Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day Outing At Edinburgh Castle And National Museum Of Scotland


The next morning we had our energy recharged... after a hearty breakfast at the hotel, we took a tram to the town, it was just a 15 minute journey from Novatel hotel to town.  From there, we walked up to Edinburgh castle, stopping on the way to have lunch and ice cream!!  We spent nearly the whole day sight-seeing and stopping at the National Museum of Scotland.  Entrance is free of charge and we spent a couple of hours inside... In the evening, we checked in to another hotel, Courtyard Merriot for another night...

Up Edinburgh Castle...
Lunch and dessert time!
At the National Museum where we spent a couple of hours... 
A tiring day no doubt but well spent... 


  1. That's one very handsome guy there, the one with the bagpipes!

  2. Wow, what an adventure! And it looks like a man was getting ready to play his bagpipes!

  3. I suddenly hear bagpipes in my head! LOL!

  4. You guys also didn't enter the Edinburgh Castle? It was closed during my visit.
    I wanna visit Edinburgh again and again... LOLOL

  5. so many people walking around!!

    What were you ladies looking at the display glass??

  6. Can see from your photos that all of you enjoyed yourselves! So fun!

  7. A very enjoyable trip for everyone, especially from the smiles on your faces.


Thank you, readers!

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