Monday, November 30, 2009

Yeh Loi Heong

My frens and I went to Yeh Loi Hiong Coffeeshop for our dinner, yes, coffeeshop with ceiling fans and all, no air cond one. We ordered a few simple dishes and the five of us have a nice time sharing our chats filled with laughter... That is all that counts.. the comfortable company with one another...

this is stewed pork ribs in a small kwali...

or chien with eggs...

mixed kai lan...

lala with kam hiong leaves...

salted steamed crabs...
and the bill came to RM86 plus rice and drinks
for Ipoh standard, it was on the high side..
no air cond, some more...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

One, Two, Three Birthdays...

Someone commented..."your birthday lasts for one month?"
No la.. I just want to post all my pictures up, once I have done with that, I will delete the pictures from my folder, so I only have this blog to keep memories alive....

A few of my ex-classmates gathered together last week, a coincidence that a few of them came back from KL when our birthdays were around that time. Who are the birthday "girls?" There were three of us, actually... one day older than the other but in the month of November. For the last few years, we celebrated each other's birthday, one after another....

the three oldies but goldies standing behind
are the birthday girls...

our miniature cake....

One for the album...
All of us born on the same year....
Some still "Miss" and the rest are "Ah Soh/Aunties"

(pssst... no need to wish us happy birthday anymore)
enough... cukup... LoL....

Before And After...

My flowers are going to be withered soon... I have monitoring their blooming ever since I received them and as from my "analysation", they will become dry in a another day or two. After which, I will hang them upside down and soon they will be on the verge to becoming "dry flowers" instead.

To remember them by, the "before" and "after" of these flowers will posted here... next time, who knows, when I am old and absent minded, I have this post to refresh back my memory, "ah... so I have received flowers before on my birthday in 2009... " But who the sender is, I might not remember then....

The day I received....

it has blossomed... so beautifully...



Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Recipes, Please...

Chicken, chicken... I am getting fedup of cooking chicken almost everyday. Due to health reasons, I might not be eating much meat from now onwards, I prefer fish to chicken and pork..

As for now, Andy loves chicken, Fernie loves fish, I love vegetables... so I ended up cooking each of everything... No one will complain ....

I did the buttered chicken again but without the salted egg. Better not to consume so much of salted egg though it is really tasty. This time I put more garlic and curry leaves for a stronger aroma taste... oh, I added in two cilipadi-s for some "kick" and "umph..."

the green cilipadi..
this fat short ones are not spicy..actually..

this is dish
i added some gingko and enoki mushrooms...

Fernie's fish soup...

Simple meal for three of us..
so... after this, I have to go hopping again...
"curi curi" recipes... any recommendations?

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Day The World Stood Still...

On the 25th at 7pm, Tam and I went "dating"... It was her birthday and my girl treated both of us to this movie. A Super Wednesday in TGV, the ticket only cost RM7 compared to RM11 normally..or was it RM12?

Upon reaching the cinema, we both realized we didn't bring our cardigans, cham.... she and I are so "young" that we cannot tahan cold already. Fortunately she managed to rummage through her car boot and got a big weathershield... lol.. big enough to cover both of us like a blanket.. lol.. I should take a pic of that "lifesaver!" It saved us from our toilet trips at least... *too cold cannot tahan not going to pee, right?*

Ok, enough of that crap... my intention is to write on this movie... Tam kept grumbling throughout the movie, said it was too "farce" , how could the hero and family not die when all the others did when they were escaping the wrath of the earthquake..

Well, I shut her up ... I said the main motive of this movie is not to show the hero-s or what, it is to make known that when the end of the world really comes, no one can escape the wrath... The tsunami-s ended it all... there won't be a big ship to carry us away nor some spaceship to fly us over to the moon.. all will vanished... While it is frightening to see all these happen, at the same time, it is an eye opener for us.

Why did I blog about it today? Cos I dreamt of it last night, I was driving my car escaping the tsunami that is coming from the coastal area, Lumut... I was driving at a high speed..... aimlessly... and suddenly... suddenly......


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Where We Ended Up That Night...

I am still in the birthday mood.. (please bear with me....) I did not post up my pictures yet, I mean our dinner....

We went out for dinner at 7pm.. I wasn't supposed to ask where Andy was taking us, he told me to buckle up and sit back and he would do the rest. Upon reaching town, he mumbled, "how to go to that side... ? where to park... " That moment, I couldn't resist asking him where actually he wanted to go... he was contemplating left or right...or what.. I was not sure...

Then he blamed it on his brother Aaron... "Goh goh never gave me the right directions...." (Andy, for all I know, he is not very familiar with town roads! He is like me, no sense of directions... lol... ) After turning round and round, he finally reached his destination, only to find Brewster Lane Coffeehouse was already closed.. CLOSED FOR GOOD! LOL...

We were feeling very hungry by then... I told him to go for chinese food... . but NO, he wanted western foood... so did Fernie.. (hey, I thought it was my birthday? Not I choose meh?)

Finally Andy drove us here...
Greentown YeOld English...

grilled pepper fish...

YeOlde English special
spring chicken with mushroom sauce..

mine.. salmon plus something...

Aaron...u r missing in here..
come back quick!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Road Side Fest...

