Monday, November 7, 2011

Sponsored Posts And Unsponsored Ones

Phewww... at last.. managed to get some sponsored posts up today... I thought during the long weekend, I can be able to do a lot of blogging but seems it is not so... I have not done any "visiting" to your blogs for the past two days... what did I actually do...

I remember waking up early on Saturday to do all the housework.... ok, ok,..not all, not all, just the main chores only... So...what did I do... first thing, I must wash the porch in the early morning.... Labbie, my dog is bleeding again, on my slab porch, I can see dots of blood smeared here and there... sigh... so now the heat is on again.. her "boyfriend" always come to my gate in the middle of the night and both will be "smelling" or "kissing"each other there.... so sad....

Ok, next came mopping!  I hate this job... but still.... got to do la!  NO choice... no more maid now... cham... my hands are getting rougher and coarser...

Another chore I also hated to do is the window panes!  My house is old fashioned... lots and lots of window panes to wipe... 70-80?  Later I will count... Who invented these window panes those days???  Gosh... if I have the dough, I would throw away all the window panes and replace them with "easy-wipe" panes!

Toilet.... I have 3... but I am lazy, I told my girl, "Lets use only one toilet, OK?"  Leave the other two locked and when there are guests, then only we unlock them... Deal?

Next, wiping the dust from the cabinets, tables....sofa.... photo frames... etc etc..
Don't you detest this type of job?

But then... look on the brighter side... When I have finished all these "detestable" chores, I feel a sense of satisfaction after that.... I admire my own cleaniness.... ahemmm.... the floors so nice to walk on... the toilets so clean and span... the kitchen so neat and tidy.... (chey... self praising here!)

How about you all? Don't you feel satisfaction too when you see your house cleaned up so nicely....  well, at least for a moment, right?  Then... in no time, they are back to the way they are again... DIRTY!  sigh....

Which part of the house do you like to touch upon?  What a boring question...  hahahaa.... 


  1. haha yeah satisfaction when all the things are tidy up! and yes! very soon mess up all again. =.=

  2. Get a maid. Here, can employ somebody to come in for a day to clean the house from top to bottom - can call them once a week or once every two weeks. RM50 each time...

  3. henry: yeah..satisfaction felt for a short while.. :)

    stp: over here too.. 50rm.. but i dont want ler.. 50 is a lot..

  4. haha, and who say holidays is actually for you to rest?? most of the time you spend your holidays doing some other things that are more tiring than your work, haha~~ :D

  5. I would love to have the time to clean my house.

  6. i cleaned my room last Saturday. after sooo many months i able to touch the dusty things and cleaned it well:-)

  7. Housework never ends..this lah that lah...and end result, you will satisfy when the house is clean and tidy.

  8. Huahhh, yeah I hate to do cleaning stuff.. Make my hand more rough.. I'll become happy if someone praise me for what i've done, cleaning my house. Not only that, 1 think that make me want to do cleaning stuff is that I know do cleaning stuff will reduce my fat... Haha..

    Nice story that you had,, love it..

    <a href=">Kamu Blogger...? Join Event Blogger Percuma Samsung Galaxy Ace dan RM 1,000 Berakhir 23 Desember 2011</a>

  9. SK: I think I want to agree with you... holidays at work but not in the house...

    wenn: then better dont have time.. work outside better.. hahaa..

    veta: then can last for another few months again? :p

    irene: tidy maybe for a week the most.. then dust accumulates again!

    sdmalay: yes, that is the only consolation, can firm up our arms.. hahaha..

    kathy: cham not cham.. but lan ma!

  10. You either need a maid or move to a smaller house with only ONE toilet, like the type you see in the Hongkie TV series... Ha

  11. your house must be squeeky clean now..since your floor is so clean and smooth now, slippery or not? be careful when you walk, otherwise you fall down and really cham!! maybe i like washing my car but hate ironing!

  12. Just be glad you didn't have to do yard work in addition to house work!

  13. pam: yes, apartment style.. no porch, less toilets... hehhee..

    lena: i dont mind ironing but i hate to wash my car.. i sent to car wash.. 2.50rm.. hahaa...

    gigi: yes, i dont have a yard and i do not have green fingers! :)

  14. i managed to clean up a lil part of my house too :)

  15. I will only clean 3 place in the house, since im only renting a room, haha.

    my bedroom, the toilet and living room... i prefer my own house la T_T

    I do agree with you... proud for like few minutes, then suddenly dirty again... haiz.

  16. So you are telling us that you used to have maid? :p

  17. I grew up in a cleaning business, so I try to keep everything to a certain level . . . good idea to lock the extra bathrooms for guests!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  18. merryn: one day do lil and lil... :P

    daniel: how come your room got living hall also? a mini house already like that.. :)

    tekkaus: pay and you will get.. :)

    cloudia: don't follow my laziness.. hahaa..

  19. im more lazy to even tidy my house LOL!

  20. Go and hire a "chong tim kong yan" for four hours,here the rate in penang is about RM38....

  21. fish: hahha.. i ignore sometimes!

    eugene: i feel sayang to pay money.. me stingy.. so i rather do myself.. and complain.. hahaa..

  22. Of course of course! It feels good to sweep away dust and hairs on the floor~

  23. Hey! I did my spring clean last Sunday too! Sometime cleaning can be part of the destress too, after seeing the clen floor and cabinet you feel so proud and satisfy.


Thank you, readers!

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