Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Independence Day In Pusing

Happy Independence Day to all of the Malaysians!

I was not born yet when Malaysia achieved her Independence from the British. (so not too old really! LOL) But few years later, I was born and since then I am considered a true bred Malaysian.. raised in Ipoh and have been staying here since... hopefully one day I can "uproot" myself and stay in some greener pastures on the other side of the unknown mountain.

Ok, enough crap...

Since today is a holiday, my kids and I woke up very late but by 11.30am, we were out from the house, driving using the coastal way this time... we made plans to go to Tanjung Tualang actually... but last minute, we heard from a friend saying that a few shops in TT were burnt in a fire. So our plans made a "detour" and we eventually ended up in Pusing.... about 40 minutes drive from our house.

Pusing is a small town...

the main road in Pusing

cars were aplenty but mostly parked
cos it was lunch time when we reached..
mostly everyone were in the shops having a 'feast'

it was a hot day.. and Peter Loh's soya bean
and bean curd dessert caught our eyes...

Girl having fun at the stall..
looks like she was manning the stall...

yes, truly she was.. helping Peter Loh...
and having fun too!

after our lunch and buying so much tidbits,
we continued on with our journey...

Food Court In Taiping Town

Continuation of my Taiping trip... from the lake, we went to town to drive around...and always ended up eating at the food court in town.

we parked the car opposite this corner

and we walked across to the food court here..

so many stalls and so much food...

the famous kueh man.. (desserts corner)

very busy managing the stall...

so much kuih-muih (desserts)

don't know what to choose...

ended up taking mee jawa....

and ice blended red bean..

Monday, August 30, 2010

BWF World Championship Finals 2010

courtesy photo from badminton forum
Astro didn't show this part.. cis..

Last night Malaysian players Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong lost the finals to China players despite a tough fight during the first two sets. When it came to the rubber, my favourites did a lot of mistakes and there was already a six point cushion, thus making it difficult for them to get even with the Chinese players.

Well, it is still a Silver medal for my heroes... not too bad, in fact Rexy said that he is proud of his two players... they had a fighting spirit during the quarters and the semi-finals... just that the Chinese are a much better pair.

Anyway, I had a good time watching this game... my girl said I gila...hahaha...cos I clapped hands and yelled all by myself.. gila or not? hahahhaaa.....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scenic Sunday

After some tedious week, someonetold me to "chill out." For me, chilling out means going for a trip and drive leisurely at my own pace and time, of course, not forgetting to stop by for some "unhealthy" food on the way.

On Friday I went to Penang and today I was in Taiping. As usual we would go to the lake to have some "breather" and I cannot help taking some pictures again. Don't know why, the lake and the trees always seem to fascinate me a lot.... so serene and peaceful just looking at them...

me in front of lake...

Me with the branch... :)

World Championship Finals Badminton 2010

Tonight is the night... The game some Malaysians like to watch and criticise about because as far as I know, many do not like Koo Kean Keat as much as I like him... Tan Boon Heong on the other hand receives a much better comments than KKK.

Putting those indifferences aside, lets be "patriotic" when it comes to our own country. As I see from the schedule, China has all her players in every game, only the Men's singles and Men's doubles are from different countries. Single men is Taufik against Chen Jin... sigh.. if only Lee Chong Wei didn't lose to Taufik in the quarter finals, he would have stand a chance in becoming the World Champion tonight!

Come On Malaysians!
Let's give our support to them tonight!
Let us see them "high 5" like this..
It will be a very tough fight against the China players!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ding Hao In Shatin Court

Yesterday we went to Penang for a day trip only because AAron had to go back to his Uni for an interview which was held this morning. Before I sent him back to the U, we stopped by at Shatin Court for our dinner. It was a first time for my kids...when I mentioned that we were going to Ding Hao for our dinner, the three of them were expecting a fully air conditioned restaurant... hahahaha...

"HUH... this is called Ding Hao?" they all exclaimed...

yes, this is Shatin Park Food Court
and the stall we took our dinner is called Ding Hao..

yeeeee... Andy was saying...
"tricked" by mummy... lol...
ok ..and now for the dishes...

sambal paku pakis

salted egg crabfish..(lai liew har)

egg foo yoong

steamed "Ho Wai" fish..
i hope i m correct in the name...
This fish itself cost RM52.00!
4 dishes plus one soup came to RM81.00
Very reasonable if not for the fish which was costly...

Gurney Drive Gurney Plaza

It's a holy, holy, holiday.... someone asked me where I went the whole day, she didn't see me online almost the whole day until now....

So where did I go this morning?

see this tree here?
Does it remind you anywhere?

how about this? any idea?

and this... sigh... it was such a depressing sight..

This is Gurney Drive.. all dried up...
Is it due to dry weather...
I remember it was not like this recently...

it was around 10.30am when we arrived this morning...
not many cars were around...

it was still early when we reached...

