Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dinner At CJ Hotpot After Convo

BY THE TIME WE LEFT UTP, it was almost 7pm ... and our late dinner at CJ Hotpot in Medan Ipoh was most welcomed by five hungry humans!

It was almost going to 9pm when our dinner was finally served.  Ipoh was certainly very congested and jammed up on the roads during that weekend.  I guess the families of those graduates from all over Malaysia were here in Ipoh that day, enjoying the good food around town and everywhere... During that time, I was coughing very badly, the antibiotics and the cough mixture did not help.  The worst is that I forgot to bring in some lozenges or sweets to sooth my itchy throat, even a bottle of water was not enough for my dry throat.

Having hot soup was a welcoming sight to my dry throat... the other side dishes were for the young ones!  LOL...
Waiting for it to boil... 

And it did after a few minutes... nice hot soup for me!
 The Salad Beancurd is their favourite!
 I was tempted... but I refrained and refrained... 
More tempted here by this dish... Curry Prawns wrapped in bread... 
And the smiles just about the dinner was going to start!
Sorry, I cannot remember the bill for this..
Certainly over RM100 but less than RM150... 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Graduation At UTP.... The Finale

ANOTHER EVENT COINCIDES WITH THE HOUSE RENOVATION... MY GIRL'S CONVOCATION!  *This is the segment to my previous post written in a hurry*

Guess I have wrongly timed my schedule, one month is not enough for the house to be completed in time.  Cleaning up the whole house took a few long days!  The problem was I could not get hired help from the agency by the time my contractor finished the works, but thankfully, the husband-wife couple offered to help me clean up the house before the convocation.... Phew... that is a Big Relief.. and in one whole day, my house was more or less "sleep-able" ... The rest are minor clean-ups.. they will have to wait...

Coming back to the convocation, my girl has finally and officially graduated after five years of sweat and tears.  And now I can really sit back and relax while she works day after day!  LOL... Her graduation ceremony was in the afternoon, thank goodness and we did not have to rush during the wee hours in the morning. 
Even Pooh the Bear is happily relaxing at the back of our car....
Her graduation flowers... 
Thanks to my talented friend who made these FOC for her!
And upon entering to the academic hall....
And the proud family were seated... 
The graduates came marching in... 
And we managed to "locate" her... after some time... 
She was just seated below where we were..... HI!
When it was her turn to go up, video and photos were taken endlessly... 
And now I could not find them! 
And more pictures were taken when it ended... 
This is the only picture I could retrieve at this moment... 
Well done, Girl.. 
Finally your studies are over.. now you are entering another phase of life...
May God continues to direct your paths to where He wants you to be...
And the Photo Shooting continues with Jet Fynn....
Everyone have a fun session with the Pro himself... 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

My Kind Of Tips Before House Renovation


This is the first time that I have not blogged for more than a week in my "almost-10-years old blog"..
Now I am BACK ... yes, I hope I will not leave my blog getting dusty again....
I have been pretty busy for the past one month or more, in between I slotted in some time to update my blog and it was so tedious that I eventually gave up and concentrate on other things to do....

There are a couple of reasons why I was tired, busy, no time to post nor paying visits to my blog friends.  In the coming posts, I will relate...

The very first cause was because of my house... my home.... it was in the midst of a deteriorating stage... no need to go into details... and eventually, it needed to be "repaired" before it is too late.  LOL... And when the renovation began on a beautiful Monday, my girl and I had to run for our lives!

Now some advice for those who have plans to do minor or major renovation in the house, especially the bathrooms....
1)  Make sure you have an extra home to "bunk" into once the renovation starts... *Both of us packed up and drove away from Ipoh the very next day*
2)  Cover up your furniture, label up the boxes where you dump your clothing, accessories and any other items in the house.... *now I cannot find some of my things for I did not pack them up in boxes*
3)  Find someone trustworthy to check daily on the repairs being done... *if you are going out of town like I did*

When the drilling began in one of the bathrooms, OH MY GOODNESS! 
THE DUST... THE DUST!!  We did not expect the loud noise, the mess, the dust flying everywhere, onto the bed, tables, chairs.... everywhere... and after enduring one day in the house, my girl and I packed up and drove to Johor the very next day!  Bye, Ipoh......

