Thursday, July 2, 2009

Transformers And H1N1

Tam, my old classmate was on the phone with me last night...

Me : Eh, this Saturday, we go see "Transformers", wan or not? after all, nothing to do...
She : OOOO... I no want to go, so many people, not scared ah?
Me : Scared of what wor... see show only ma..
She : Wei, public places ah.... cinema so many people, not scared of H1N1 meh? There is no disinfection done in the cinemas, u noe? It is enclosed... so we sure "kena" if one patron is H1N1.....

Hah? H1N1? It never crossed my mind ... didn't really think much about that... so serious meh? Cannot go see show? Cannot go pasar malam?(night market) If really want to avoid public places, it is like living inForbidden City. Everyday, everywhere, there is sure to be people here and there. How to keep away?

Matta fair is on this week, can go there or not? Wanna get some cheap air tickets ... but then can go overseas or not?

By the way, I heard on the radio this evening 70,000 are infected now and 300 over had died... and it said that H1N1 is a deadly virus.....

If really so contagious and deadly, I guess all of us have to be confined to our own homes, IN TIME TO COME.... cham ...cham....


  1. aiyoh... dun worry la. The virus is still mild. In Spore, evry morning u will sandwiched with the folks in the train..dats even worse than watchign a movie!

  2. It is dangerous my friend.. Now I am thinking twice wanted to go oversea or not...but depends on the country lah... ^_^

    But to be in public here in Msia.. I am not so worry... but always precaution 1st... :-D

  3. Well, to be honest.. if we are so worried about getting infected by H1N1 we should carry an oxygen tank around with us at all times so we won't breathe in those virus.

    Just in my opinion, if we are to be fated to get H1N1, we will regardless no matter where or what we do. We need to not panic so much. :)

  4. i guess not too many people are aware with this virus yet. as it is still mild.

    we're always last minute.

    i am so scare of it. i wore mask. and it only made myself odd to be in the public because there are actually NO ONE ACTUALLY BOTHERING it.

  5. yeah... as long you get immediate medical treatment, then you don't have to worry a thing!

    Will be watching Transformers 2 this weekend! :)

    Things I got from the Net!!!

  6. Dun worry too much....put on a mask for precaution.

  7. Last time it was SARS, that was very deadly too, thank God it was under control.. and now H1N1, not so deadly but very contagious..
    worry I will not, life goes on as usual but just take a bit more precaution on our own health n hygiene.. but come what may, one cannot avoid if it has overbloom..

  8. We don't worry much about it here. To think I have two young kids. The virus strain is mild and I think life has to go on and we should enjoy it without fear of any virus or illnesses. Just be careful and take care of ourselves! :)

  9. Hello!!Visiting you back here..Thank you for the drop by..Take care

  10. Hey Claire, last week me and hubby also went to watch Transformer ma, also got people say me like this too, aiyoo, still dare to go cinema watch kah? no scare of H1N1 meh?

  11. H1N1 really bothering me..I'm going to Medan for 5days trip this coming August.. all has been prepared..what can I do abt this? where to get vaccine?..

  12. Amy, since u also watched, i will also go..hahhaa.. then after that, wait for 7 days..

    yes, life has to go on..dont make our lives miserable thinking of it..
    CathJ, mana ada vaccine.. :) if got, let me know...

  13. There is nothing to worry about... God's there... and if we're careful and eating healthy, that should be enough to HELP us all prevent from having the H1N1 virus.

    TRANSFORMER's the best! hehehe I'm lovin' it!

  14. really Glenda.. in that case, must go see Transformers one of these days.. perhaps during weekdays when it is easier to buy tickets and 2ndly, not so crowded, right? ok, settled... yes, God is all around us..say a little prayer before we go out.. :)

  15. i hope to watch transformer this weekend ler...else dunno when got time to watch it ler...

  16. aiyoh, i wanna bring shan leo to watch ice age 3 ler!!!

  17. i guess no need to over react la. look at dengue..many ppl also kena .. but not yet reported.... in fact, h1n1 is widely "spoken" in malaysia. the other countries have it under control dy....

  18. Hey Claire! I watched transformers in the cinema 2 nights ago..hehe..listen carefully to d conversations in the muvi, they mentioned swine flu too :) u can get a flu shot as a start, & tablets to prevent frm getting h1n1 whn especially whn u r travelling.but hv to start 2 weeks b4 d trip & continuously during d trip & additional 1 week. Itz expensive. I'm goin to Perth tomorrow,but I didnt take d tablets,bcs whn I went for my flu shot, it was less thn 2 weeks b4 ths trip. Always sanitize our hands!

  19. aiyo...just go and watch lah..dont worry too much. just be careful. life has to go on. if not, we would be sitting in our homes doing nothing. just be aware and do enjoy urself...i'm planning to bring my boy to watch that too.

  20. Ms Mathew, thanks for the useful info.. to all the readers who come by and who are worried and "sked" of the h1n1, this is the precaution u can take as mentioned by Miss Mathew..

  21. oh i haven't watched tansformers yet, too. but i might this weekend even if there's h1n1 virus scare, hehe!!

    have a great weekend! :)

  22. at first we are very scared because the news spread it like crazy.....but, now? nope...people shrugged it off

    the N1H1 was sensationalized in media

    if its really a risk, the cruise ship going to Mexico should have been banned , but, they were approve to travel...

    N1H1 supposed to be coming from Mexico, the first victim was a local in that place and spread the virus worldwide...

    in the US, the N1H1 has 2 reported death...

  23. just pray that H1N1 is not going to be another SARS.. but anyway, even SARS time, I travel!

  24. Like u said, life shld go on as normal. We jes hv to be a bit more careful n practice good hygiene. Enjoy ur movie!


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