parking is easily accessible and this is one of the largest food courts in town.  More than 40 stalls, the food consists of Penang's most liked, that is... white curry mee, Hokkien mee, Koay Teow Th'ng, Lor Bak, Hokkien Char... too many to name.  Besides the local food, they also served international food such as Arabian food (I saw many ordering from this stall), Thai food, Pizza, Japanese and Korean.  Prices are not overwhelming.... good to go for a meal in the evening, facing the sea and feeling the breeze... LOL... 

I couldn't get a place facing the sea unfortunately....
So I was seated right on this Carlsberg table...
I like Hokkien char...
A combination of koay teow (flat noodles) and meehoon mixed...
Quite a big portion, it cost RM9...
The Pasembur looks so good...
Thick gravy flooding over the crispy fritters...
We can choose what we like... not the standard type...
As usual, our food needs to be shared among us two...
And that was all we could eat for the night...

Friday, August 18, 2023

Foodhub For You And Me

WHEN I AM IN PENANG, it is a bit inconvenient for me to cook.  Breakfast and lunch, I normally eat out and for dinner, I prefer to drink soup.  So it would be two heavy meals during the day and a light meal in the evening.  What I do is.... I buy a whole chicken from Batu Lancang market and that will be two different soup for two dinners.  During the day, I will be out "exploring" food here and there.....

There is one food court opened in Air Itam called Foodhub By You And Me.... LOL.. The first time I went, I took the Chow Koay Teow, it was so good, Wokhei taste, too bad I forgot to take a picture then.  Second time recently, I ordered the same noodles again, waited half an hour and when it came, I just indulged in.  Picture forgotten again!!  So I guess I have to go for the third time.... 

Cooling and clean environment....
Toasted garlic bread as appetizer....
Brown sugar Tau Foo Far from the same shop.....
Lor Mee... not for me...
I don't like the thick gravy....
But since I was waiting for the fried noodles, I tried a bit...
Not bad!
However I don't think I could finish the whole bowl...
Just give me half will do....

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Love Perak Lane

I MEAN THE FOOD... not loving the lane...  LOL... 

The stall is called Perak Lane Fish Bee Hoon, it has been there like forever and I just googled, it has been operating for almost 60 years!  Oh my goodness, I wonder how many generations till today....  The first time I went there, it was almost twenty years ago, I remember it was a shabbier shed then.  It is still under a shed now but with better zinc, flooring and ventilation... LOL... 

I went there two times in the evening within a span of one week, one time around 5.30pm and another time at 6.30pm... and of course, the earlier we are there, the faster we would be served.  I think they have a lot of varieties but so far, I had only tried the fish noodles and one with the minced pork.  The next time I go again, I have to try their fresh prawns noodles...

This is the place... open air concept beside the passing cars....
Big chunks of fish...
I counted... six pieces...
Ordered with Misua noodles...
Still very worth it!
Another time I ordered this....
Minced pork balls with vege and egg... RM8
I ordered this with Misua noodles again... 
Sure will go back again but not during weekend or dinner time!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Cafe Meal At Picco Polo, Penang

WESTERN FOOD CRAVINGS at one of the numerous cafes in Penang, so many cafes are newly opened after the pandemic and the restrictions uplifted.  Tourists come soaring in again.  Not only in Penang, even in Ipoh, there are endless of cafes, so many that I cannot keep track.  I have to rely on the internet to find out or friends' postings on Facebook.

It was a cooling evening around dinner time 7pm, I was quite hungry then, walking up and down the Lebuh Pantai, undecisive which one to go into.   Finally settled for Picco Polo cafe which was opened in 2021 and they are famous for their polo buns, but I ended up ordering a chicken burger with sweet fries which I love very much.  I normally come across potato fries served with the main dish, this one is exception.
Big chunks of chicken in-between and the sweet fries are a welcoming sight....
As usual, I could only eat of this portion....


                                                     Thumbs up first for the food even before tasting...

        Will come again for another main dish.... to be shared, of course..

   Half Pension, Food Halved... 


An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...