Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sports Fun At Home And Outside

Sports is an ongoing thing, whether you are young, adult or senior, it does not matter.  Regardless of age, sports is what we need to keep ourselves occupied and most important, to stay healthy. Sports are constantly changing and evolving, and new ones are cropping up all the time. This is good news for anyone who might occasionally feel like a change from football and other rough games which are not suitable for many of us especially those with kids in their homes.  

Ever heard of this website called tumblemat?  From what it is written, Tumblemat is one of the world's largest supplies in producing air tumble track with extensive years of professional experience.  Not only that, their products are known for their durability and safety regardless of adults or kids.  Moreover they follow up with their customers from placing orders to guiding how to use air tumble tracks.
For little ones, this air tumble track is a good form of exercise for them to enhance their skills quickly and most of all, it is a safe tool for them to use.  What we parents worry most is our kids getting hurt, hence, having a safe and comfortable environment to practice on is important.  As for adults, we can do our daily exercise on these air track as well, a perfect place for us to do jumps, somersaults or sit-ups.
Having say that, an air tumble track is a good product for a whole family.  We can add some laughter and entertainment to our place called home. There is a saying that Home is where the hearts are and that is definitely what we want in our lives.  For more details and information on this air tumble tracks, do log in to this website

My Latest Purchase From Russel Taylors

NEW TOY RECEIVED... but not exactly what I like to play with but have to do it every other day.  

I ordered a cordless vacuum cleaner this time, my old one Midea has been with me for at least 5 or 6 years now, it is going to retire soon.  This time round, the Russel Taylor is so much easier to maneuver around, no more pulling wiring around the house.  It is just like a broom, a much heavier broom and no sweeping up dust onto pan. Price is one of the cheapest I have chosen, RM179 with free shipping.

Tried it once so far... LOL.. needless to say, the dust was so obvious at the top handle.  Yes, most of the dust belongs to my furry member, her hair was all over my living hall even though she does not stay inside.  So much so, she has her haircut this morning, trimmed to the end with an electric shaver.  

I think this is the last online shopping product for this month.... LOL... 

Will be in full use every other day if not daily.... 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Homemade Raisins Almonds Flakes Bun

BUN BAKING MODE... Since there was no more bread in the house and I was too lazy to go out to buy, I googled for easy bun recipe on youtube.  I had a hard time choosing the recipe I wanted, there were so many good cooks online, I must say!  

In the end I settled for this raisin bun, I halved the portion of the ingredients for 10 buns.  For me, five buns will do but somehow ended up with 9 buns!  How did that happen?  LOL... 

Here is the recipe for Raisin buns:  I halved all the ingredients shown
3 cups all purpose flour (375gm)
2 1/2 teaspoon instant dry yeast (8gm)
2 tablespoon sugar (25gm)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup lukewarm milk (180ml)
1 large egg
3 tablespoon butter, melted (45gm)
1/2 cup raisins (70gm)
Added in almond flakes and walnuts
Egg wash: 1 egg + 1 tbsp of water

1.  In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt and yeast
2.  Add milk, melted butter and eggs
3.  Mix together until a soft and sticky dough is formed.  Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface, knead the dough for 4-5 min.  Add the raisins and mix until combined.  Place dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with plastic and let it rest for 1 hour or until dough doubled in size.
4.  Divide the dough into 10 pieces
5.  Place on baking tray and cover with a kitchen towel until it rise doubled in size
6.  Heat oven at 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes
7.  Brush the buns with egg wash (I didn't do any of that)

Sticky dough after mixing all ingredients
I knead with a spatula...
Doubled in size after an hour....
I took the dough out and knead for another 5 minutes or so....
Even with half the ingredients, I could get 9 buns.... LOL...
Into the oven for 20 minutes...
Time's up...

Buns are so nice to eat when fresh from oven!
Soft and fluffy....
But frankly speaking, the next day the buns are not as soft.... 
That is why I like to make smaller portions so that
they could be finished on the same day or the day after...
I will make this again...
This time I will add in more nuts and raisins!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

How Do I Know If My Catalytic Converter Needs To Be Replaced?

