Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Pasta Dinner!

Aaron is back home in IPOH.... before fetching him from the bus station, I drove to Elin's house to collect the "goodies".... I took advantage of her cooking talent and coerced her to do the bolagnese sauce for our pasta dinner tonight and she DID that... (Thanks a lot, Elin! U r really a Gem!)

Back to our pasta... there were 3 types...
Oh, what happened to the "dog bone", "cherry", "scissors" or "penis-like" pasta?
Can anyone detect them?

Poor pasta.... Andy said there was only one "sole survivor"... hahahhahaa...
The others were so "soft" (lembik) that their shapes were sort of distorted and detached....

Anyway, we had a good time ... enjoying the meat balls, the thick gravy "cheesy" bolagnese sauce with the rest of the pasta-s... Meat balls were abundant and our dinner was really special tonight. Everything was "walloped"... not gross at all... no time to think of the "geli-ness"...LOL..

(so i think we can qualify for the fear factor la!)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dog Bones, Penis Balls?

My son brought back something interesting from Italy...

Three packets of pasta... BUT
one packet caught Andy's attention..

it was not this...

nor this...


Andy laughed...
Aaron was bewildered..
He took a closer look...
then he also laughed..
all along he thought they were dog-boned shapes!!!

Yeah... they do look like dog bones, huh??

Anyway... whatever they look like
I am going to cook them for dinner tomorrow
Eat the "dog bones" aka "penis balls pasta"
To usher in the Year 2010!!!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Village Restaurant In Rawang

I had my lunch in Rawang before proceeding to Sg Buluh. Called my fren and she suggested going to this Village Restaurant along the Rawang main road, same row with Lan Jie, the one I took last time.

According to her, Village Restaurant is popular for their Steamed Melon soup (RM30-35) which consists of dried scallops, red dates, chicken meat.... Apart from that, smoked chicken taken with their ginger sauce was a good combination. Then followed by claypot pork ribs with yam... wow, I love this dish best cos I simply love YAM!

the steamed Melon (tun toong kwa)

the dried scallop

combined with the others...

smoked chicken

claypot pork ribs with yam

smoking hot...

We ordered two more dishes, ie. paku pakis belacan and one steamed talapia... I was busy eating that I forgotten about the last two dishes... and the bill came to RM96 for 6 persons!

Our Rendezvous In One Utama

Yes, most of you guessed correctly... she is none other than Merryn and her hero, Ethan!

We didn't plan to meet though we chatted about it few days before I left for KL. I was not sure of my plans cos for one, I do not know the way to Mid Valley, 1Utama or Ikea.... or wherever in KL, I only know how to go to Sg Buluh. So I dare not promise anything and secondly, AAron's flight was 6.30am in the morning..... so he might feel jet lag and wanted to sleep the whole day thru.

But it turned out unexpectedly that after fetching him from the airport and depositing back the luggage in the house, he said he wouldn't mind driving to 1Utama to walk after our heavy breakfast. So I quickly sms Merryn to tell her that I would be there...etc etc.... never knowing she was doing her laundry and replying that she would appear in front of me in half hour's time... she must be a SuperWoman.... can imagine her doing her household chores by flying here and there and then appearing in front of me in such a short time...

Yes, she appeared ... an hour later actually...hehehehe... so she is normal like us actually.. LOL... she is even more pretty than her photos...

Our meeting though a short one... I feel "kam yeen" already... (satisfied in another word)... :p
I came and I conquered one of my best blogger friends...hahaha.... Thank you, Merryn for taking your time off your household activities and "flying" over to meet us... Too bad we couldn't sit down and have a good meal.... Yeah, too tiring for my boy... fatigue overcame him and we have to rush home... then he slept and slept and slept...... Jetlag!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome Home!

I am in KL now... came here yesterday and will be going back tomorrow. Met up Belinda for lunch in Rawang yesterday, she took us to Village Restaurant in Rawang, too bad I didn't manage to snap all the pictures... hahaha...

That was yesterday, last night I couldn't sleep well... what did I fear? NO, not slippers in my bed, of course... I din't sleep well cos I was afraid my hp alarm wouldn't work this morning. I have to wake up at 6am and to go airport at 6.45am....

