Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sad Day

My Apple gave me problem this morning. Now recovered after some consultation. Then evening came home to find out that my pc cannot start up. Why today?

I have sent my laptop and my desktop computer for repairs, don't understand why both of these computers get spoil almost at the same time.  Last month I used to have a laptop and a desktop and today I have neither.  Kind of funny, isn't it?  Both got broke down like that...

The computer service man told me that my laptop has reached its age, it is almost six years now, it cannot be repaired anymore but thankfully my desktop computer is still "usable."  There is only a slight problem and it can be rectified in a day or two. 

I am now relying on my office computer to do my official and personal work and I hope it will not fail on me too.  Where it comes to important documentation, it is advisable to look into IT security so as to keep the information safe and sound, protected with the highest standards in the business. 

As for my own computers, I really feel kind of "lost" when I cannot get hold of my computers in the evening.  Am I so addicted to the computers?  I "checked myself" out and I come to this conclusion.. that is I can live without a cell phone but I cannot stand losing a computer.  :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Useful Tips To Prevent Termites!

First thing to do in the morning.. called up the pest control company and at 3pm, we made an appointment to meet in my house.  Thank goodness they sent a talkative young man to answer all my FAQ about Termites ....

When he saw my store room, he said the termites are gone but where they have gone to, he couldn't tell.. he took out a torchlight and surveyed my whole house, knocking here and there on the woods... so far, so good, he said...

Ok, here are some tips on how to prevent termites from attacking ....

1)  Always leave a few inches gap from any wooden furniture and the wall... that means do not put the cupboards, piano, tables sticking to the wall area.

2)  Now and then, knock all on the wooden panels in the house... (one of my to-do-list when I am walking around the house)

3)  Listen to the sound of solid wood and hollow wood and if it is serious, just a poke can make a hole!

4)  Do not use cardboard boxes to store up books, newspaper and anything which is made of paper... spend some money buying plastic storage containers to keep our important documents instead...it helps, so he said.

5)  Store rooms must be aired once awhile.. and do leave a space for walking inside the store room.  (Mine is a bad example... no pathway at all... fully utilized to the brim!)

Some information about Termites.... they are scared of sunlight.. (just like vampires/draculas)  You know why?  Cos their bodies are full of protein... when the sunlight hit them, their bodies melt...this is another reason why some people like to eat Termites!!  They wanted their protein!  aikksss....

So protein lovers, now you know where to get free protein!!  Yikesss!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Three Kisses Goes To....

What is a MUST during Chinese New Year? Besides the food, of course.... hahaha... Red packets are very "vital" during this festive season especially to those who are not married yet... they are the receivers whereas the married ones are the givers..

Just look at the receivers' faces... oh, I must also give with a cheerful heart.. hahaha.... the red packet.. it doesn't matter how much you put inside.. it is just a Blessing... not the money that counts, right? :)
Let's start with the AA....
His look reminded me of someone....
Someone is mischievous over here....
He has to cringe... hahaha...
the Baby of the family....
Using the camera timer...
Happy Weekend To All Of You!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Chinese New Year And Firecrackers!

Let the pictures tell the CNY happenings.... 
After the great dinner...
and the preparation of drinks...
by the two boys in yellow...
we adjourned to the garden...
and joined in the young adults' fun...
the Young Adults...
Over 21 years of age...
except for this one lady in yellow of course.. 
and also excluding a "Supervisor In Red"..
everyone joined in the "Hanging"of the Crackers..
and then ...
Our first picture with the Firecrackers...

The Hero of the Night...
and then it started...
It was over even before I could pressed the "record button"
and now ... time to "destroy the evidence!"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Third Day With Western And Double Black...

The Chinese New Year Fiesta continues on... and on...
in my SIL's house....
We came and we conquered...
sparkling and fresh juice....
On our third night, the young adults requested for Western food instead of Chinese.. and my sister-in-law and her son "whipped" up their magic wands and came up with these....
Shepherds Pie...
Spaghetti with minced chicken meat sauce
Seafood Carbonara cream sauce...
All my girl's favourite!!!
roasted ham... 
AA is just as happy as my girl... 
in no time... all are walloped!!
then it is time for "story-telling" ....
after a few glasses of Double Black...
it is Confession Time... 
Ask anything and it will be answered.. 

Tomyam Steamboat And Desserts!

Steamboat in the evening.... thanks to my sister-in-law... she is really a passionate cook.. she cooks for the whole gang of us... and not only that, she even have a few types of desserts after our main meal...

Gosh..where to get a sister-in-law like that.. hahahaa.. so glad I am married to my husband and thus the blessing!! hahahaa...
Tomyam steamboat....
need two pots to accommodate us all...
after the main meal... we washed up.. 
and waited for the SECOND COURSE!!
hahaha.... but I really do not mind the calories... 
Love having them ALL!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Second Day Of CNY - Open Year!

Today is "Hoi Leen" meaning "Open Year" .. also means the Chinese New Year has begin... hahahaa... sorry, I am sort of a "banana" .. never really knows the meaning of these Chinese symbolic and its significance...

Whatever it is, for me, it is a time for family members to get together .. family bonding through Food, of course!

During this festive season, I spent most of my meals at my in-laws' place... fun to be with them too!!
Co-operation during meal time!
Let the young adults do their stuff....
Mostly Males.. as the picture shows...
 Durian Lovers at the kitchen doing their stuff....
at last... it is time for.......
This is Prosperity Food... hahaha...
Steamed Golden Fish...(Bawal Emas)
but all you see is the green toppings!
An old rose among the thorns.. hahaha...
See, I told you... mostly males, right?
Today has been fun... 
The not-so-fun part is...
I weighed 1 kg heavier by this evening!!  Serious!
hahahaha... I tell you why in tomorrow's post!

His Pure Enjoyment!

Sharing a few pictures which I captured ....
A few Red Ang Pow Packets for our dear Hush Puppy!!
Do you find THE HUSH PUPPY cute?
Is this PUG CUTER?
 Others enjoying themselves here at the Lion Dance...
But our Friend here is enjoying his BEST moment

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...