My birthday lunch was at Moment's cafe (in my letswallop blog)....After our lunch, Lynn suggested that a meal is not a meal without eating a dash of durians... so... without much ado, we adjourned to our regular durian boss along the road side in First Garden.

The minute he saw us coming, he gleefully attended to us. Though WE are not those big customers, he was happy to see us.. why? All leng lui ma.. hahhhaa... NO La.. of course not, only LYNN is young enough to deserve such a compliment. Maybe we r a pleasant lot and don't mind eating just by standing there and then.

OH, perhaps he likes us taking his pictures la.. yes, that must be it... see, he even posed with his assistant ... he said make sure to put on the computer... LOL...

Then he gave us 5 durians for only RM10 !! hahaha.. that is the best.. so we must remember to smile sweetly whenever we go and see him...

glorious duriansssss

Lynn enjoying her share...

no time to smile..
seriously enjoying...

hmmmm... finished enjoying...
now can smile...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Little Darlings... .

Let me go straight to supper pictures before I call it a night...
We went to Secret Recipe for our dessert...
a birthday is not a birthday without biting into some cakes and these were what we ordered.....

Mine was raspberry cheese cake...

Girl ordered a carrot cake...

and my boy ordered white chocolate....

When I reached home I was presented with a present from my girl and my boy...

thank you dears,
both of u know mum needs this...
anti wrinkle and firming cream
for both day and night...

(Aaron, thank you so much for the dinner, I know u r paying for it too.. and u still owe me a gift... hehehee.... and I am expecting something special from you too!!)

Where Have All The Flowers Gone..

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you for your good wishes to me...
I have a beautiful and interesting day...
Tiring as well... my mouth never stop eating and eating...
From morning 8.30am till 9.30pm....
My breakfast, lunch and dinner and supper were fully sponsored,
I am indeed blessssed with so many wonderful amazing friends & bloggers...
A wonderful day made special by all of you.....

At 4pm I received a call from the counter
Asking me to go down to the ground floor
And received this beautiful bouquet of flowers...

thank you, dear...

when I reached home, I found this...

thank you, dear...

I am so Happy..
I am speechless.. wordless...
I don't know what to say now...
I just wanna rest.. rest my mind..
I am still in awe...
So much to be thankful for..
my love ones, my friends, my colleagues..
my fellow bloggers friends here...
I Lup You All !!!

to be continued tomorrow...

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Pre-Birth-Day....

Gone are the days that I received flowers such as this......
*cough...cough... *

and this...*ahem..ahemmmm..*

how happy a lady can get...
though the flowery years have gone by..
more is coming on the way
not flowers, not diamond rings
I do not need all that..
I have beautiful wonderful friends..
who love me just the same I am
and I love them just the way they are..

Simple I am
Complicated I am not
My heart is deeply touched
For your kind generous thought..

my sweet and gentle friend..Elin
Thank You for this raspberry butter cake
no words can describe
how much it meant to me...

I am so happy...
joyful and gay...
family I have...
friends at bay...

Though I am not 25
Thank you once again...
For making feel like one...

(btw, it is not my birthday yet... this cake was received in advance...
tomorrow I "suspect" I will be treated to a breakfast, lunch and a dinner...

hey... got supper too or not?
karaoke? disco?
No? None? awwwww...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

There Goes My Only....


I heard a "plak" sound when my best buddy, Tam, leant across the table to get something.... and the next thing I knew, it was my favorite pair of specs. I have forgotten I left my specs on the table and it was covered by a cardboard. Tam also didn't realize it was there and her arm crushed my poor specs till the right "arm" came out.... sob...sobbbbbbb...

I can see my RM400 flying away..... (fly, money, fly.. up up to the sky.... )

my poor specs...
the other day Andy broke his..
today mine broke..
i guess it is time to get a new pair for my birthday..

so... any donations here? no?
sponsors.... no?
charity? no?
*dig own pocket* YES, no choice!

Biscuits N Cookies

Learn about this biscuit shop through some IPOH bloggers and I went there to get some special biscuits for my blogger friends.... After trying out a few choices myself, I only like the type with lotus plus meat floss heong pian (biscuit). Sorry, I didn't take a picture of that... but from the Eugene's feedback, it was superdelicous... I agree with him, Andy loves it too, so paying a bit more for one packet is worth it.. once awhile... :p

these kaya puffs are best eaten fresh...
one or 2 days later, they turn soft...

there are assorted biscuits here too..
u can buy 100gm each of everything here.. LOL...
btw, cookies, biscuits.. same same.. right?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

BitterSweet Pain

For durian lovers whose age are 40 over, let me give you one advice... don'tever eat durians if your stomach is not filled with food yet.. in other words, don't eat with an empty stomach or hungry stomach, like I did....

We had a durian fest in the office the other day during lunch time. ON that particular day, I didn't take lunch, just breakfast... and I ended up taking 5 or 6 seeds of durians, not too many, right?

Well, the next thing I know, ie after two hours, I felt something not right at my back ... A sharp pain jabbing me behind the left side of my back..... OUCh...!!! The pain seemed to be here and there... I quickly asked my colleague to massage my back.... (Gouri, if you are reading this, terima kasih ah.... ) She told me that was angin (wind) and she did a good job with her powerful hands, only sounds of Ooww.... OOOWWWWwww was heard....


one lesson learnt..

eat durians only after meals..
and not when hungry...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...