Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Our Early No-Rice Dinners At Home Cafe, Ipoh

HOMECOOKED FOOD AT IN-HOUSE CAFE...  I am really thankful that I have homecooked food to eat these days.  My friend who stays 20 minutes away from me, likes to call us over for early dinner now and then and I wouldn't mind driving that distance for a good yummy meal!  Sometimes I add in one or two dishes and at times, I just go there empty-handed.  LOL... 

"Home cafe" I used to tell her and for the past few days, I have been there, enjoying her homecooked food.  Now that I am writing this, I am going over for an early dinner again later in the afternoon.  She caters for my needs, early dinner means around 4.30pm and it was still bright when I drive home.  I don't like driving at night nowadays, my vision is not sharp when it is dark.  That is one sign of being a senior now.  LOL... 

The two dinner meals for four....  oh yes, these are "RICE-LESS" meals... not less rice but no rice at all... 
Don't think we can finish all the food if we eat with rice... 
Fried dumplings...
My friend minced the meat and prawns and wrapped them with wanton skins... 
Homegrown Luffa with eggs and black fungus....
Stingray fish and calamari/sotong.. whatever it is called....
Eaten with homemade sambal shrimps.... 
That is one scrumptious dinner!

On another day, the dinner consist of these... 
I brought over some putu mayam and sambal petai.... 
The rest of the dishes cooked by my friend... 
From her garden, spinach... or amaranth it is called.... 
Just blanched and topped with garlic oil... 
Eggs with chives... my favorite... 
Black trotter in black vinegar!
So appetitzing.... 
And this time we had our dinner not with rice but with Putu Mayam!
What an odd combination!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Reservation Dinner Made At Opeam, Ipoh


Received messages, not sure fake or not, about restricted movements again from today till November.  Oh no, I was thinking, again??  Due to the state election last weekend in Sabah, one can never know for sure whether another outburst of Covid-19 will be in season again.  At the moment, we are advised to avoid crowded places where necessary but that did not deter us from dining out again... 

This time we went to Opeam, the other day when we wanted to enter the dining place, there were none available.  We have to make booking and that was what I did on Saturday so that we could secure a table in this posh restaurant on Sunday evening.  

I can say Opeam is one of the best dining restaurants in Ipoh, a very nice ambience and comfortable area for a good western food dinner.  This is my second time dining here at Opeam, the first time was in 2017 with my girl.  Just too bad I did not take pictures of the surrounding area this time but I did take a lot of pictures while we were being ushered into a private room.  We really dined in comfort last night.... 

For us four people, we ordered these to share among us.... 
For starters... anchoives, tomatoes, onions plus raisins and cranberries...RM26
I find that they rather blend well 
though I prefer just the cherry tomatoes than combination with the normal ones...
Smoked Duck Pizza RM30
8 Thin crusted pieces... each of us had 2.... 
Unagi Bento RM48.... 
I remember taking this the last time and it was nice....
The price has certainly increased... 
But still worth trying out for Unagi lovers... 
Next is the Spanish Iberico Pork Ribs... 
Half Rack around 8 pieces RM90
The meat is very tender....
No-long chewing even for me!  LOL... 
No remains of the potato fries... since the price is so steep!
As for desserts, we were contemplating whether to order their signature dessert....
Called Bomb Alaska...
I ordered that last time but the price has since increased to RM42...
So we skipped that...
And instead we went to De Garden to complete our meal....
We had Inside Scoop instead... only RM8.90 each... LOL.... 
That ended our dinner...
Really have to thank my friend for her treat in Opeam
which came to around RM198...
And I just had to fork out the dessert treat which is clearly less than RM40...
LOL... .

Friday, September 25, 2020

Trying Out Indonesian Dishes At This Dish, Ipoh

TRYING OUT NEW PLACE...  The six of us went to a new place to try out their Indonesian dishes for dinner yesterday.  Actually it is not a new place, just that a new owner has taken over and changed the name of the restaurant, I guess, cos formerly it was also a cafe with a different name.  I asked the staff and he said that this time instead of just western food, they added in Indonesian cuisine as well.  That was what interest us to go.... 

After said that, the place is called This Dish... not sure why the name is just like that... This Dish and the dishes we ordered to try are as follows:

Tomyam fried rice... 
Not spicy at all and just two to three prawns were noticeable... 
We also shared a plate of Fried Meehoon.... 
6 sticks of Satay RM12
Eggplant with two different types of Sambal toppings... 
BBQ chicken... we like the sauce called Cobek.. a bit sweet and spicy... 
Wild ferns... Paku Pakis...
And their Signature Fried Crispy Fish Talapia... 
And the bill came to around RM136.... 
We were not full to the brim and we went to a hawker centre for our second round! 
Sad to say we were the only patrons from the time we entered and left the restaurant... 


Monday, September 21, 2020

Dinner For Six At Villas Osborne Street, Ipoh

DINING OUT....  This time we went to the Villas, an open air aluminium roofing type of stall along Jalan Osborne.  I brought along a big fish which I bought from an online fresh fish delivery website.  The fish is called Tiger Garoupa, 1 kilogram in weight, cost around RM60-70.  A few days earlier before we went to this place, we asked the boss whether he could steam the fish for us....and his answer was a positive... 

There were six of us for this dinner and we ordered these dishes before.... when the bill came, , my son's eyes expanded automatically... the whole set of dinner cost around RM70 plus only!  LOL... 

Alright, maybe the dishes were not the expensive type... these were what we ordered.... 