Gurney Drive...

Yes, Mega Sales is on!!

Happy Shopping!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Unipac Free Gift From TM Net

A great surprise call came around 11.45am.... asking me whether I am so-and-so and that he wanted to deliver a gift... a gift I have been waiting for a month already.... a gift that I posted about just two days ago...


Remember my ranting post two days ago? Mr Ivan really granted my request! True enough, he managed to deliver this Netbook in two days and not two weeks!! So it is not all talk and no work, Mr. Ivan really made an effort to get this delivered ... so nice of him.. (will give him a drink if I know who he is.. hahaha...)

at last...my own mini netbook...

Thanks to Andy too....

he downloaded whatever needs to be downloaded..

and now the problem is...
for an old lady like me,
will I get used to this mini-sized netbook???

Quarter Finals Badminton Open In Paris

I was 20 minutes away from my house when Tammy called to tell that Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong were playing in the second set in the badminton Quarter Finals. Cis... I thought I could make it in time to watch their first set. And man... did I drive like Formula One.... so many traffic lights but seemed to be on my side and reached home in time to watch the third set... phew...

Their game was very exciting this time.. very good techniques used and defensive used... Koreans were like caught off-guarded by the Malaysians this time....

This time KKK/TBH won with admiration 23/25, 21-13, 21-14.... exciting game eventhough I managed to watch one set only... Must watch the repeat tomorrow...

Now Lee Chong Wei is playing against Taufik Hideyat from Indonesia, 2nd set... Taufik won the first.. will update later.... ok...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Independence Day ....

It will be a long weekend..... yahoooo!!!

Tomorrow is a holiday, forgot what it, lazy to go calendar and check, as long as it is a holiday, who cares! So...Friday, Saturday, Sunday.... come Monday, working day...and then Tuesday, it is MERDEKA!! (INDEPENDENCE DAY) In other words, take one day leave on Monday and I can have five days off in a row! wow....

My colleagues and I enjoy our Independence when our bosses are not around... that is really Independence!

At home when kids are not around, yes, that is Independence Day too but it is not a nice independence day.... the house will be too quiet... I don't like.

But at this moment of time, I am very happy....cos my princes are back for the long weekend, YES! So nice.... Ok, spend less time blogging these few days and spend more quality time with them... (sounds like a 24/7 mum? Cis!)

So how about you all... what are you all going to do? Anyone coming to IPOH? :)

Badminton World Cup 2010 Is On Live!

World Cup Badminton is on again!!! Astro is showing live now, in a couple of hours, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong are playing against a China young pair. Never under estimate the China pair...better worry for our Malaysian double players.

Recently in the papers, KKK said that his passion is eating...and no wonder la.. he gained so much weight and compared to other badminton players, he is on the plump side. Heard he has shed some pounds... well, I will see about that later on TV.

Lee Chong Wei will coming on after them... hopefully these Malaysian players can go into quarter finals!! They are the only ones left in the whole group.... others have "packed up." sigh..

(12.31am latest update: KKK/TBH breezed into the quarter finals tomorrow)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mr Ivan From TM Net

From the time I got "released" from work at 4.30pm today, I have been so occupied.... gone are the days when time is "abundant." hahahaa... someone will sure "tembak" me later...

After work as usual, on the dot 4.30pm, I punched my card and went off.... gotta rushed back to call TMNet before it closes at 5... They promised the Netbook be delivered two weeks from date of application but now it is going to a month and still no sign of Netbook or whatever book they are supposed to give me. I called the 1800.xxx.xxx and one Mr. Ivan answered that TM has made a mistake in the applicant's name and they just fixed it last week. So he told me to wait for 2 weeks more... Gosh!! (I felt my temperature rising... not sure why, hot weather, is it?)

I retaliated by replying that since it was their mistake, they should not make me wait another 2 weeks, they should speed up the delivery in these 2days instead... Mr. Ivan being so nice said that he would do as I requested... Wahhh... so gracious staff TM net has now... Whether it really arrives in two days or not, I do not know, but the way the reply was given, it sort of "cooling" and "soothing" ...all at once, the heat in me melted... (suddenly weather not so hot...)

Well, I guess this is the type of etiquette we love to hear, especially addressing to ladies like me.....who is in the midst of undergoing abnormal "hormonal change" these days....haahaaha....

Hongkong Travelers Tragedy In Philippines

I was very blur..... as I said, I never read papers much these days, all I turn to is Sports, Badminton, Sports, Badminton on the World Cup in Paris.

Little did I know that there was such a tragedy happened in Philippines... I came to know of this tragedy through my colleague Lynn.... Actually we do not know how true and accurate the media is.. all we heard is one side of the story... ok, I am not going to talk about who is right or wrong...

