Friday, July 27, 2012

Prepaid Cards

I remember reading an article about college kids, it stated that parents whose kids are in college, ought to keep this in mind. "Do not give your kids a car and a credit card, these three "Cs" will spell "Trouble."  Now that my kids are in college, this statement comes to my mind every now and then, so much so that I always keep track of his spending.  So far, thank God, he is "fine" and not misusing them where necessary.  But to have a peace of mind, this prepaid cards for kids is pretty practical too.  With this cards, we can monitor and send money to them whenever there is a need to. 


  1. Over here, all banks are issuing prepaid credit cards as normal bank cards, no more the old ATM cards. Technology is changing fast.

  2. thats really convenient i think


Thank you, readers!

Seafood Platter At Home

DESSERTS OVER... THE MAIN MEAL CAME... It should be the other way round but knowing us, desserts would go to waste after this main meal.  So...