For most of your car's life, you will hardly even know you have a catalytic converter. That's because this vital component of the exhaust system works quietly and efficiently as it keeps your car's exhaust as clean as possible. In fact, catalytic converters are crucial to the clean air and water of the nation and to the world. Every year, they prevent thousands of tons of dangerous substances from ever entering the atmosphere. Eventually, though, if you have your vehicle long enough, the unit will show signs of wear and tear. The surest sign is when the check engine light comes on. At this point, you want to go to your mechanic or your neighborhood auto parts store to have the code deciphered. The code will tell you if it is time for a replacement.

Signs You Need To Replace Your Catalytic Converter

In addition to the precision of diagnostic codes, there will be a number of signs that indicate your converter is failing. These will grow more pronounced over time. The following signs are warnings that your unit is compromised:

       Dark exhaust coming out of the tailpipe

       A rotten egg odor permeating the vehicle

       Frequent stalling of the engine

       Decreasing gas mileage

       Rattling sounds near the tailpipe when idling

Once you know your unit needs to be replaced, it is time to think about catalytic converter cost. Like much of your exhaust system, this sophisticated piece of equipment is not inexpensive. You can expect to pay between $950 to $2500 for a new converter. If you install the system yourself, you can probably shave off several hundred dollars in labor costs. A direct fit unit will be easier to install than a universal fit unit. If the unit is clogged, you might be able to clean the converter and buy yourself some more time. It is not recommended to wait too long or to try and bypass the warning systems of a failed converter.

How To Tell Your Catalytic Converter Has Gone Bad

While you might be able to drive for a while on a compromised converter, the signs of failure will progressively worsen. Engine performance will gradually degrade and the check engine light will remain lit. You might even be unable to use cruise control. If you push it too far, there might come a time when you cause engine damage to your vehicle or even total engine failure.

When you do decide to replace your catalytic converter, you will have a number of options of what type to buy. You can use a VIN decoder to match your car make and model to converters that will work with your vehicle. This is a failsafe way to make sure you get the ideal product for your replacement part. In fact, whenever you buy parts to upgrade your vehicle, it is smart to use the VIN code as a starting point to find a perfect match. Whether you are looking for new brakes, headlights or windshield wipers, depending on your local store puts you in contact with great value and automotive expertise.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Pampering Myself With Unnecessities During MCO

CLICK AND CLICK...  and ended up buying stuff not really necessary for myself.  I think I will delete the shopping apps from my phone some fine day... meanwhile, since I cannot travel or go visiting, I will keep the apps for now.  LOL...  It helps kill time and make life more meaningful... for me!

And now.... these started to arrive since Monday.... don't laugh, eh.... 
Yes, these are for me... no kidding...
I was deprived from having these when I was young...'
I simply love reading them...
I used to borrow these Enid Blyton books from the school library
and sometimes I walked a distance away to borrow them and read... 
And now... I have the means to buy them!
So I treat myself to whatever I can get from the online stores... 
Besides these few, I have gotten quite a bundle of others as well...
I wonder whether my future generation will like to read them.... LOL...
Next gadget is for the kitchen....
Since I use air fryer a lot nowadays, I bought this from Lazada...
Cost RM9.90 with free shipping...
This arrived a moment ago...
Pooh housecoat and a super size one!
Material is not bad....
Not only the front, Pooh is at the "back" as well...
Not bad... for RM5 something...
Free shipping as well... 
I think more orders are coming too...
Either later in the day or tomorrow!

How to Run a Successful Commercial Paving Company

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How to Run a Successful Commercial Paving Company

As a player in the commercial paving industry, would you hire your company if you needed the service you offer?

Being objective enough to give a truthful answer is the first step to running a successful company. This is because you will be able to understand the needs of your prospective clients and make the necessary adjustments. This will in turn make them buy into your service when the need arises.

This is very important considering how competitive the paving industry is. For information on this subject, you can check here.