After escaping for two weeks and being in contact with the "manager" and "contractor" each day, I came back to look-see.  All was going as planned though I was wearing the mask each time I entered the house.  During this month long renovation, I am so thankful I have nice wonderful friends who welcomed me into their home to stay.... for I was kind of "homeless" when I came back to Ipoh... LOL... 

Now everything is back to normal, I tell myself... NO More renovations... at my age, this Once is more than enough.... What a relief now that it is over....Oh, correction... it is not over as yet... the house is still a mess.... now is the time to tidy up and put back where they belong... I need a few pairs of hands... anyone???  LOL... .
The day they ended their Contract...

Friday, October 27, 2017

Getting Ready For Winter Vacation

How to Plan It Right

Winter is an excellent time to go on vacation with friends or family, but figuring out what to do isn’t always easy. If you don’t ski and you don’t particularly enjoy long periods of time in the snow, finding the proper destination can be a bit mindboggling.

There are options out there for people who don’t consider themselves snowbirds though. Use this guide to help you plan the perfect winter vacation for you and your family this year.

Choose Your Destination Wisely

Where you’re going to go for a winter vacation really depends on what you want to do. The biggest and most popular destinations are those where you can ski and enjoy everything that the winter has to offer.

However, not everybody is interested in skiing. If you fall into that camp, you need to think about what you’re going to do with the rest of your free time. 

When booking a destination, make sure there’s something for you to do. Whether that’s shopping, fine dining or visiting historical landmarks, you need to make sure there’s an activity for you.

Looking to Relax?

Another option you have when trying to get away for winter vacation is to simply find a place where you don’t have to do anything at all. This may not be the best situation if you have kids, but sometimes adults just need to unwind.

Sometimes all you need is a few days away from it all to come back home with a clear head.

Book Early

No matter where you want to go for your winter vacation, you probably already know that popular destinations fill up quickly. If you don’t book early, you’ll find that it’s nearly impossible to get a hotel room or cabin when you want one.

If you can, consider going to popular destinations through the week when they aren’t quite as full. You’ll save money on per night lodging in most cases, but you’ll get all the same amenities and features.

Getting Ready

After all reservations been booked and reserved, the next step is to look into is the winter attire.  Keeping yourself warm and comfortable for the vacation is very important especially during the cold weather.  Though the weather may be cold, nevertheless, catching walks with your love ones is very memorable and it is time to get some nice winter clothing at Lyst.  A wide selection of winter clothing for both him and her, ranging from coats, jackets, jeans, knitwear, nightwear, tops and many more to choose from in this website.  It gives you ideas on what to bring and wear not only during the winter, but followed by spring, summer and fall. 

Well, what are you waiting for?  Get yourself ready for your vacation now.... Enjoy!!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fitness Myths You Need To Ignore

It’s important to stay safe while you are exercising and trying to stay in shape, and one way you can do that is by ignoring all of the various fitness myths that are out there at the minute. Most myths aren’t based on any science at all and won’t be doing your body any good at all. Generally speaking, anything that promises fast results is always way too good to be true and should be firmly ignored. To ensure that you don’t jeopardize your fitness, here are some of the biggest fitness myths you need to ignore.


Spot Training Works Problem Areas

We all have different parts of our bodies that we don’t like. Quite a few women aren’t keen on their bingo wings on their upper arms. Most people aren’t happy if they have a large stomach. Unfortunately, though, simply focusing on these areas isn’t enough to help sort them out. Spot training - for instance, only doing push-ups to work your arms - doesn’t really work. You are much better off focusing on the body as a whole during your workouts and lowering your calorie intake. This way, you should gradually lose weight from all areas of the body.

You Need To Focus On Cardio

Lots of people think that only doing cardio workouts is enough to lose weight. Again, this is another myth that you shouldn’t listen to. It’s true that cardio is important in your whole workout schedule, but you also need to add some strength training to it as well. So, if you love going for runs or long bike rides, make sure you are doing an hour or so of weight lifting or HIIT classes. You will really notice that your fitness improves once you start mixing up your workouts in this way!

