Wednesday, December 30, 2015

From Hospital Fatima To Batu Gajah

ALARM RANG AT 7.30AM.... and I was all ready to go out an hour later... not to anywhere to enjoy but to the hospital.  My appointment with my bone specialist for the third time...

By Now I know my procedure very well, after registering with the clinic, 
I was wheeled to the basement to do the X-ray... this normally takes an hour....

While waiting for the report, I admired my "naked" leg...
It has slimmed down a lot... cos it was not in "use"....
By noon I was "done".... 
I went home and out again within an hour.....
My friend came to fetch me and we went for a drive to Batu Gajah.....
I was so indebted to my friend....
She knows I need some distraction....
And we went to a few places... 
Tanning my leg as usual...
Actually I was advised  by doctor to put up my leg all the time...
And to exercise it whenever possible......
This is how it looks like after being wrapped up....
I cannot step on it ... as yet... 
But soon I will be able to...... sooooooon!
On the way back from our drive, we stopped in Menglembu...
I was yearning a piece of that... 
but my friend ended buying up so many...
Not so healthy but then... just today... 
And I drank a whole coconut after one piece....
Thank you, friend.... for taking me for a good intention drive..
I really Need that...


  1. Don't worry, very soon your leg will be as good as before. Please send one piece of my favourite fried neen koh over.

  2. Speedy recovery and soon you'll be running about happily. :)

  3. Oh not yet can run soon ...still improvement. .your rhis friend memang patit sayang more....take so good care of you ☺

  4. Soon i will be seeing you driving here & there hunting for good food. Speedy recovery & take care. Blessed New Year to you & family. God Bless.

  5. Soon, soon you will be allowed to stand and walk on that foot. In the meantime exercise your foot well. Happy New year to you!

  6. Xray showed bone healed already? Not in my case...after two months, in the end...put in one steel bar and six screws to join it back together. :(

    1. Not yet la.. still got crack a bit... I didnt put screws... that is why it takes longer..

  7. So how's the healing? Must be good lah since can go and merayau after that. The goreng-goreng things looks very crispy and good. Longing for some hah..hah... Happy New Year!

  8. Oh dear, I thought the doctor would remove the leg bandages this time but NO!
    You are really so patient with the slow recovery. Hope you can start running and dancing again by CNY.

    Wishing you and family a Happy & Healthier New Year 2016!

    1. I am not patient... but no choice.. hahahaa.. so got to be...


Thank you, readers!

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