Thursday, April 5, 2012

Honda Jazz Hybrid For One Night

Who says Green can't be the Colour of Passion? 
Just a couple of hours ago, we were at the Jaya Jusco ground floor, admiring and "drooling" over three models of Honda Hybrid.  One that really caught our attention is this Green Honda Jazz.  Really a beauty!  Four of us could not resist not getting into the car, my girl sat at the driver's seat... she looked so COOL... (Bergaya!)

Next minute, the salesman was beside us... (thought we were playing the fool?)  No, of course not, we might be potential buyers!  LOL...  He explained the engine side of the story, hybrid engine...etc etc... but what I was interested in was the price and the interest plan. 

Down payment is 10% of the RM95,000 
Interest rate per annum is 2.35% with 9 years tenure maximum.... 
On the way home, someone (the above) was doing some mental calculations in the car... we joined in the fun... how much we get for selling our old car, how much to dump into the new car, how much we are borrowing, how many years we are paying..... and how much monthly.... all the $$$$!

Well, no harm dreaming and talking about Jazz Hybrid for one night, right?  LOL....


  1. I can't afford new cars anymore. The monthly repayment for my present car is like a never-ending journey. I am currently counting the days, wishing for the instalment to come to its end so that I can have an extra 700 to spend every month.

  2. nikel: nowadays hybrid in trend ?

    pam: me too, me too.. still have another one more year to go! :)

  3. I agree, it is really a beauty, and a hybrid also!!! Well, maybe one day....?

  4. Blame it on the government for the crazily high prices of our cars. People in other countries pay only around 20-30k for these smaller models. Geez I sound like an opposition politician right? Hehe Can't help to be in the mood coz my residential area is flooded with those stupid blue dacing flags now!

  5. Ya...I'll get one when I strike it BIG at TOTO tomorrow...

  6. Oh, my dream car. Just like you say, dreaming only....but who knows it can become reality.

  7. This is a good choice and the price is okay too,, trade off your car, pump in some cash, then the installments will not be that heavy lol,,hahahhaahhah

  8. ginny: i will wait for my kids to buy if they can afford.. hahaa...

    gratitude: yeah yeah...this is what we always grumble about :)

    stp: I wish u strike too..then give us some free tickets..

    irene: we can only dream hor? :)

    eugene: debts never ends... hahaha..

    cloudia: greetings!

  9. when comes to car, nowadays, almost everyone is talking about Hybrid and you are right, is in trend....

    and I'm always follow the trend, hence already started DREAMING about it....LOL.

  10. everyone is talking about it..ehhehehe.

  11. it is a nice car..
    looks small but big in spaces..
    last time my company has a honda jazz as a company car..
    very spacious...

  12. littlekitboy: dream and it might come true one day...

    yeeling: is it? i didnt know till i went last night..

    simpleperson: toyota or honda better?

  13. I think the hybrid car looks amazing but I would definitely opt for Toyota hybrid...haha!! I am thinking of getting hybrid car also when I buy my car next time, which will probably be quite some time from now...haha!!

  14. This is my dream car since it was introduced to the market. Now that I have saved enough, I think I'll look for second hand car deals in Wigan of this brand. It's never too late for a good hybrid car.

  15. I will definitely ask for a car loan financing company to help me own a car just like that. I really love the design of that Green Honda Jazz.

  16. This is nice. I am a certified pre owned mazda owner. After seeing this I wanted to transform my ride with exact color you have there. An eco-friendly color. I love it!

  17. It is amazing on gas milage. I get between 35 and 40 mpg. And I live on Long Island! Granted I live East so there is less traffic, but there is still traffic and even when I head West I get around 33 miles per gallon.


Thank you, readers!

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