Certain Foods Can Boost Your Health And Fitness

You will read about superfoods and how lots of them can improve your overall health and fitness. For instance, some people believe that chocolate milkshakes provide you with all the energy and protein your body needs during workouts while black cumin seed oil can help prevent a range of health issues. However, no matter what health or fitness benefits a certain food is said to have, it probably isn’t true. You will find it much more beneficial to simply stick to a healthy and balanced diet.

Drinking Pure Water Isn’t Enough

Some people might tell you that you should drink sports drinks rather than just plain old water. You don’t have to listen to them, though. This myth has come about because some people think that the body needs an increase in electrolytes after a workout. This is true to some extent, but it should be able to get enough from all the water you drink.

Hopefully, you now won’t fall for some of these really common fitness myths!

Rather than listening to things that sound too good to be true, focus on getting a consistent weekly workout schedule. That’s the best way to progress!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How To Jet Off With Peace Of Mind

Being able to travel the world is a privilege for most people that isn’t often afforded by most. The luxury of seeing new places and the excitement of heading off on a warm, sunshine-filled trip is something to look forward to and getting prepared for it is part of the fun. But the summer songs you listen to that get you in the mood for your break never seem to talk about the practical side of jetting away.
They don’t talk about remembering your passport or applying for visas. They don’t talk about updating your health insurance to include your travels and they don’t talk about getting your home as secure as possible before you go away. There isn’t much that can spoil a holiday, but coming home to find the house has been broken into or the windows smashed puts a huge downer on the restful time you’ve just had. There are some things you can do to secure your house before you go away, and so we’ve put five of those things together for you below so that you can be well-prepared for your homecoming.
  1. Stay Off Social Media. Going on holiday is fun for everyone, but telling the world about it is not exactly a good idea. Don’t post up any holiday photos until after you’ve arrived home, especially on unsecured sites like Instagram or Twitter where your followers are unlikely to know you personally.
  2. Sweep The Locks. Before you leave the house to get to the airport, make sure that you go around the entire house and make sure all locks are tightened up and working. Speak to Eastway Lock Key to install locks on the windows that don’t have any and tighten up the garden gate. It’s a common-sense thing, really, to ensure your locks are working properly before you go away for a few days.
  3. Sockets Off. Aside from the fridge and the freezer, you need to ensure every single appliance is switched off so that you can minimise the fire risks while you’re gone.
  4. Fake It. These excellent timed switches are brilliant to use when you go away from home for an extended period of time. You can easily ensure that you give the impression that you are still home, simply by having the lights switch on in the evenings and off at bedtime.
  5. Hide The Signs. When you go away, you need to think about cancelling the milkman for the time you’re away so that people cannot see the bottles lining up outside. If you get the chance, ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on the house for you while you’re away and give them a spare key in case of an emergency situation.
Your holiday is supposed to keep you relaxed and refreshed, ready for the next tough cycle of commuting and home life before the next chance to get away. The last thing that you need is to come home to disaster. With our tips, you can avoid the chances of that happening at all.

Luxury Destinations For Business Or Pleasure

In our society, the season of travel is not an issue. Technology has opened the calendars of the elite. Many business owners and CEOs actually choose months to travel that others ignore.

A business owner who is seeking a new client will know that the warmer months are usually their busiest time of the year. Inviting the potential client on a trip is not a good idea. Even if the client chooses to go, his mind is on his business and you are not going to have his attention.

However, if you invite the client on a luxury destination in a month when business is typically slow, he will be more than willing. So what can you do in the winter that will get his attention?
Let me give you an example.

ABC Company wanted to sign a major client. This client had been loyal to a specific brand for years, so it was not going to be easy to sway him. In the off-season (which in this case was late fall) ABC invites the client and his wife to a resort in Colorado.


ABC Company chartered a private jet so they could travel in comfort and privacy. The plane was beautiful with lush seating, ample room, and all the amenities one could think of. They enjoyed drinks and conversation that gently opened the door to the business at hand.

