Sunday, February 27, 2011


When Andy did not come home during the weekends, he would be out playing soccer with his college mates, this is the only form of exercise for him. Once a week is good enough, he told me. Then lately he told me that his foot has some problem with "corns", he stopped playing temporarily because he needed a new pair of shoes before the "corns" aggravate him further. For a few weeks, he has been growing restless because he missed running around kicking the ball. :)
When I read this website about all types Soccer Goals, it reminded me of Andy. I think he would love to have that, but I know now he is too old to have portable Soccer Goals. I am sure many of the young kids would love to have one too, the world cup soccer has more or less influence many to take up soccer in their own yards. Better start from young, right? It is a good form of exercise, anyway and who knows, maybe one day your child will grow up to be another David Beckkam. :) Want to know how a portable soccer goal looks like? Just tune in to their website and get one for your child.
This is a sponsored post and all views are mine.

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