Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Brother's Keeper

On April 1st, my brother was being admitted to hospital for fever and low blood count. He was discharged today, no doubt still weak but at least his blood count has increased. We have been going in and out of the hospital these few days... thank God, the hospital is just 5 minutes drive away. In just a matter of days, the bill came to RM2,700.... no operation nothing.. just some doses of medicine.... maybe the medicine are costly.

Most important, the fever has gone... he regained back his appetite. Prayers were administered and will continue daily, he must now help himself to submit to the Lord and overcome his fear and worries. Do not fret... we do not know what will happen next. But we have faith in our God that healing will come...


  1. So expensive? Went to private hospital? Ah long as better already, that's the most important. Get-well wishes to him, God bless.

  2. Wish him speedy recovery! God bless him.

  3. memang expensive leh.The other day my FIL hospitalised, no operation also nearly rm10k.

  4. How come so expensive? Is it a private or public hospital?

  5. That is very costly.. but I pray your brother's coping better now. Hugs Claire..

  6. pray that ur bro recover soon yea. :) doesnt matter bout d cost. :)

  7. stp: yes, private... if govt sure will be cheap.. for his case, he has to go private...

    wenn: thank u...

    kathy: wow..yours lagi mahal.. nowadays no money, cannot go in private!

    elcynthia: same to u too! Jesus is alive!

    aishiang: private, if govt, will be less than 100rm..

    merryn: yes, i pray that he will be! thanks girl!

    caroline: yes, u r right... provided that money keeps coming in too..

  8. hope your brother will build up his strength. it is very tough for him, and for everyone around him. life can be so unpredictable. so sorry.

  9. Wish that your bro will be in good health asap! :D

  10. Will continue to keep your brother in prayer :)

  11. tuti: thank u.. he needs all the prayers he can get..

    tekkaus: yes, i wish he will be back to normal again... thanks

    rachel: thank u
    ...dont know what to say.. i appreciate that very much!

  12. Hope your brother get well soon

  13. Thank god, your brother is feeling much better now!

  14. pete: thanks .. i hope he will...

    kristy: thank u...

  15. I will pray for your brother and trust the Lord for a miracle.

  16. Hope ur brother is doin well..

  17. lynette: thank u very much

    mery: thanks to u .. he is recuperating in the hosue..

  18. Medical expenses really high now a days... must have up to date insurance ohh.. -__-

  19. cathj: must have medical card la..

  20. Do hope your brother is feeling much better.


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