They arrived in Colorado and were taken by limo to a lovely resort. As the wives spend their days shopping, going to the spa, and enjoying themselves. There are services that can help with the transport of all the necessities from one place to another so you can go shopping freely, without thinking about luggage or suitcases limits. The men went fly fishing, the took Rocky Mountain 4x4 tours. They bonded. In the evening they would dine in the 5-star restaurant at the resort and take in some of the entertainment at the hotel.

By the time they were boarding the private jet to return, they had formed a bond and respect for each other. ABC ultimately signed the client.

Personal travel

Perhaps it is a wedding gift. Maybe you are celebrating an anniversary. Perhaps you just want to go on the vacation of your dreams. How you get there is just as important as getting there. Your luxury trip begins on the plane. There is no first-class seating on any plane that matches the comfort, beauty, and service of chartering your plane.

There is no stress. No passengers are pushing or shoving. No one is talking and laughing so loud that you can’t have a conversation with your partner. You are pampered and cared for. You have plenty of room to stretch out and you arrive you are relaxed and ready to enjoy your stay. Anyhow if you are little bit of more active person and enjoys more adventurous places with extreme sports or being in wild, consider having a good health insurance just in case any unfortunate incident happened.


Tips for your destination

Here are just a few of the destinations that are a favorite for business or pleasure

  • Aspen
    • Luxury chalets
    • Skiing
    • Beautiful scenic mountains
  • Palm Springs
    • Golfing
    • Luxury spa and pools
    • Warm weather
  • Martha’s Vineyard
    • More than 8 miles of private beach
    • Vacation destination for super-stars and world leaders
    • Premium shopping
    • Luxury in every aspect of your trip

Some of our favorite resorts

  • Tanque Verde Ranch, Tucson, AZ
  • Sonnenalp, Vail, CO
  • L’Horizon Resort & Spa, Palm Springs, CA
  • Cromwell, Las Vegas

When is the best season of the year to travel? The season you are experiencing right now. So pack your bags and charter a plane. The world is waiting.

Are You Easily Irritated?

It’s normal to become irritated and everyone’s experienced it at some point in their lives. Perhaps we’re working on a project and something happens, such as our computer crashing, losing valuable work that we spent the entire afternoon on. During a situation like this, it’s normal to throw our arms up, slam the table or even shout out.

However, becoming irritated is a quick way to ruin your relationships with other people. When we’re irritated, it’s normal to lash out at others by accident or even seem moody and grumpy. If you think that you’re easily irritated, then it might not be because of your personality, but more because of your lifestyle.

1. What’s making you irritated?

First, think about the source of the irritation. Perhaps it’s just someone you dislike at the office you work at, or perhaps one of your relatives is giving you a lot of trouble by calling or messaging you while you’re working. Something causes the irritation and it’s rare that it ever happens on its own. Once you find the source of the irritation, you’ll have a much easier time getting rid of it or at least being able to manage it better. If you find that people at the office easily irritate you, then this article from https://www.entrepreneur.com/ has a couple of great tips that are passed down from successful people.

2. Getting enough sleep

Sleep is surprisingly powerful when it comes to managing your irritation. More sleep means that you’re less fatigued, and less fatigue means you’re more likely to handle situations in a calm and relaxed manner by making good decisions. The more tired we are, the harder it is to focus or make rational judgements. People that are deprived of sleep are more likely to lash out at others, and there’s a good chance that it will negatively affect your life. Your mattress might be the reason why you’re not able to get quality sleep, so take a look at https://mattress-guides.net for reviews. You might also want to cut caffeine roughly 6 hours before you sleep. This will give your body enough time to unwind and relax so you can get a better session of sleep.

3. Managing your diet

Our diets have a huge effect on the way we live our lives. While healthy diets can help us lose weight, improve our skin and make us feel happier, forcing your diet could make you grumpy. Pushing yourself to eat food you dislike and downing caffeinated drinks all day is a quick way to becoming easily irritated. Make sure you’re managing your diet properly and include plenty of water to flush the body of toxins, and don’t force yourself into a certain diet regime if it’s making you unhappy. Even if your goal is to lose weight by cutting calories, you’re going to get grumpy and eventually binge on food because you’re not happy with your diet. In short, keep an eye on your diet so that it doesn’t make you grumpy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

3 Reasons to play online bingo

Online bingo is a game that we’re all familiar with! What makes it distinct from the land based bingo is that it much more simple, less complex and easily accessible game. Apart from these, there are other benefits of playing online bingo which is explained to you below:

1. Player interaction:
Online bingo is something that provides players a platform to connect with bingo players from across the world. You can make friends or simply challenge them for a game. No need to worry if you’re is not online, you can always play with thousands others that playing the same games at the same time. 