In this article, we are going to discuss some things you should and should not do to thrive in the paving industry.

Learn the Trade

You cannot give what you do not have. To run a successful business, you have to understand the technicalities involved. This will help you sail through the good and bad times ahead.

So, we strongly advise that you gather some experience working for some major players in the industry first. As a matter of fact, this will be to your credit as the experience can be used to prove you have been actively involved in the industry for a while.

By doing this, you will also know how to effectively handle complications that bother around funding, sourcing for raw material, human resource management, and coping with regulatory bodies. Of course, this can all be accounted for with quality construction cost estimating.

In other words, it is not enough that you have a degree having studied a construction-related course. You need to see how things work practically before venturing into the industry.

Esteem Your Customers

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One happy customer is good news for business. On the other hand, one angry customer is bad news for your operations.

The point is that you must do all within your power to reasonably satisfy your customers. In the line of duty, you will meet some hard to please clients, but you must be passionate about putting a smile on their face.

This is because your growth is largely tied to referrals. You will be surprised at even how the seemingly difficult clients can go about saying good things about your business. So, make sure every client is treated right.

Furthermore, make sure this mentally is passed on to every one of your employees as no one should be left out. From the moment the client reaches out to you online or via your office, till when the project is completed, s/he must feel welcome at all times.

Take Digital Marketing Serious

Frankly, we do not see how a business can thrive in this day and age without paying attention to digital advertisement.

This is because a lot of business dealings happen online. So, you are missing out if you are still acting conservative about the whole digital advertisement thing.

To make the most of digital platforms in advertising your business, we strongly advise that you get in touch with an SEO agency. However, make sure the SEO Company is capable enough to handle your digital publicity campaign.

For information about how to figure out a capable SEO agency, you can visit:

One of the best ways to make the most of the internet is to get your business noticed on platforms like BBB (Better Business Bureau), Angie’s List, and Yelp. However, you have to work hard to have good ratings and reviews on these platforms.

Ensure Periodic Training and Retraining of Your Employees

The truth is that the industry is not static. And so, you cannot afford to be outdated if you must stake a claim in the industry.

To ensure that this is the case, you have to be on the lookout. Be observant of new trends and make every effort to catch up. For instance, this can be in the area of technological advancement; is there any newer and better way asphalt is used in the paving industry?

If there is, make sure you and your team get the needed training that will ensure you are rendering the best service.

Make the Process Less Stressful for Your Clients

If you have been in this industry for a while, you already know how things work. The process can be very draining for the client because of the noise and the effect on their business operations.

Therefore, you should try as much as possible to make things a lot easier for your client. First, this implies that you are organized in your handling of the job. For instance, you can work on a part so that the client's operations can go on using the other part that is still undone.

But generally, timeliness is the most effective way to make things easy for your customers. So, you should not allow the job to linger for too long. Your team should give its best.

Offer Incentives

You will be surprised at how clients love incentives. Sometimes, giving sparingly is the best way to get back from them.

For instance, you can choose to give free consultation and estimation. This sends the message that your service is passionate about showcasing its quality and not just earning from the clients.

Also, you can offer some sort of bonus to clients that make it a point of duty to recommend your service to other clients.

Learn from the Best

There are major players in the industry that have made their marks. By observing them and replicating many of the things they do, the chances of doing well in the industry are high.

In doing this, you also have to consider your location. This is because some companies have a foothold in some places but are unknown in other places. For instance, companies like AC Paving LLC and several others are major players in Maryland.

On a Final Note

Do you run a paving industry?

Are you seeking advice on how to thrive in the industry?

