Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Penang Murals And AEON BIG, Farlim

HAVING NOTHING MUCH TO DO IN THE AFTERNOON, MY FRIEND TOOK ME FOR A RIDE TO THE NEWLY OPENED AEON BIG IN FARLIM... With the blazing sun looming above us, it was indeed a hot day especially there is no shaded car park in the huge open area at AEON...We drove up to the parking inside the building thinking there would be covered car park... but alas, it was just a roof parking, as hot as it is at the ground level.... Seems Everyone have to park their car under the hot scorching sun. what is in store for us here... AEON Big is one of the main tenants... upon entering, most of the shop lots are still very vacant and empty.... but instead of seeing the empty  shoplots, they were replaced by interesting murals from Penang... not actually the original murals painted on the walls here but canvas type hung up while waiting for the shops to be occupied.... A very good idea actually...
Upon entering, one can feel the Penang atmostphere.... 

I am sure shoppers will find it interesting to take pictures as they walk along.... just like me! 
Looks so real and nice..... 
Reminds me of the Malacca heritage houses too...
It is like so-like Penang over here....
Interesting and fascinating, right?
At least someone has come up with this idea to make up the empty lots at the mall....
And this the real scenerio on a Wednesday afternoon.....

As I was wheeled along the way... no obstruction... all in full view.... 
Along the upper level....
Cooling and nice....
Quiet time for us retirees to come here and have a quiet walk... 
A nice time to catch up among the oldies but the goldies like this picture here....
Yes, this is AEON BIG...
Indeed it looks huge here...
Chinese New Year is coming soon...
Hope by then, more shops will be opened to attract us customers....


  1. Enchanting wall pictures. They are so real.

  2. I like the interactive murals, can sit on the stools or in the trishaw for photos. Ours here, no such thing, not impressed.

  3. The weather is getting hotter as CNY is getting nearer. Hope the shops will be ready in time.

    1. Scorching heat.. but then better than raining...

  4. I went there before and the mall is really empty, lots of shops are still not occupied, and the most funny thing is, those at the ground floor are temporary only, separated by partitions, haha.. hope more shops will move in soon..

    1. You went there before? You mean before it was opened? Just only recently it was newly opened...

  5. Beautiful murals paintings & it reminds me of Penang. A good & creative idea to use canvas. Looks so spacious the shopping mall.

  6. Hopefully they will install some metal shelters/roofings for the open air car park to shade the cars from the hot sun. Brilliant idea to print those banners with the mural pictures for the public viewing,

  7. Ever consider setting up a business since there are still shops lot vacant and empty?

  8. It's still so empty. Hope that it will be occupied soon so that it will be more fun going there.

    1. Most probably before CNY.. otherwise biz will be bleak after that...

  9. I think someday Penang would be full of murals until there are no clean and empty walls left.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...