2. Freebies:
As a player, you can bingo games free and at the same time win real cash prizes. Apart from free bingo games, players can log in to kasyno bez depozytu also win various goodies and gift hampers such as a BBQ set, chocolate hamper and many more by participating in on-site and off site(such as Facebook and other social media platforms) contests. 

3. Huge variety:
Online bingo is a home to largest varieties of bingo games and other gambling games. You can as many as 200+ slots games alone. With such huge variety, one can be split for choice. 
If you’ve got all the good reasons to play online bingo, then join in the fun at UK’s best online bingo site GameVillage and win exclusive bonuses.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Reanaclaire Blogging Break-A-Way


It has been a hectic October month for me... I guess it is time to take a break from blogging.  Just temporary off for a month or so... but IF I miss blogging too much, I might "cheat" and sign in again, who knows, tomorrow I would be back here again!  LOL....

Meanwhile, I am staying off from blogging, if I have time, I will drop by to say hello to my ever faithful bloggers... if not for you readers, my blog would have closed down by now.  Comments keep me going on and on....

Before I sign off, I thank you all once again.... oh dear, even before I sign out, I am missing blogging already... huhuhuuuuu...

Love You ALL!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Stormy Weather: The Severe Weather Home Disasters You Need To Avoid

The ceiling caving in, that is the way we often talk about disasters in a metaphorical sense. However, it can actually happen, along with many other problems that are best to avoid, especially in the colder months. So read on to find out how to help prevent these and keep your home safe no matter how fierce the storm.


Heating breakdowns

During stormy, cold weather, the one thing that you will want to rely on is your heating. After all, there's nothing more comforting than curling up with a good book and hot chocolate in your cozy, warm home. Even as the wind blows a gale outside.

However, heating system breakdowns can prevent this, and that is why you have to take some preventative measure to stop such things happening. One useful measure is to use a heat tracing system for your home, as this can help stop your water supply freezing and so reduce the risk of cracked and leaking pipes during the winter period.

Also, if your heating works on a fuel that needs to be delivered like oil or gas, it is vital that you get a good supply of this in before the bad weather starts to hit. This is because bad weather can disrupt the access to your property and stop your supplier being able to deliver the fuel you need to keep warm in the winter months.

Snowed in

Getting snowed in isn't fun, especially if you have limited resources and no way to contact the outside world. In fact, situations like this can truly end in disaster. However, while you can't always control the weather, you can ensure that you are as prepared as possible when it does hit.


To do this includes having enough food supplies, a small gas ring to melt snow and cook on, as well as a reliable form of communication contact to your nearest town. Mobile phones can work well here, although in some remote areas a two-way radio may be a better choice.

Leaking roofs  

Lastly, as mentioned earlier roofs can be a serious issue when the bad weather comes in. After all, you don't want to have to suffer leaks or even a cave in when the weather outside is less than pleasant.

So what can be done about this issue? Well, if you know a storm is in the way, then make sure that you secure any weak spots in the roof that you can. While the weather is finer, it's a good idea to check the roof structure and tiles, replacing any that aren't up to scratch.

It's can also be beneficial to keep an emergency patch-up kit in the home, that you can use to make minor repairs as soon as the bad weather has passed. Something that should tide you over until you can get a qualified roofing professional out to do the more extensive work that such repairs require.

In these ways, you can ensure that you home weathers the storm of severe weather. Something that can help to keep you safe, warm and dry no matter what the time of year.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Convocation At UTP


And I barely had time to blog, it has been a few days since.  Lots of happening, all at once.. don't know which to manage and eventually, my "battery" went down all flat.   Most important event of the year is my girl's graduation... finally!  Now I can heave a big sigh of relief... she has finished her path of academic, no more for her, she said.. enough of opening books and stressing over assignments till middle of night or early dawn.  Pressure and "stressure" is over...