If your answer is yes, we have shared some relevant information to help you out. We advise that you take them seriously by adhering to them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

BBQ Dumplings And Chicken Rice For The Day


Instead of going out every now and then, I bought 10 BBQ dumplings to be stored up in the freezer.  I drove to Bercham to get my favourite dumplings, it reminded me of last year March, I also bought and put into the freezer and whenever the cravings comes, I can just steam one and eat.  This shop sells my kind of taste... LOL... and I bought a few varieties to mix.  Overall, I still prefer the BBQ ones... 
This is the place... 
Going into Bercham is around 3-4km... 
No police block when I went to that area...
Coming out there was...
But nothing was asked... phewww...
For the sake of these dumplings...
Oh, I have already eaten one when I suddenly remember to take picture!
This afternoon I ordered chicken rice at San Ma...
Then when I reached there, I just have to mention my car number...
No need to get down from the car....
For these two packets, it was RM12.80...
I like their steamed chicken and their ginger/chilli..
Still have half the rice portion left...
Will cook something and eat the remaining of the rice later... 

Monday, January 25, 2021

My Macadamia Nuts Butter Cookies


Friday night, I spent some time looking for butter cookies recipe, this time I want real crunchy cookies.  Yes, I did have the secret recipe my SIL gave me last time and and you know what, I couldn't find it, I guess I must have deleted the photo of the recipe she sent to me and I do not want to ask her again.  So "malu-ing" shy to ask her for the recipe again.  (Tai Soe, if you are reading this, sorry ya!  I misplaced your recipe again!)

This time all is not lost for I have this faithful reader called Phong Hong Bakes And Cooks who simply loves to bake cookies!  It was always mouth watering for me just by looking at her cookies (that time I did not have an oven yet) and now I do, I must do what she did!  Oh by the way, PH, if you are reading this, it has been quite a while since you last baked cookies, right?  LOL.... I just have to search in her blog "butter cookies" and her mouth-watering cookies all appeared before my eyes.  I had a hard time choosing which to start with... and I ended up with this post called "My Giant Pecan Chocolate Chips Cookies!"

I did not have Pecan nor Chocolate Chips and I replaced them with Macadamia Nuts instead.  Really, the steps are simple and the outcome of the cookies?  Simply the best of the best!  I gave some to my picky friend who rarely compliments, by the way...  and the feedback was... "Hey, not bad wor.... " and asked for more... that was enough for encouragement, thanks to PH.... and now I want to share her recipe with you....

Phong Hong's original recipe:

Ingredients :
- 125g butter, softened
- 225g self-raising flour
- 100g brown sugar  (I reduced to 70gm)
- 100g chocolate chips  (omitted)
- 125g roasted pecans, chopped  (I used 125g of macadamia nuts, chopped into halves)
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanilla extract 

Method :
1. Cream butter and sugar until light and creamy.
2. Add vanilla extract and egg and continue to beat until well incorporated.
3. Using a spatula (or continue with your mixer) fold in the flour and mix to form a dough.
4. Fold in chocolate chips and chopped pecans.
5. Using an ice cream scoop (I used a big one), scoop dough onto a lined baking tray. Flatten the dough a little using ad fork and bake at 160C for about 18 minutes or more until browned.
6. Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes and then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Here goes:
After mixing everything.... 
Two trays.... 
One big and one small tray....
The aroma fills the house...
After 20 minutes or so....
Couldn't wait to try....
Turned out so well..
I mean the crunchiness....
Just nice ... not hard at all.... 
Could fill up two tubs of the tupperware....
And one tub already going to finish.... 
Now I know which blog to go to for Cookies!!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Online Shopping For Ladies Bags

 During this MCO 2.0, I have been doing quite a bit shopping online.  Browsing over a website which interests me might take away two hours at least.  Thus when friends ask me whether I feel bored at home, I always tell them that I do not.  In fact time passes as quick as other normal day when there was no lockdown.  Instead of going out, I spend my time at home doing what I like to do except for housework, of course.  LOL.... 

Instead of going to shopping malls, I am now on virtual malls, so many websites which offer ladies' stuff which is so much cheaper, and not only that, the selection is like endless!  Take for example, handbags, there is this website called Baginning... no, I did not spell it wrong, it is really Baginning and not Beginning, to start off with.  LOL... It is an online website which has a wide selection of trendy ladies bag, such as tote, backpack, fanny pack, satchel bag, leather handbags and so on.  One time I was a big fan of handbags, I have a drawer full of them, from small to big.  