Steamed 3 types of eggs.... 
Roasted Pork with chives.... 
Another mixed vegetables with sambal....
Braised Pork belly
Claypot potato leaves with lots of lard.... 
And the fish I brought along.... 
He just charged the ingredients and labour...
That means only 5 dishes plus charges... 
Actually come to think of it now, it was not that cheap la... 
This dessert is not included.... 
Gula Melaka jelly... I think it cost around RM14... 
Anyway, it was a very heavy meal for the 6 of us... 
We surely will come back on another day for other dishes!

Friday, September 18, 2020

My Third Time Visit And Same Order At Asow Eatery in Ampang, Ipoh

WESTERN FOOD NIGHT...  One of my foodie friends had never been to Asow located at Ampang village and we decided to go there one evening.  They opened another branch in town but we have yet to try.  Before we went, I called up to make reservations just in case, nowadays, with the SOP, there are limited tables everywhere.  As usual, we love to be early birds, reaching there around 7pm and there were only two tables occupied whereas the rest had the sign "reserved" on the tables.  

After walking around the Asow Eatery and Nursery where all the greens are here and there, the food arrived on our table.  Though this is my third time to this place, I ordered back the same dish, again and again!  Very "un-adventurous" of me.... or perhaps I like their Aglio Olio so much that I kept ordering for the very third time.  LOL... 
Aglio Olio with grilled chicken.... RM22
They were quite generous with the meat though...
However, they should make it make impressive by putting more greens...
The first time I ate this, there were a few pieces of broccoli in the dish... 
My friend also ordered the same dish.... 
She must be wondering why I ordered this dish again and again... 
Oh, I forgot to ask her whether she likes it or not....
Another friend ordered Grilled Salmon... around RM33
Crispy on the outside and moist inside...
Lastly, the Grilled Lamb.... RM36 or so... I couldn't remember...
Quite a bit piece of meat....
I tried a small bit, it is soft and tender... 
but lamb meat is not what I crave for... 
I guess our third visit is more than enough...
It is time to move on to other western food elsewhere...

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Our Rice-less Homecooked Dinner For Four


Again we have our dinner at around 4pm plus.  I wonder if this will be our routine time for early dinner from now on.  I really do not mind an early dinner provided I do not go "digging" for food a couple of hours later!   LOL... So far so good, I feel very full till my bedtime which is normally around 11pm plus, giving more time to the food to be digested completely.  LOL...*my own theory*

For yesterday's dinner gathering, I only boiled a pot of soup for the 4 of us.  Went to the market to get a free range chicken, some tomatoes, potatoes, big onions, a big corn and lots of black pepper to add flavour to the soup.  My friend did the other 3 dishes, the greens from her own organic garden, oh, I contributed the prawns from Pantai Remis, given by a nice friend.... And after dinner, we had desserts, Rojak sauce with pineapple and cucumber PLUS red bean sweet soup!   How to feel hungry for the rest of the evening?  LOL.... Feeling too full, we went for an hour walk at AEON Big before we bade goodbye for the night.  

ABC soup as commonly known...

Sweet Angle Luffa cooked with prawns in egg gravy... 
Steamed minced pork with preserved vege (toong choy)
Sambal okra with stinky beans (petai)
And our Rice-less Dinner for the Evening... 
Yes, no rice... we just enjoy eating the dishes!

Shaping Up With Feeling Girl

During this Covid-19 season or Recovery Movement Control Order, I did not go shopping for clothing like those days.  The attires sold in the malls did not attract me the least.  Now the safest thing to do is to stay safe and eat healthily. Despite the pandemic however, it did not deter me from browsing online websites to keep myself occupied with the latest trends and how to look good.  The reason is that I have been gaining weight these couple of months!  I really need to stay in shape and be able to enjoy food at the same time and by saying that, I exercise at least three times a week to keep fit.

I take this opportunity to look for some tummy control shorts, something which I avoid wearing now that I am chubby looking. I need to get back into shape, that is why instead of wearing loose shirts, I need a shapewear to encourage me.  And the way I consume my food now, it is making me growing sideways if I am not careful.  I must continue to exercise regularly to sweat out the calories, eating and sitting down most of the time is a No-No.  I never thought I would need to wear these high waist panties. But in doing so, I found the benefits of wearing these panties. I found out that these high waist panties help to compliment my body curves and cover up all the bulges. I am not talking about any high waist tummy control panties but good quality and proven type of panties.


But fret not, I can always get plus sizes dresses for myself if it happens, meanwhile I like to browse these exercise outfits, something like a best waist trainer just in case, I have grown sideways with all the food I am consuming each day.  Why do I need this?  Yes, I want to stay in shape for some special function from now on.  I thought of going for zumba, this should be comfortable, stretchy fabric, molds and moves with my body while performing exercising activities.  As it is written, it also boost workout effects, enhance sweating and helps in burning tummy fat, slimming the abdomen and waist at the same time! 

If you are looking for any of these waist shapers,  you can check out the various designs and styles available at the online store at  Apart from complementing our body curves and covering the stomach bulge, these shapewear help to support our back and at the same time uphold our body with better balance. These high waist panties are built to cover the whole stomach area as they are designed to tighten our tummy and midsection. The design provides us with a nice slimming effect on the stomach by covering up the unsightly bulges.  Another attraction coming is the FeelinGirl black friday sales  which will be in a couple of months from now.  Very good discount for us who need these body hugging or slim fitting clothing... we will always look look despite feeling on the heavy side. 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...