Been in and out of UTP for the past ten years, first five for the eldest brother, and the last five years for my youngest girl.  I have paid UTP many visits for the past decade. 
Her favourite cartoon character... 
All the way from Ipoh... 
And into her arms... 
Sayonara UTP... 
Welcome to another phase of life... my girl!
Well done, I am so proud of you!!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

All You Need To Know About Princess Cut Diamonds

Diamonds are forever, as the famous jingle goes. And if you’re looking to buy a diamond, you need to keep the 4 Cs in mind-
·         Cut
·         Color
·         Clarity
·         Carat

While a diamond is special, there are some shapes that are more popular than others. For instance, the round shape of the brilliant cut doesn’t look it’s going out of style any time soon. The pear shape is great on a simple band as well. But one of the most well-known and beloved designs is surely the princess cut. Introduced to the world sometime in the twentieth century, this London discovery is exciting for all jewelry lovers. The square shape of the princess cut is instantly recognizable and immensely versatile. When you look at the diamond from the top, it has a crisscross pattern that makes it distinctive. It’s less expensive than its spherical friend- because of the way it is cut, the princess cut diamond has lesser wastage. This keeps the carat price down.  When it comes to this specific design, the 4Cs become even more important. Here’s what you need to look out for:

1.       Cut- this is where the princess diamond shines beyond its other counterparts. The cut of a diamond creates facets that cause the brilliance of the stone. When you have a well cut diamond, it’s the right proportions and makes the diamond shine even more. What’s curious about the princess cut is that it has elements of the rounded brilliant diamond as well, minus the curves at the corners. It’s narrower and could even look rectangular, if cut differently. If you desire the square shape, make sure the ratio of length to breath is 1.00 to 1.05.

2.       Clarity- while a perfect flawless diamond is the dream, it’s rare to find one, not to mention expensive. Clarity can also mean very few flaws or inclusions that are visible to the naked eye. That means, they may be visible under a loupe, but not to the casual eye. A word of caution- make sure there are no cracks or weak corners because they could weaken the diamond and make it easily breakable. Look for S11, VS2 and VS1 grades for clarity.

3.       Color- like with all diamonds, the more colorless your stone, the better it is for you. Try and get a princess cut that has no yellow tint. The presence of the color can reduce the gleam of your stone. A colorless diamond costs more, so you could look for a little color but don’t go below grade I or H.  The stone is near colorless. This way, you won’t burn a hole in your pocket and you’ll also get a lovely looking stone. If you do have the money, go in for the colorless grade of F, E or D.

4.       Carat-the carat count depends on your budget and what you have in mind. Generally, round numbers cost way more than a number that’s just a tad lower. So instead of a 1 carat diamond try a point or two lower. In fact, given the way it is cut-broad at the top and narrow at the bottom, the princess cut enhances the size of the diamond making it appear to be larger than size.

Now that you’ve picked out your stone, your next big decision should be about the best way to show off the diamond. One of the issues with the princess cut is that its edges are not too strong. They are prone to chipping and considering how a ring crashes into things, this can be a serious issue. So your setting needs to take this into account. You have to protect the square and some V prongs on the corners will help you. You can of course put your stone together with others, make it an engagement ring or a wedding band. This can also help protect your diamond and it looks gorgeous as well! Like we said, this is a versatile stone and fits in beautifully in an art deco style or in the more ornate vintage finish. It pairs well with all kinds of outfits from denim to classy cords for that formal party.

The princess cut is not as sparkly as other stones and it’s perfect for the less ostentatious person. As it is a diamond makes a strong statement. With the princess cut on your finger, the statement is a strong but subtle one. It’s not just on a ring that this diamond looks good. Imagine it on a slender gold or platinum chain or as earrings and you’ll see what a pretty picture it makes. The princess cut goes well with people who have a modern lookout and sensibility. It’s traditional and contemporary at the same time. And this makes it a lasting legacy and one that is timeless. On your person or as a gift to the next generation of your family, the princess cut diamond is one to hold on to. 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...