After watching some of the Youtube clips, it was indeed a very and extremely horrifying experience that can never be forgotten especially by those poor passengers in the bus. I feel so sorry and sad for the victims and their loved ones especially one Mrs. Leong whose husband, 2 daughters 14 and 21 died in the bus and her son in critical condition. A family of 5 ... going for a vacation together... ended up in a tragedy.. who would have thought this would happen......

Whoever is in the wrong, will never bring back lives of those who perished in this tragedy.... My condolence to the families of the victims...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Once Upon A Time Jubilee Park Cabaret

Ipohians who are born in the 50s and 60s will recognise this place as one of the most "IN" during those days. It was named Jubilee Park Cabaret or Nightclub, I cannot remember, dances like "Joget," "A-go-go," "cha-cha" were on nightly with live band and at times "striptease" shows were performed here too. At night when we walked past, we could hear the live band and singers singing the Malay and English songs of the 60s. During the day, I passed by this place each time I walked to school.

The other day as I was waiting for parking, I couldn't help taking these pictures.... I have a feeling that this would be demolished soon... it has become an eye sore in Ipoh new town... but as far as I know, once-upon-a-time, this place was a "Hot Happening Area" but in today's time, it has become a "Run-down Area"... kinda sad to see it was not "uplifted."

the tall banner displayed movies titles up there those days...

the part painted in red was a cabaret...
during the Rose Chan's days..

where you can have a dance for a ticket...
but now it is desserted...
all is left is the Cabaret shell...

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Started A Joke...

Looking back at my previous post on such and such a date, it has opened my eyes in what blogging world is about. Any blog post written here is exposed to anyone, anybody, anywhere all over the world. While I took for granted that my blog was only read by my friends and bloggers whom I know, but I realized that, no, it was not, thinking deeper into it, this blog is open to everyone who comes by, some we know and many we do not...

Talking about that post... I received some negative feedback from some anonymous. I didn't realize that what I wrote had created a misunderstanding. For those who know me, they know I was joking, for those who don't know me, they thought I am a sadist. :)

Ok, I am sure some of you will ask which post I have written that received a "slight furore." It was the two dogs post... Labbie and Pokemon. When I snapped the pictures, they were actually playing with each other. But when I posted them up in my blog, I have created a Havoc story between the two dogs and some thought I purposely let my Labbie "fought" with Pokemon in a duel, like the giant Goliath with the shepherd David. Later I explained that Pokemon is a "weekend" friend to Labbie and that Labbie shared her food with Pokemon too...

Anyway it is good to voice out your grievances in that post so that I learn how to be more cautious with my words next time. But it is also good to know a blogger well enough before one jumps into conclusion... and lastly, it is also ethical to put your name there so that I can come to you (blog) and explain the situation rather than staying behind the closed door.

Sorry, I just got to know that some may not have blogs so I cannot go to them... conclusion: I guess I have to get used and not fear seeing the word "Anonymous" in my blog.. hahahaa.. How many of you worry when you see the word "Anonymous" in your comment box? Cham... I do worry one.. cos I am "sai tam." (no guts) :)

My Cute Bookmark

Joining giveaways is fun... especially when you win! LOL... it does not matter what the prize is, the fun of joining with many other bloggers you come to know, is something very different than those contests/giveaways advertised in newspaper. Din't win also never mind because you know that some of your friends did... and you feel happy for them too!

This time I got one nice bookmark from this cute pretty mommy. While this blogger here said that the bookmark suited her because of her little ladybirdie, then I wanna say this bookmark suits me too because Labbie looks like this puppy here when she was small... LOL...

Thanks Ling for this lovely bookmark!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


My first meeting with Wenn in Indulgence at 9am... I thought I was early but no, she was already there before me. It was already 9am and we were practically the first customers of the day....

The Indulgence

Beautiful environment surrounded with greens..

a warm ambiance for those who prefer quiet and serenity..

an end high boutique hotel upstairs..

we were ushered into this beautiful corner..

which corner is the best...

we picked this corner..
comfortable cushions on one side...
after waiting for more than half hour...

Wenn's Pomme Pomme came....

slightly chat potato halves, topped with poach eggs
crispy croissant slices...

spinach and carrot puree...

I chose a Boxed-In

stuffed with egg, turkey cubes, beans, spinach...

with onions in crisp bread with lemon hollandaise
& lemon pepper pearls...
(hahaha... how did i remember all these?)
and the meal came with 2 glasses of fresh fruit juice...

as usual... one for the album...

Many thanks to Wenn for the lovely dovey breakfast meal...
I really enjoyed this special breakfast, my first time ever and hope it won't be the last...
Let's meet up again and this time, let it be on me.... :p

Indulgence Living (And Restaurant)
14, Jalan Raja Di Hilir 30350 Ipoh

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...