Yes, AAron is back!! Three months are over! In fact 12 weeks in Italy for internship had just ended and now he is back in Malaysia.... finally! So glad to see him this morning... glad? happy? Yes, I m more than happy and glad! And not only him.... I met someone else too this morning in 1-Utama.....guess who?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Time Of Refreshing With ChrisAu

I met up with one blogger during Christmas Day.. guess who??? No one could ever guess who he is....

He is Chrisau, I think many of us here know him, if you don't, just let your curiousity leads you to his blog. He is an IPOH nang but currently working in Singapore... Funny how this picture turned out.... how come his head is so much larger than mine? My camera's fault? LOL.. Well, he is more brainy, perhaps that is the reason... hahaha...

(Chris, thanks for sharing your info on Baby Bumpers, X, Y, Z and goodness knows what else...with my kids! Sorry, no time to take u jalan-jalan, cari makan.. I guess u were pretty busy too with your family... next time perhaps...CNY?)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Sweet Tooth...

Cakes!! I simply loves eating cakes, born with a sweet tooth, love anything that is sweet, yes! But at my age, I am controlling my intake, much I would love to, I try to take as little as I can .. but during this festive season, I really cannot resist.

Thanks to Elin and my friend, Florence, I have some of their home baked cakes... from cheese cake, fruit cake, sponge cake and the latest special carrot cake... yoooo.... I am now trying to fight off the extra calories... (STP, please forget what I said here.. hehehe... )

Great looking cakes, aint't they...
Din't manage to snap the cheese cakes though...
So what did u all eat during this festive season?
Mine were wholly sweeties.... hmmmm...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Light Of The World..

Christmas Eve in church at 10.30pm and ended nearly midnight. There was no countdown or countup by the pastor....unlike those years... in fact it was a bit solemn, I would say... but nevertheless, I felt the Christmas atmosphere when all of us have to light up our candles during the end of the service and not to put it off till we were outside the church. The meaning is to bring this Light to the outside world.. bringing the Good News to all the people.

Peace offering to all of U....

Thursday, December 24, 2009






Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tokyo Disneyland And Us...

On our last day in Tokyo, we were brought to the limelight of the tour... DISNEYLAND! The tour guide told us this is the very place for both young and old to enjoy themselves. Everyone will feel very happy in this theme park... He is very right, indeed we were.... right from the beginning till the end, that is from 9am till 5pm... .Imagine.. our whole day spent there!

I didn't take much pictures using my hp, mine were mostly caught on video tape.... these are some of the pictures I took with my hp...

upon entering, we saw this...

and this....

nearer version to the castle..

beauty and the prince...

my girl loves Dumbo very much!

i love this colorful window display...

then time for the procession
the locals mostly...


which cartoon character is this, btw?
sailormoon, Cleff?

snow white?


guess who? Mickey or Minnie?

phew... tired already la..
resting my weary bones end of the day!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Kor Tung Festival In IPOH

Today is Kor Tung Festival, my mum told me that this chinese festival is even more important than the lunar new year for the chinese. Other than that, I do not know the real reason for this day's.... can anyone share further information on this Tung season today? As far as I know, today is the day we eat the "tong yuen" (dumplings made from rice flour)....

This year instead of eating in the house, my mum and all of us siblings went out to Kok Thai restaurant in IPOH Garden East. Three families consisting of 11 of us "marched" for our dinner at 6.30pm, to beat the crowd...

these were the dishes we ordered...

mixed vege with macadanian nuts, gingko etc...

sweet sour pork...

crispy fried fish in thai sauce

steamed tau foo with lots of minced meat & onions..

another mixed sambal belacan vege
i love this...

roastsed chicken...

And the bill came to RM177 for 11 persons plus drinks

Back home, I drank this "tong yuen"
made by my beloved mum...
(rice flour with brown sugar ginger syrup)

Did u all drink this today? :p

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hamamatsu And Us

Some random pictures here and there...

Owakudani boiling volcano valley...
where they boil their eggs
they are black in color.

i climbed to the highest part where
they sell the darkened eggs...

people.. enjoyed eating the eggs..

Out of curiousity, I bought one packet
inside the packet, there were 5 eggs
cost 500 yen,
that means one egg cost RM4!!!

Good news is after eating one egg,
life span will be longer by 7 years... lol...
but don't eat 2... will lead to cholesterol...

at the foot of the volcano...

my girl wanted the egg yolk ice cream

back to hotel in Hamamatsu..

we have to wear kimono that night...

buffet dinner was good
japan's king crab were abundant...



An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...