I use handbag each time I go out so that I don't miss out putting the necessities inside.  I like those lightweight ones so that my shoulder is not so hurting when I carry it for a longer time.  And now with the pandemic, I will wash them every now and then, sort of sanitizing them against the virus.  Just a moment ago, I am attracted to this fanny bag, I do not have anything like that before!  I think this is a practical bag especially nowadays, it is quite risky to go out with big handbags strapped upon our shoulders.  I like something and yet can put in the necessary stuff inside.

Another bag which caught my eye is this cute little red backpack.  I don't have a backpack like this before, most of my backpacks are for laptops.  I think my girl will like this sexy red backpack too.  How about you?

Free shipping to worldwide, online payments such as Paypal and credit cards are available and if you are not satisfied with the product, you can return it too.  Well, I guess it is a good website to look for your favorite kind of bag styles.  Hope you find pleasure in this trendy Baginning website as well!

Friday, January 22, 2021

A Pet-ty Post About Doggies

WOOF, WOOF.... Seeing some meow-meow post reminded me of these woof-woof pictures which I had taken not too long ago in my friend's house...

I like small doggies but I don't think I can handle more than one in my own house.  When I came across 3 of these cute little ones in my friend's home, I took the opportunity to play with them as much as I could and that is it!  LOL.... 

All these furry members need love and patient training.  They know how to behave if we know how to train them.  They are like humans, they need us to love and at the same time, we must know how to discipline them, train them, to let them know who is the master of the house and so on.  LOL.... No, I do not know much about training stuff, I only know how to talk here.  

Much as I like one to run or follow me about in the house, I don't think I have the time to nurture it, pamper it, taking to the groom/vet every now and then... oh, lots of work!  Too much work for these cuties... however, my own furry member is good enough for me, she is my door alarm, my bodyguard and my butler who always welcome me by wagging her tail furiously whenever she sees me.  LOL... Yes, she has all my undivided attention and love!

As for these cuties, they are an active lot... 
Nice to play with around the house... 
The one on the left is their Mama...
Just too shy to take pictures with her daughters!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Tiffin Here, Tiffin There

 TIFFIN CARRIER... is now put into full use.  For many years, both my tiffins were lying in the kitchen cupboard, but now, I cannot leave home without them!   That is one of the changes in life since 2020 till don't-know-when.  The other day I thought of buying one more set, the La Gourmet, selling those colourful tiffin... thank goodness I did not.. me and my spending, that never change!

MCO will be starting in Perak from tomorrow but for many days already, I have not dine out already.  I still go out in the mornings, to get breakfast and go to the small market in my area if I run out of food stuff.  From tomorrow onwards, we are not allowed to dine out, only take-aways within the 10km radius from our homes.  I guess I have to log in youtube to check out more cooking/baking as what I did last year in March 2020.  LOL... 

Below are my breakfast/lunch meals.... I only cook dinner.... too stressful to cook three meals a day!  LOL.. 

Roasted pork with koay teow in clear soup...
Of course, this has no kick... 
But eaten with curry pork skin is a different matter.... 
Even though the soup is in a different tiffin, by the time I poured in, 
the food does not look as good as served in the shop.... 
Even the mint leaves have "disappeared"...
Dug out a few pieces of roasted pork for photo taking... LOL... 
Curry is anytime more "kick"than the clear soup!
Bought for lunch but couldn't finish them all....
So dinner same food... no choice...
Nowadays cannot afford to be picky on food.... 
This is for today's lunch, I went at 10.30am...
The food displayed at the shop were still fresh and neat... 
For the above food, it cost RM16...
For that price, I have fish, chicken and 
5 types of vegetables with free soup and rice...
Too bad the shop is quite far from my place...


What You Should Have In Your Car For Emergencies

 You never know when you’re going to run into trouble on the road. Whether it’s an accident or a breakdown, you can be left vulnerable if you’re not able to drive away from the scene immediately. For that reason, it’s wise to be ready for emergencies with the right tools at your disposal. Here, let’s look at what that emergency kit should really include.

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A first-aid kit

First of all, if you get into a collision, then there is going to be a good chance that someone is injured. Even if the injury is a light cut, you should make sure that you’re ready to help patch it up with a first-aid kit to prevent things like infections. However, if someone seems very badly injured, it’s important not to move them unless they are in immediate danger of more severe injuries. Furthermore, if you are in an accident but you don’t feel injured, it’s still important to see the doctor as some issues like whiplash might not manifest for some time.

A phone and the right numbers

It’s a good idea to have a spare phone available in the car, particularly an older one with some minutes on it so that you can follow your post-crash checklist. You will need the right numbers to do that, too, including your insurance company, a breakdown or towing service, and perhaps even some legal assistance. That way, even if your own phone is lost or damaged in the incident, you can still get in touch with the people that you need to call to ensure your safety after the fact.

Crucial information and paperwork

If you end up breaking down or getting into an accident, you may be questioned about the nature of the car’s ownership, not to mention its repair history and insurance details. As such, it’s wise to keep paperwork in the car, preferably all in the same place. This can include things like your repair information, insurance claim forms, AAA information, your license, registration, and the like. Keep these in a safe file that you can pull out whenever you need to. Most people tend to keep this kind of papers in their glove box.

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A spare

One of the parts of the car that is most likely to lead to its failure, or at least to more dangerous driving conditions, is the tyre. If you get a flat, it’s best to pull over as quickly as you can to prevent damage to the wheel itself. Having a spare tyre and changing kit in the trunk can help you get things back up and running. You might even want to consider buying spare wheels so that your roadside assistance services can fit them for you. Otherwise, a temporary stop can be turned into a much longer hiatus from driving.

Some jumper cables

Your battery is also likely to be a cause of breakdowns. If you don’t replace it in time, it can drain, leaving you stranded on the side of the road. There are a lot of different jumper cable sets that you can buy, but you usually want it to be roughly six meters in length. This can help you connect your battery to the battery of another car, and give yours the jolt of energy you need to complete your journey or at least make it to a garage.

A car repair kit

Aside from the tire and jumper cables kits mentioned above, there are a few other things you should bring with you. Motor oil can be incredibly useful because you might find yourself struggling with a very tight fit bolt, for instance. The tire pressure gauge can help you quickly make sure that your tires in good condition, too. Lastly, a little engine coolant can help you get your engine back into good health if you have stopped due to it overheating. These little bits and pieces should be kept in your boot to the side for when you need them.

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Things to help you see better

You might not necessarily find yourself stopping in the middle of the day when the sun is out. The dark can be a tricky and dangerous thing to deal with. That’s why you should make sure you have a decent travel torch handy in the car so that you can see better at night. Ice is another thing that can affect your visibility, especially when it comes to your windows and windscreen. For that reason, you should consider bringing an ice scrape with you, as well.

Things to help you be seen

It’s not just your visibility you need to worry about, in terms of being able to see. You should also be concerned about whether people can see you, especially at night. Without your headlights on, it might be difficult for other motorists to see you. As such, it’s recommended you have high-visibility gear at the ready. This can include a jacket for you to wear, but you should also consider cones or other high-visibility markers that can be placed around the car to alert others to its presence. Generally, you don’t want to get out of your car except to place these down.

Food, water, and clothes

It not always easy to anticipate when you might be left stranded, but if you’re planning on taking a trip a long way from home, then you should be ready for the possibility of a breakdown. It’s wise to keep some bottled water, some non-perishable and easy-to-eat foods, as well as some warm clothes and blankets in your car. That way you can make sure you’re kept fed, hydrated, and warmed up. You can protect yourself even in the winter if you have the right gear to keep you comfortable until help arrives.

If you get into an accident or a breakdown, having the right preparations in place can make all the difference. Hopefully, the tips above have given you some thoughts about how you could be better prepared for the likelihood of car trouble.

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...